Friday, November 29, 2019

Homework for Dec. 2 to 6

Dear Parents,
         Please remember to send in the test folders on Monday with each test signed.  The Religion Quiz on Chapter 5 will be given on Tues.  This week students need to answer the questions in the back of THREE of the five books students were assigned to read over the Thanksgiving break. Students will be given till Thurs. to complete this assignment. The titles of these books are:  Animals Grow and Change (4 questions),  My New Pet (3 questions), and A Very Big Animal (3 questions).
Each should be done on a separate sheet of loose leaf with a full heading and the book title on each.
All responses must be in complete sentences and neatly done.

*Please click on this link if you wish to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Dec. 2 (Mon.)
Math- Do workbook pp.  11 and 12.
Religion -  Review Chapter 5 for quiz tomorrow.
ELA-  Begin working on answering the questions in the back of the three leveled readers named above: Animals Grow and Change,   My New Pet,  and  A Very Big Animal.  You can work on one book each night since they will not be collected till Thursday.
***Anyone who did not bring in their test folder, please bring it in tomorrow!
***December calendars were sent home today.  Read carefully!

Homework for Dec. 3 (Tues.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 15 and 16.  Follow the model in box on top right corner.
ELA-  On your next notebook page copy the title  and then the  words and definitions below:

                                                     Vocabulary for A Fine, Fine School

1.  strolled-  walked slowly
2.  announced - told, stated
3.  enormous- giant, huge
4.  cheer- to shout or yell in excitement
5.  worried- nervous, anxious  Opposite of worried is calm.
6.  office - a workroom
7.  synonym-  a word with the same meaning
8.  antonym - a word with the opposite meaning

***You can now read A Fine, Fine School  on the Pearson website.  You should also study the definitions above for a brief assessment tomorrow.
***Remember to keep working on answering the questions for the three books assigned yesterday.

Homework for Dec. 4 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 19 and 20.  Draw a number bond for each.
Social Studies-   On loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer the three questions on p. 89 in complete sentences.
***Remember to bring in the homework for the leveled readers. All THREE loose leaf  sheets are due tomorrow.

Homework for Dec. 5 (Thurs.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 23 and 24.  Be sure to follow all directions.
Science-  On loose leaf write  a full heading.  Answer the questions at the bottom of p. B43 in complete sentences.   Please notice that there are THREE questions to answer!

Homework for Dec. 6 (Fri.)
***No Math homework tonight!
ELA- Study Voyages pp. 22 to 38 for Grammar Quiz on Tuesday.  Be sure you know ALL about conjunctions, prepositions, proper nouns, and common nouns.
Social Studies -  Study text book pp. 74 to 81 for Social Studies Quiz on Thursday. Be sure you about goods, services, shelter, salary, needs, wants.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Homework for Nov. 25 to 29

Dear Parents,
          I will be giving the Reading Test on Monday since it does not require any studying --just good listening skills.  The Religion Test will be on Tuesday.  On Wed. we will have our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00 also and the Honors Assembly will be right after that if you wish to attend.  I will send home another set of tests in the test folder on Wed.  Please return all signed and in the same folder on Monday.  Students will be starting Module 2 in Math on Monday and will be taking home a new workbook.  I will be collecting the old Module 1 workbooks.

*Please click on this link if you wish to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for Nov. 25 (Mon.)
Math-  Do workbook pp.3 and 4. You  MUST make a labeled math drawing for each.
Religion-  Study Chapter 5 for quiz tomorrow. For writing part study p. 71 at the top -four ways to show love for God.

****Please bring in $3.00 for pizza party on Wed. Each child will need to bring in their own juice but nothing else since we still have some snacks left over.
****This is a reminder to parents that according to school rules ALL students should go to the auditorium when they arrive or if late they should go directly to church.  No child  (or parent with  child) should be waiting outside the classroom at any time !

Homework for Nov. 26 (Tues.)
Math -  Do workbook pp. 7 and 8.  Draw a picture  for each following the sample  box on p. 5.
ELA- In Voyages do p. 46.  Follow directions.
***Religion Quiz will be given on Wed.
***Students can dress up tomorrow BUT NO JEANS! Gym will probably be cancelled.  Bring in your juices for the party. Bring in books so I can check the homework.
***For parents whose children are receiving honors, it will be after the 9:00 Mass.

