Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Second Grade Religion 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Second Grade ELA 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 1/26 to 1/30

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 1/26 to 1/30

Dear Parents,
         Due to the many changes in scheduling occurring this week, I have decided to wait until Wed. to clarify any assignments that I will be giving. Tomorrow there will be Mass at 11:00 so all students should be in school uniform.On Thursday students will be assigned independent work since teachers will be meeting to discuss report card grades.
             Students from each grade should bring both test folders in so that they may be collected by this Wed. A BRIEF HANDWRITING EXAM WILL BE GIVEN ON WEDNESDAY IN SCRIPT ONLY FOR THIRD AND FOURTH. SECOND GRADE WILL BE TEST IN PRINT. All THIRD grade students should bring in their flow chart (done in the  former lesson with the coach ) since many papers were not collected on Monday when I had my meeting with the coach. I am assigning only Handwriting for Tuesday's homework which is not due till Friday.  I am assigning homework for Thursday which is due on Monday. Please see below.

1/27 Handwriting- Do p. 42.
1/29 ELA- Watch entire video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfH3fQbi4Xc&index=9&list=PL2hNWqT0lIlhXBq_GjSLS9b7g2KuEBOWL.  Then on looseleaf write a full heading, a title, and an essay of three paragraphs explaining the differences between prose, drama, and poetry.

1/27 Handwriting - Do p. 87.  Make up your own list of SIX different directives.
1/29 ELA-  Please wait until next week to do research on the inventor.  Do research on the topic given on Wed. on the sea animal you were assigned.  On loose leaf write a full heading.  Write the name of your animal as a title.  Write a two paragraph essay with 5 or 6 sentences in each. Be sure to include information about  its characteristics  (how it looks), its movement, its diet (what it eats), its enemies, and ways of protecting itself.  Bring in two 8x11 pictures of the animal . One should be an action picture (eating, fighting). Prepare to speak about it. All information must be based on research - no guessing!

1/27 Handwriting- Do pp. 40-41.
1/29 ELA- On the web site http://www.kidscomputerlab.org/index.php/language-arts/tall-tales-activity/ skip the videos on the top and scroll down to the stories.  Click on each of the stories below.
Read each one. Then choose one! On loose leaf  write a heading. Write a title.  Retell the story in  a paragraph of six sentences telling what could be real and what is exaggerated.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Grades for 1/19 to 1/23

Dear Parents,
        Please remember that Religion projects are due this week from all grades.  All projects should be brought in no later than this Wednesday including essay and accompanying pictures as listed in directions. All test folders will be sent home this week and should be returned by Friday. Students can review these and continue to study notes  in their ELA and Religion notebooks especially all topics listed in the Study guides on the blog. No other homework will be assigned till Mid Term exams are over.  Mass has been cancelled for this Wednesday but there will be a Mass next Wednesday at 11:00.  Brief assessments will be given this week to review for exams. Religion Mid Term is on Thursday and ELA Mid Term is on Friday. A separate Penmanship Exam will be given next Monday.


Monday, January 12, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 1/12 to 1/16

Dear Parents,
         Progress Reports were sent home on Friday.  Please remember that these need to be signed and returned by Tues., Jan. 13th.  Review Notes for Mid Terms for both ELA and Religion were posted  on the blog over this past weekend for each grade.  They are posted by subject on two different blogs. All students should refer to their  ELA notebooks for study  and both Religion. THIRD and FOURTH graders received sheeets of Religion notes as well that were stapled into their Religion notebooks.  Second graders should refer to their Religion text book for most of their study.  Please remember that there is no school this Friday, Jan. 16th or Monday, Jan. 19th .  This gives all students time to study well for their Mid-terms which are scheduled from Jan. 21st to Jan. 23rd as well as to work on their Religion project which is due  Jan. 20th.
         Unfortunately, I had to inform all classes this week that LATE hoomework can no longer be accepted because it is happening much TOO OFTEN. For example,on a recent assignment for the second grade, only 15 out of 30 students gave in their homework on the day it was due.  Many students are getting confused about what assignments were due and when or forget to give it in when it is finally completed or give it in when assignment grades have already been entered.  Students who are absent are expected to check the homework blog and even lesson plan to see what they have missed and do the work for practice since it might appear on a test. However if they are absent, their homework assignment grade will be marked as excused.  If student is present, homework should be complete and given in on time.  Incomplete homework will be given 2 and if wrong pages are done, the grade will be 0.
          No other homework will be given this week in order to let students review welll and complete projects.

