Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Jan. 25 to 29

Dear Parents,
          Weekly quizzes have been on hold due to Mid terms last week  and now Interim tests this week. They will begin again next week  (hopefully). We have begun Module 3B for Grade 3 (Wolves in Fiction and Fact) , Module 3B for Grade 4  (Perspectives on the American Revolution), and Domain 4 for Grade 2 (Greek Mythology) in ELA.  In Religion we are all beginning Unit 3. All grades may begin printing out the flash cards for Unit 3 on www.sadlierreligion.com. Please see below for this Tuesday's homework

.REL 1/26  On looseleaf  write a heading. Then copy each  of the Luminous and each of the Joyful and write three sentences after each explaining what is happening in that mystery.  You will need to see  http://www.catholic.org/prayers/mystery.php?id=4#1. Click on the first mystery in each set ( words in red)  to see a description of  each.
MEMORIZE the five Luminous Mysteries and the five  Joyful Mysteries  and be able to explain what happens in each
Study Chapter 9 and 10 for the next weekly quiz.

REL 1/26 On looseleaf answer p. 180. Study Chapter 15 and 16 for next week's quiz.

REL 1/26 MEMORIZE the Act of Contrition prayer on p. 139. Study Chapters 11 and 12 for next week's quiz. THESE CHAPTERS ARE THE MOST IMPPORTANT SINCE MANY OF YOU ARE RECEIVING THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION THIS YEAR AND SEVERAL STUDENTS  STILL CONFUSE  THE  MEANINGS OF CONFESSION, CONTRITION, PENANCE, AND ABSOLUTION. On looseleaf write a heading and then write the meaning of these four steps.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Notices about Mid terms

Dear Parents,
      MOST fourth grade students did not do their Religion homework assigned last Thursday.  Their reason was that they were busy studying for their Math Exam. Although Tuesdays and Thursday are my scheduled days for asigning homework, I told the class that I would give them until Tuesday to complete it.  If Thursday's homework is not given in by next Tuesday, I will be entering 0 for this assignment.  The Religion Archdiocesan Exam is scheduled for Thursday and this is an important assignment that should be done and reviewed well to prepare for the exam, so no excuses or late asignments will be accepted.
      Below are the notes on holy days of obligation some students did not have a chance to finish on Friday. Please have them copy neatly into their Religion notebook:

  Aim: To learn the dates of the holy days of obligation      
A holy day of obligation is a day on which we MUST  attend Mass although it is not Sunday. These days are:  Solemnity of Mary (on Jan. 1) ;    Ascension Thursday (in May);  Assumption of Mary  (August 15);  All Saint’s Day   (Nov. 1);   Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8); Christmas  Day (Dec. 25)

         Second Graders, please remember to review the last sheet of Religion notes stapled in your Religion notebook, especially the essay questions.

Please standby for any additional information I may need to send this weekend. Thank you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Jan. 11 to 15

Dear Parents,
          This is a reminder that the ELA  Mid term is scheduled for Jan. 20 and Religion Mid term for Jan. 21.  The ElA Exam will consist of two sections: the first on Module 1 and  the second on Model 2.  EACH section will have 10 questions on vocabulary, 5 in Grammar, and an essay based on a reading passage. The second grade will do the same for Domain 1 and Domain 2. I am sending home all  quizzes to be reviewed thoroughly. I  RETURNED  ALL THE QUIZZES THAT WERE RETURNED TO ME. IF TESTS WERE LOST OR IF STUDENT WAS ABSENT FOR A CERTAIN QUIZ, THEY MUST STUDY WITH  A CLASSMATE OR  MAKE A COPY OF THE QUIZ.

1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study sheet of Religion notes labeled  "Review for Archdiocesan Exam" (both sides). I will be giving assessments based on this work. Leave the other two sheets for later.

1/14 REL- MEMORIZE the five Luminous Mysteries and the five  Joyful Mysteries  and be able to explain what happens in each. You will need to see  http://www.catholic.org/prayers/mystery.php?id=4#1. Click on the first mystery in each set ( words in red)  to see a description of  each.  On looseleaf  write a heading. Then copy each  of the Luminous and each of the Joyful and write three sentences after each explaining what is happening in that mystery.
ELA - Study notes on Oral Traditions, sheet on The Keeping Quilt, and  notes on how to write a research-based narrative.                                                                          

1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study  3 sheets of Religion notes labeled  "3rd Grade Religion Midterm Review" (both sides of each). I will be giving assessments based on this work.

1/14 REL - Review the  notes on the three parables: "The Mustard Seed," "The Sower of Seeds," and "The Good Samaritan."  Be ready to write a summary of each one.
ELA - Study notes on My Librarian Is a Camel.