Homework for Nov. 27 (Wed.)
Religion- Review Chapter 5 for the quiz.  I was not able to give it today.
***No Math homework today.
ELA- On the Pearson website find and read the following FIVE books:  Animals of Africa,  My New PetAnimals Grow and Change At the Pond,  and  A Very Big Animal.   Do not answer any questions at this time --just practice reading and enjoy the holiday.  Next week each student will be assigned one of these books to read to the class.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

***Parent please sign each test in the folder and return in the SAME folder on Monday.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Homework for Nov. 18 to 22

Dear Parents,
         As I  stated on Friday's blog there will be a Reading and Math test this week.  On Thurs. students will receive their report cards and on Friday students will be dismissed at 12:00 so that Parent -Teacher Conferences can be held from 1:00 to 6:00 pm.

*Please click on link if you wish to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Nov. 18 (Mon.)
Math -Do workbook pp. 169 and 170.  On p. 169 make neat math drawings as stated in directions.
Reading- Review the vocabulary in the notebook for What Do I Do With a Tail Like This?  Then  to read the story click on Text Collection on the Pearson website and go to p. 17. Be prepared to write a question and an answer about what one of the animals does with one of its body parts.                    *** Gym tomorrow!

Homework for Nov. 19 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 173 and 174.  On p. 174 draw lines to match as stated in directions.
Grammar- In Voyages do p. 44.  Read and answer carefully.
***Performance  Test tomorrow on writing a question and an answer based on how each of the animals uses its feet.   There is a sample of similar classwork your child did in their folder.                           *** Gym again tomorrow.
***A reminder to parents that students are NOT to bring any toys of any kind to school even for after school.  Many students are rushing through their homework and doing very poor and incomplete work in order to play.  Students should instead bring a book to read or an activity book (eg. with puzzles, word searches) to use when their are finished their work. They may also bring a sketch pad if they wish to draw but it should not look like their notebook so there is no confusion.

Homework for Nov. 20 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 187-188.  Write the answer for the nine unshaded boxes on p. 187.  Then on p. 188 write two related subtraction sentences for each of these addition sentences that you solved.

Science- On the loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer the two questions at the bottom of  p. B 37 in complete sentences.

Homework for Nov. 21 (Thurs.)
Math- Study the set of  corrected exit tickets sent home in the folder for a Summative  Module 1 Test tomorrow. Exit tickets 38 and 39 are the most important ones to study. Know how to make four different number sentences based on a fact family. For example using 6, 4, and 10 you can write 6 + 4 = 10,  4 + 6 =10,  10 - 6 = 4, and 10 - 4 =6.
*** A Summative Test is like an exam and has a much higher point value than a quiz affecting your  a child's grade so please review well.  There will be a Summative  Unit 1 Reading Test next week answering questions based on a story that is read to them so LISTENING WELL is very important!

***Dismissal is at 12:00 on Friday. Parent-Teacher Conferences are from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. PARENT PLEASE BRING THE REPORT CARD WITH YOU.  Each parent can be allowed about 10 minutes for discussion and your turn is based on time of arrival.

Homework for Nov. 22 (Fri.)
*No Math homework tonight!
Religion- Study Chapter 5 and answer all questions in workbook p. 78.  Be sure to answer question under #5 in a complete sentence.
***Next week there will be a Religion test on Chapter 5 and a Summative Unit 1 Reading Test.
On Tues. students will participate in a Thanksgiving Music Presentation at 9:00 and on Wed.  we will have our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00.  Parents are invited to both. School is closed Thurs. and Fri.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Homework for Nov. 12 to 15

Dear Parents,
        Please remember to send in at least two cans of food for the poor this week. Dismissal this Friday will be at 12:00.  Please remember to send in your test folder no later than Wed. with every test signed as well as the three loose leafs with the Reading assignment I gave on Friday.  There will be two tests this week: Religion Quiz on Chapter 4 and Reading Test on Time to Sleep  (book can be found on the Pearson website and vocabulary definitions in the notebook)  All grades for this first quarter have been entered so all future work will be for the following quarter.

*Please click on this link to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Nov. 12 (Tues.)
Grammar-  Do Voyages workbook pp. 41, 42, and 43 NEATLY AND CORRECTLY.
Religion -  Study Chapter 4 for quiz tomorrow.

Homework for Nov. 13 (Wed.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 157 and 158.  Look at the sample boxes for a model om how make the drawing for each.  You MUST make a drawing for each number sentence on p. 157.
Reading- Study the vocabulary definitions for Time to Sleep  in your notebook and read over  the book Time to Sleep  on the Pearson website. Think about two different animals from those in the story and be able to describe how they sleep.