Fourth Grade Religion 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Second Grade Religion 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Second Grade ELA 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Third Grade ELA 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 1/12 to 1/16

Lesson Plan

Review Notes for Religion Mid-Term for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades

                             Review Notes for Religion Mid-Term Exams                  Ms. Saville

*Study the definitions of the following terms: commandments, holiness, conscience, covenant,  idolatry, temptation, Sabbath, Sanctus prayer, justice, Incarnation, Savior, Pentecost, peace, free will, sin, Church, gospel, homily, Kingdom of God, grace,
* Memorize the Sanctus prayer recited at every Mass.
*Memorize all the steps for making a good moral choice.
*Memorize the Ten Commandments. Know what the terms mean and ways to obey each one.
*Memorize Jesus Two Great Commandments and Jesus' New Commandment.
*Memorize the Corporal and the Spiritual Works of Mercy and how to practice each one.
*Know the steps of Reconciliation and their meaning: confession, contrition, penance, absolution.
*Know the different types of sins: original, venial, mortal, omission, commission
**** Study thoroughly set of printed notes and flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on www.sadlierreligion.com

*Study the definitions of the following terms: Church, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, Resurrection, Ascension, Advent, Pentecost, Incarnation, Kingdom of God, Annunciation, Savior, Bethlehem, Bible (Old Testament/ New Testament)
*Study the following vocabulary: parable, miracle, vestments, parish, diocese, vow, stewardship.
*Be able to identify the following people: prophet, apostles, disciples, bishop, priest, pastor, deacon,
layperson, religious brother or sister.
*Be able to identify the Sacraments of Initiation, the Sacraments of Healing, and the Sacraments of Service and what happens in each sacrament.
*Memorize the Ten Commandments and what each one means and explain how a third grader obeys
*Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments.
*Know the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
*Know the difference between  Liturgy of the Word and  Liturgy of the Eucharist (parts of Mass)
*Be able to retell Jesus' Parables of the Kingdom (eg. The Mustard Seed , The Sower of Seeds)
*Be able too retell other parables (eg. The Prodigal Son , The Good Samaritan)
*Be able to retell Jesus' miracles (eg. The Widow's Son , The Multiplication of Loaves, The Wedding of Cana
**** Study set of printed notes and flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on www.sadlierreligion.com

*Study the definitions of the following terms: worship, commandments, grace, miracle, apostles, disciples, human, divine, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, sacraments,  Advent, Nativity, Pentecost, Church, Crucifixion. Resurrection
*Memorize the Ten Commandments and what each one means.
*Know how to examine your conscience by identifying different sins you have committed.
*Know the steps of Reconciliation and their meaning: confession, contrition, penance, absolution.
*Memorize the Act of Contrition.
*Recognize the different types of sin: original, venial, mortal
*Identify each of the seven sacraments and the meaning of each: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist,
Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick.
*Know what happens in the sacrament of Baptism including people present (godparents), symbols used (water and light from a candle), why it is is celebrated (to become members of the Church)
*Be able to explain how we celebrate Advent: how to make an Advent wreath, how to decorate a Jesse tree, and how to set up a Nativity scene.
*Be able to explain how a second grader can obey each of the Ten Commandments.
*Be able to explain how Jesus is human and divine, giving example of each.
* Review flash card words from Unit 1, 2, 3 on www.sadlierreligion.com

Review Notes for ELA Mid -Term Exams for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades

                     Review Notes for ELA Mid -Term Exams                                         Ms. Saville

*Study the definition of the following terms in the ELA notebook:  text structure, inference, plot, theme, genre, author's purpose, myth, legend, setting, verse, stanza, dialog, prediction, narrative
*Distinguish declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
*Distinguish simple, compound, complex sentences and coordinating/subordinating conjunctions
* Use of modal auxiliaries: eg. can, may, shall, will, must
*Use of multiple meaning words: eg. bank, seal, second
*Recognize different types of transition words and how they are used in paragraphs.
*Recognize prepositions and prepositional phrases.
*Recognize examples of all different figures of speech: simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, hyperbole.
*Review use of correct punctuation including how commas can change meaning of a sentence.
*Review correct use of capitalization
*Distinguish PROSE, DRAMA, and POETRY and know the elements of each.
*Compare/contrast the poems "Clouds," "Fog," and "Dust of Snow."
*Be able to recognize different text structures (sequence, compare/contrast, cause and effect).
*Be able to compare/contrast two articles using a Venn diagram and use it to write an expository essay.