1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Review all flash card words for Units 1 and 2 on www.sadlierreligion.com.  MANY STUDENTS RECEIVED POOR GRADES ON THE LAST ASSESSMENT! Students will be given another assessment this week on the same words.

1/14 REL - STUDY each of the Ten Commandments on p. 111 and the Act of Contrition on p. 139. You should know each commandment by its number.
ELA - Practice how to write a letter with all five letter parts in their correct places.

*Please check back for Thursday's homework

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Religion Study Guide for Grades 2, 3, 4

Dear Parents,
          On Jan. 6 all classes copied twenty vocabulary words and their definitions in their ELA notebooks listed under the heading: Vocabulary Review for Mid Term Exams.  Please make sure all students review these well.
           Please see below for a study guide in Religion for each class. Please remember that third and fourth grade will be taking the archdiocesan exam on line in January. Below is an outline.  More notes will be sent home next week. ALL GRADES SHOULD ALLSO STUDY THE  TWENTY VOCABULARY DEFINITIONS IN THEIR ELA NOTEBOOK AND WORK ON REVIEWING THE REST OF THE GRAMMAR SKILLS (with one star).

FOURTH GRADE Religion Study Guide

We are created in God's image so we are able to think, love, and make choices.
Creation reflects the beauty, wisdom, and goodness of God.
Respect for life : respect for the unborn, elderly, and the handicapped

 Sanctus prayer: prayer said or sung at every Mass. MEMORIZE PRAYER in notebook.

Know how to pray the rosary (see text p. 328: left side).  Study the Luminous Mysteries (the Five Mysteries of Light (p. 328 at the bottom) and see http://www.catholic.org/prayers/mystery.php?id=4 for explanation of these mysteries. MEMORIZE THESE MYSTERIES.

Conscience formation is a lifelong process.  It means learnig to know and to choose the good that God wants for us.  It is through conscience that we judge whether an act is right or wrong.  Free will is the ability to make choices. The sources of conscience formation are: scripture, church teachings, and examples by good people.

Know the six steps for making a good moral choice. MEMORIZE THESE STEPS in notebook.

Temptation is NOT sinful but can cause us to make selfish choices.

Examination of conscience is the act of determining whether the choices we have made showed love for God, ourselves, and others. (See text pp. 62-63).

Know how we celebrate Advent:
*lasts four weeks; liturgical color is purple
*create an Advent wreath with 3 purple candles and one rose candle
*set up a Jesse tree: bare branches decorated with Bible symbols
*set up a Nativity scene: Mary and Joseph in a stable with Jesus lying in a manger.

Know how we celebrate Christmas:
*lasts two weeks: liturgical color is white
*celebrate the birth of Jesus by attending Mass
*sing Christmas carols
*spend time with family and friends and exchange gifts

Sin is a choice to disobey God's laws either by thought, word, action, or omission
Mortal -serious sin that breaks our relationship with God
Venial - less serious sin that weakens our relationship with God
Omission - failure to do what is right

Covenant - agreement God made with the Israellites (Chosen People) to teach them to love (Study text pp. 96 to 98.)

  True freedom comes from following Jesus' Law of Love.  The more one does what is good , the freer one becomes.  There is no true freedom except of what is good and just.

Ten Commandments- law of God to do good and avoid evil given to Moses on  Mount Sinai. The first three deal with love of God and the last seven deal with love of neighbor. MEMORIZE EACH OF THE TEN COMMAMDMENTS.

Jesus' Two Great Commandments: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  And you shall love your neighbor as yourself."  MEMORIZE
Jesus' New Commandment: " Love one another. Such as my love has been for you, so must you love be for one another."  MEMORIZE

Beatitudes - ideals of Christian behavior.  These are Jesus' teachings  to reveal God's plan for our true happiness.  It is also called Sermon on the Mount.


THIRD GRADE Religion Study Guide

Blessed Trinity is our model of love. We need to use God's name with reverence (respect).
 Jesus was sent by God, the Father  to show us how to love God, ourselves, and others. Jesus reveals the Father and the Holy Spirit to us.

Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God in the parables of  "The Mustard Seed" and "The Sower of Seeds." Study text pp.  296-299 and in notebook.                                                                                                                    
In the Lord's Prayer we pray "thy kingdom come.."

Examples of miracles are "The Wedding of Cana,"  "The Widow's Son, " and "the Multiplication of Loaves." Study each of these miracles in the notebook.

Followers of Jesus belong to his church and are called to love everyone even our enemies.

Respect to life refers to respect for the unborn, elderly, and handicapped. We are called to care for ourselves by caring for our bodies, gifts, and talents. We are expected to care for the property, possessions, and reputation of others.  We are also expected  to practice stewardship by caring for all of God's creation.      