Homework for Nov. 14 (Thurs.)
*** A reminder that dismissal tomorrow is at 12:00.  Dress down is allowed!
Math-  Do workbook pp. 161 and 162.  Make neat correct math drawings like those shown on these  pages. I realized pp. 157 and 158 were already assigned so if you did pp. 161-162 already, that's fine. Don't do any more pages.
Social Studies- On the loose leaf write a complete heading.  Read text book pp. 64 and 65.  Answer the two questions on p. 65 in complete sentences based on what you read.

Homework for Nov. 15 (Fri.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 165 and 166 only --- that is for Lesson 35.  Please DO NOT go ahead to Lesson 36 because we have not completed it yet!

Reading -  On next notebook page write the title as shown below and then all the words and definitions.  Study them for a brief  assessment on Tuesday.

                       Vocabulary for What Do I Do With a Tail Like This?

1.  underground- below the ground, tunnel, burrow
2. scoop- to dig in or to shovel
3. spot- to see or to locate
4. sticky- gummy
5. swallow- to eat or to drink
6. warn- to alert or to advise
7. squirt- to spray or to splash
8. pesky- annoying or bothersome

****On Monday students may dress up for Mickey Mouse's Birthday. There will be no contest and it will be a regular day of school work.  Next week there will be a Reading Test on What Do I Do With a Tail Like This?    (Click on Text Collection on the Pearson website and go to p. 17 to find the story.)
There will also be a Math Test (End of Module 1 Assessment) as well.  Corrected exit tickets will be sent home next week.
Next Thurs. report cards will be distributed and Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Friday from 1:00 to 6:00 pm.  Dismissal on Friday will again be at 12:00.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Homework for Nov. 4 to 8

Dear Parents,
           A reminder that this Wed. school will be closed for a Teachers' Conference Day.  There will be a Grammar Quiz on Tues., Social Studies and Science Quiz will need to be on Thurs.  so all quizzes can be corrected and distributed on Fri.
          On Friday I will be assigning answering the questions from THREE of the leveled readers you read on the Pearson website.  This homework will be due on Tues., Nov. 12 (since there is no school on Mon.) This will count as a homework grade for the report card.  Each must be done on a separate sheet of loose leaf with a full heading and the title of the book on each sheet.

Please click this link if you wish to see this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Nov. 4
*No Math homework tonight.
Grammar- In Voyages study  pp. 2, 7, 11, 12, 16, 18, 26, and 27. Be sure to know the difference between a sentence and a sentence fragment, and between the four different types of sentences and ending point for each.
Science - On loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer two questions on p. B 25 in complete sentences.
You may begin reviewing pp. B4 to B19 for the quiz on Thurs. if you wish.

Homework for Nov. 5
Math - Do workbook pp. 149 and 150.  Follow ALL directions. See sample in upper right corner.
Social Studies - Study textbook pp. 52 to 63 and pp. 68-69 for quiz on Thurs.
Science- Study textbook pp. B4 to B19 and also pp. B28-B29 for quiz on Thurs.

Homework for Nov. 7
Math - Do workbook pp. 153 and 154.  On p. 153 draw lines to match boxes and draw a math picture under each question.  On p. 154 follow ALL directions!
Religion - Answer p. 64.  Look up and write the definition of trust on the top. Write a statement in the bottom bubble to answer the question.
***There will be a Reading test on the book Time to Sleep  next week.  You  can find it on the Pearson website if you wish to start reviewing.
***NO DRESS DOWN TOMORROW DUE TO POOR BEHAVIOR.  Only the birthday boy may dress up!

Homework for Nov. 8
***Remember there is NO SCHOOL on Monday.  Parents, please begin bringing in  on Tuesday at least two cans of food for our  Thanksgiving collection for the poor.  Thank you.

Math- Do workbook pp. 157 and 158.  Please follow the sample boxes on p. 157.

ELA- From the leveled readers that you read on the Pearson website you are going to answer the questions that are in the back of the following three books only.  These books are  Animals Change,  Giraffe Grows Up, and Guide to Growing   In class I already had each student write their heading and the title of each of these books on each loose leaf sheet.  Now they only need to answer the three questions in the back of each of these books in complete sentences. Work should be done neatly.

***Today I sent home the test folder with TEN tests inside: 2 Religion, 2 Phonics, 1 Reading,            1 Writing, 1 Math, 1 Grammar, 1 Social Studies, and 1 Science. Please SIGN each test and return them IN THE SAME FOLDER by Tuesday to be filed in school.  Students may do corrections on loose leaf but DO NOT change answers on any test.