*Study the definitions of the following terms in the ELA notebook: generational story, trickster,
character traits, character motivation, idiom, homophone, sequence, dialog, problem, solution,
narrative, moral
*Distinguish telling, asking, command, exclamatory sentences.
*Distinguish simple, compound, complex sentences and coordinating/subordinating conjunctions
*Recognize subject/predicate agreement (eg. The boy sees...   The boys see...)
*Recognize pronoun antecedents  (eg, I carried a box. It was heavy)
*Distinguish literal and figurative language
*Recognize the idioms used in Amelia Bedelia books.
*Distinguish the different verb tenses: present, past, future
*Know the present and past verb forms of irregular verbs (eg. go - went - has gone)
*Know the spelling rules for forming regular plural nouns: (-s, -es, -y to -ies, -f to -ves)
*Know irregular plural nouns (eg. man/men ; fish/fish)
*Recognize examples of all different figures of speech: simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification (eg. in the poem "Eating While Reading."
*Recognizing different types of adjectives (describing size, color, number, quality)
*Recognizing different types of adverbs (describing when, where, how)
*Recognizing root word, prefix  (re-, un-) suffix (-ful, -ness)
*Distinguish concrete and ABSTRACT nouns (chair/truth)
*Review use of correct punctuation
*Review correct use of capitalization
*Describe the TRAITS and MOTIVATION  of different characters such as Julian, Huey, and Dad in  The Stories. Julian Tells.
*Explain the MORAL (lesson) of different trickster tales and fables.
*Be able to compare/contrast two articles using a Venn diagram and use it to write an expository essay.

*Study the definitions of the following terms in the ELA notebook:
biography, autobiography, introduction, conclusion, title, author, illustrator, character, setting, plot, main idea (theme), sequence, chapter, paragraph, fantasy, folktale, draft, edit, revise, opinion, reasons
*Recognize the different parts of a friendly letter: date, greeting, body, closing, signature
*Know how to write a friendly letter using correct capitalization and punctuation.
*Know the difference between a fragment and a sentence and a run on sentence
*Recognize telling, asking, command, exclamatory sentences.
*Review use of correct punctuation
*Review correct use of capitalization
*Be able to identify the NOUN, VERB, ADJECTIVE, ADVERB in a sentence.
*Know how to use apostrophes correctly in contractions and possessives.
*Review how to write different contractions  (eg. hasn't, I'll)
*Review singular possessives (one boy's coat) and plural possessives (all the boys' coats)
*Review how to use comparative adjective forms:  (eg. tall - taller - tallest)
*Recognize all different forms of collective nouns  (eg. herd of cows)
*Know how to use time order words to show sequence: first, next, then, last
*Be able to recognize examples of  a simile, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.
*Be able to compare what happens in two different seasons (eg. fall, winter)
*Be able to compare/contrast two articles using a Venn diagram.
*Be able to write an essay  (paragraph of six sentences) including  title, introduction and conclusion.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Reminder of Christmas Vacation Homework due by Jan. 9th

ELA- Go to http://www.taleswithmorals.com/ and read at least FIVE differentAesop's fables and
 study the morals of each. On looseleaf write a heading. Choose one fable.  Write a paragraph
 of 5 or 6 sentences retelling the story.  Then  write another paragraph of 5 or 6 sentences 
 explaining what  moral or lesson it teaches you and how it can help you in your own life.
REL- Study all Unit 1, 2,  3 flash cards words with definitions on www.sadlierreligion.com.
 Please make sure all are printed out, glued on either side of 3x5  index cards, and STUDIED.
 and answer pp. 152 and 154 on looseleaf.


ELA -Answer Voyages Workbook pp. 14 (see p. 97 for a model), 22, 24, 53, and 78.  Study
 all grammar notes in ELA notebook on comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs,
 regular and irregular plural nouns, concrete and abstract nouns, regular and irregular verb
 tenses, subject/verb agreement, and pronoun antecedent agreement.  Then answer Voyages 
Workbook pp. 14 (see p. 97 for a model).  Also answer  pp. 22, 24, 53, and 78 ON LOOSELEAF.
List each page and do neatly. All should fit on two sheets of looseleaf.
REL- Study all Unit 1, 2,  3 flash cards words with definitions on www.sadlierreligion.com.
 Please make sure all are printed out, glued on either side of 3x5  index cards, and STUDIED.
 MEMORIZE ALL TEN COMMANDMENTS, study Chapter 17, and answer pp. 205 (matching
 part only) and 206 on looseleaf.