Jesus' Two Great Commandments: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  And you shall love your neighbor as yourself."  MEMORIZE
Know how we celebrate Advent:
*lasts four weeks; liturgical color is purple
*create an Advent wreath with 3 purple candles and one rose candle
*set up a Jesse tree: bare branches decorated with Bible symbols
*set up a Nativity scene: Mary and Joseph in a stable with Jesus lying in a manger.

Know how we celebrate Christmas:
*lasts two weeks: liturgical color is white
*celebrate the birth of Jesus by attending Mass
*sing Christmas carols
*spend time with family and friends and exchange gifts

Sin is refusal to love and  obey God
Mortal -serious sin that breaks our relationship with God
Venial - less serious sin that weakens our relationship with God
Omission - failure to do what is right

Know the four steps of the Reconciliation(text pp 212-213)

Study the parable of "The Good Samaritan" in the notebook. The first two men who passed by committed a sin of omission.

The Ten Commandments are the standards for love. MEMORIZE.THEM.
The Church is a community who share the same faith and sacraments.

SECOND GRADE Religion Study Guide

Study the definitions of the flash card vocabulary words for Units 1 and 2 on www.sadlierreligion.com that should have been printed out and glued on index cards by now!
We reviewed these in class today.   More information  about reviewing for the mid term will be available next week after our faculty meeting on Friday because we were told to wait until then before planning any further.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for Jan. 4 to 8th SEE UPDATED MESSAGE!

Dear Parents,
          Many, many thanks for the lovely gifts you sent for Christmas. I waited until Christmas Day to open them!   I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity more than you'll ever know! Below are part of the study guides for ELA  for all three classes.  PLEASE SEE NEXT BLOG FOR RELIGION STUDY GUIDE FOR ALL THREE CLASSES.


12/5  In Grammar study at least the first eight areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday night.  Assessments will be given each day to make sure students are reviewing well!
In Phonics study the first four areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday.
Religion Study Guide will be posted by Thursday so all have time to study.  Mid- term Exams for ELA and Religion  are scheduled for Jan. 20th and 21st.


**recognize and correct fragments and run-ons: writing complete sentences (pp.32-35)
**use relative pronouns: who, whose, whom, which, that (pp. 180-183)
**use  relative adverbs: where, when, why  (pp. 180-183)
**use progressive verb tenses: am walking, was walking, will be walking (pp. 92-95)
**use  modal auxiliaries: can, may, must (p. 84)
**use correct order of adjectives within sentences (pp. 112-115)
**recognize different prepositions (p. 152)
**form and use prepositional phrases (p.154)
* identify the four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory (p. 8)
*correctly use the homophones: two/to/too;  there/their/they're (pp. 224-226)
*correctly use comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence (p. 24)
*correctly use commas and quotation marks to identify speech (p. 220)
*correctly use capitalization for beginning of sentences, dialog, proper nouns, titles, etc.                 (pp. 196, 204, 206, 220)
*know meaning of prefixes and suffixes (on sheet stapled in ELA notebook)

**identify initial and medial consonant blends
**identify intial, medial, final consonant digraphs
**recognize different sounds for c, g, amd s
**identify sounds of the following vowels pairs: ea, oo, ew, oa, ai, igh, ou, ow, oi, oy, aw, au
*form contractions
*double final consonant before adding  a suffix (sitting)
*change y to i before adding a suffix (cries)
*drop silent before adding a suffix (smiled)

* Read one or two texts about an animal using its defense mechanisms and use the information to compose a three paragraph explanatory essay. The essay needs to explain how the animal uses its body and behavior to help it survive.  The essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.  Each paragraph must have 5 or 6 sentences. There must be some use of transitional words or phrases. There must be correct use of capitalization and punctuation.
* Create a research based narrative essay of three paragraphs describing a character and relating an adventure the animal has defending itself against a predator. The essay must show the actions, thoughts, and feelings of the character. Events must be in order and must include some dialog.
Essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.  Each paragraph must have 5 or 6 sentences. There must be some use of transitional words or phrases. There must be correct use of capitalization and punctuation.

 THIRD GRADE                                          

12/5  In Grammar study at least the first eleven areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday night.  Assessments will be given each day to make sure students are reviewing well!
In Phonics study the first three areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday.
Religion Study Guide will be posted by Thursday so all have time to study.  Mid- term Exams for ELA and Religion  are scheduled for Jan. 20th and 21st.