ELA- Go to  http://mhschool.com/lead_21/grade4/ccslh_g4_rl_1_2c.html to study the differences between prose, poetry, and drama.  On THREE sheets of looseleaf write a heading. On one looseleaf write the title Poetry, on  the second write Drama, and on the third write Prose. Click on the first one:  Poetry. Find the elements for this genre as you scroll down. Click on each one of the elements and write its name and definition on the looseleaf titled Poetry.  Follow the same procedure to complete the other two sheets of looseleaf for Drama and for Prose.  STUDY THESE WELL.
 Remember you must click on each element  in each genre to get its definition.
Study Chapter 12 and on looseleaf answer pp. 144 and 154.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades 1/5 to 1/9

Dear Parents,
        MANY MANY THANKS for your Christmas gifts, which I opened on Christmas Day.  I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much. There will be 12:00 dismissal this Friday. Progress Reports will also be sent home this Friday.  The Religion Mid Term Exam is scheduled for Jan. 22nd and ELA Mid Term is on Jan. 23rd. Review sheets will be sent home  by Jan. 16th or earlier if possible.  Please see below for Tuesday's homework and check back on Thursday for the next homework assignment.

REL 1/6 -On looseleaf write heading. Answer pp. 140 &142.  Answers only.
MEMORIZE the Corporal Works of Mercy and the Spiritual Works of Mercy on p. 138.

ELA 1/8 In ELA notebook copy all the elements and their definitions for the genres: prose, dram, poetry on three different pages (as shown in class) one for each genre. Do it neatly.

REL 1/6- On looseleaf write heading.  Study Chapter 12.  Answer pp 152  & 154. Answers only.
 MEMORIZE the Ten Commandments.

ELA 1/8 On looseleaf answer pp. 72 and 89 in Voyages Workbook. Be sure to do top and bottom.

REL 1/6- On looseleaf write heading. Study Chapter 11 & 12.  Answer pp. 167-168. Answers only.
MEMORIZE the Act of Contrition in the Religion text book.

ELA 1/8 On looseleaf answer Voyages Workbook p. 222-223: sections D, E, F, G only answers

*****All classes are being assigned a Religion project that needs to be completed by Jan. 20th.  Please remember to begin early. Projects are worth 20% so please try to do your best. Please see below for directions. CONTINUE TO WORK ON THE PROJECT THIS WEEKEND!

Prepare a compare/contrast poster by taping two sheets of  light colored construction paper side by side.(USE ONLY STANDARD SIZE CONSTRUCTION PAPER -- NO POSTER BOARD)
Research the commandment you were assigned in class. Find and print a good  picture (placing it to the left side) that shows how you  obey the commandment. Write three sentences under the picture explaining how you obey it..  Then find and print  a good picture that shows how you disobey this same commandment (placing it on the right side). Write three sentences under this picture explaining how you disobey it.  Draw lines under each picture and write NEATLY using capital letters and correct punctuation and use complete sentences. 

 Do research on the sacrament you were assigned in class.  On loose leaf, write a two  paragraph essay on the sacrament.  Write a title. The first paragraph should include an introduction. BASED ON RESEARCH,  name the people present.  Name the symbols used and what each one means. Describe the garments people use.  In the second paragraph describe what happens during the sacrament and why it  is important. Be sure to write a conclusion.  Prepare a print out of four or five about  8x11 pictures that correspond with your essay and glue them on construction paper.

Note: Be sure to use correct vocabulary and spelling. Check for correct use of capitalization and punctuation.

Research the commandment you were assigned in class.  Read carefully and take notes from the  chapter on that commandment in your text book.   Be sure to use correct vocabulary and spelling. On looseleaf write a three paragraph essay on that commandment following the format below: Begin with  the title : The ______
Commandment. Each paragraph should be between  six to eight sentences only.
*1st paragraph:  Write an introduction  (question or statement), identify the commandment using quotation marks. Describe what the commandment means defining the terms  or phrases used (eg. honor, adultery)
*2nd paragraph:  Describe  various different ways in which people obey the commandment.
*3rd paragraph: Describe ways in which people disobey or violate the commandment. (eg. stealing, cheating, shoplifting, looting, identity theft) For the conclusion explain how you as a fourth grader would obey this particular commandment.
  Prepare a print out of TWO good 8x11 pictures that correspond with your essay and glue them on construction paper.     

Note: Be sure to use correct vocabulary and spelling. Check for correct use of capitalization and punctuation.

Second Grade Religion 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan

Second Grade ELA 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 1/5 to 1/9

Lesson Plan