                                    STUDY GUIDE FOR ELA FOR THIRD GRADE

**recognize and correct fragments and run-ons: writing complete sentences (pp. 8, 36)      
**recognize the different parts of speech: noun, pronoun, adjctive, verb, adverb
**form and use regular and irregular verbs: (dance/danced)  (eat/ate) pp. 84, 104, 108
**identify and use present, past, and future verb tenses (walk/walks, walked, will walk) pp. 76, 84, 88
**use abstract nouns (eg. childhood, honesty, love) pp. 44-47
**form and use regular and irregular plural nouns (dog/dogs)  (man/men) pp. 56, 60
**make subjects and verbs agree in writing (A boy runs.) (Boys run.) p. 76-78
**make pronouns and antecedents agree in writing (The girl said she would come.) pp.176-179
**form and use comparative and superlative adjectives (cold/colder/coldest) pp. 128, 132
**form and use comparative and superlative adverbs  (soon/sooner/soonest) pp. 144-145
**use coordinating and subordinating conjunction (pp. 28, 32)
*distinguish and write simple, compound, and complex sentences (pp. 28, 32)
*use possessives correctly in writing (a boy's coat /  all the boys' coats) p. 64
*double final consonant before adding a suffix (raced, sitting) p. 84
*change y to i before adding a suffix (cries) p. 80, 84
*drop silent before adding a suffix (smiled) p. 84
*capitalize appropriate words in titles (The Cat in the Hat) p. 200
*use commas in addresses (Tampa, Florida) pp. 192-194
*use commas and quotation marks correctly in dialogue p. 212
*determine meaning of the new word formed when an affix is added (agree/disagree) (care/careless)
*use a known root word as a clue to meaning of an unknown word (company/companion)
*identify the different types of sentences and punctuation (pp.12,16)
** identify initial, medial, final consonants
** recognize different sounds for c, g, s
** identify short vowel sounds
*identify long /a/ sounds:  ai, ay, a-e,
*identify long /e/ sounds: ee, ea. -y,
 *identify long /i / sounds: ie,  i-e, igh, -y
*identify long /o / sounds:  oa, o-e,  ow,
*recognize two long vowel sounds for /u/ as in glue and mule

* Read one or two text selections and locate information about two different aspects of a country's culture. Then compose a two paragraph explanatory essay giving details that describe the customs and traditions of the country. The essay must have an introduction and a conclusion and each paragraph must have 5 or 6 sentences.There must be some use of transitional words or phrases. There must be correct use of capitalization and punctuation.
*Using information gathered from text selections, compose a letter with a body of two paragraphs urging an author to write a new book about the country you researched.  The letter must include information about the culture of the country she can use in her book.  The letter must include all five letter parts: date, greeting, body, closing, and signature. The letter must have an introduction and a conclusion and each paragraph must have 5 or 6 sentences.There must be some use of transitional words or phrases. There must be correct use of capitalization and punctuation.


12/5  In Grammar study at least the first six areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday night.  Assessments will be given each day to make sure students are reviewing well!
In Phonics study the first four areas marked ** for tonight and the rest on Thursday.
Religion Study Guide will be posted by Thursday so all have time to study.  Mid- term Exams for ELA and Religion  are scheduled for Jan. 20th and 21st.

                                            STUDY GUIDE FOR ELA FOR SECOND GRADE


**identify collective nouns (eg. group, tribe, flock)  PR p. 50
**forming  regular plural nouns  ( -s, -es)  SK p. 33
**forming irregular plural nouns  PR  pp. 48-49
**forming past tense of irregular verbs  (sat, told)  PR pp. 94-95 and V pp 89-91
**recognizing different types of sentences with  correct punctuation  V p. 28
**capitalizing proper nouns V pp. 44-48
*writing compound sentences  PR p. 234
*using commas in greeting and closing of letters V p. 57
*identifying base words (SK p. 37),  prefixes (SK p. 79), and suffixes (SK p. 91)
*using adjectives to describe nouns  V pp. 124, 126
*using adverbs to describe verbs  V p. 97
*using apostrophes in  singular and plural posessives  V pp. 56-57
*using apostrophes in contractions V p. 164

** identify initial, medial, final consonants
** identify short vowel sounds
**identify long /a/ sounds:  ai, ay, a-e,
**identify long /e/ sounds: ee, ea. -y,
*identify long /i / sounds: ie,  i-e, igh, -y
*identify long /o / sounds:  oa, o-e,  ow,
*recognize two long vowel sounds for /u/ as in glue and mule

*Review how to write a letter with all lettter parts: date, greeting, body, closing, signature (name) in the correct and with correct use of capital lettters and punctuation. The body must include some statements and questions and consist of six complete serntences.
*Be able to write an explanatory essay ( title and paragraph  of six sentences) about the topic you researched for your project.  Make sure you write complete sentences and use correct punctuation and capitalization. It must include an introduction and a conclusion.

Review the defiitions of the following terms:
fertile, sacred, invention, silk, remarkable, represent, praise, permanent, route, caligraphy
Indus, Yangtze, Hinduism, Diwali, Buddhism, Nomad, Confucius, Great Wall, Chinese inventions
