Sunday, December 12, 2010

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades 12/13 - 12/17

Dear Parents,
This is our last week before Christmas vacation. Dismissal this Friday is at 12:00. All students need to bring two plastic shopping bags to pack up their books to be stored away by Wed. All students will be writing their Christmas cards and addrssing their envelopes this week so it is important that each student have his/her complete and correct home address in a reminder section of their homework assignment pad. Progress Reports will be sent home this Thursday but test paper folders will not be sent home till after vacation so they are not lost. All students should take home their LA textbook, LA workbook, and LA notebook as well as their Religion workbook and especially Religion notebook. During Christmas vacation Review notes for Mid-terms for both subjects will be listed on the blog. There will be NO new vocabulary definitions this week. Students should review instead definitions of the last four weeks, starting Nov. 8th for a Cummulative test this week. There is no homework for Thursday this week. Merry Christmas!

Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework.

12/14 Spel - In LA notebook write Speller, page#, and date. Answer p. 42 #11-20 and p. 44 #41-50. Write only the answers. Review all words in boxes for Units 1 to 5 on pp. 42 to 44 (NOT the challenge words) for test Wed.

12/14 Spel - In LA notebook write Speller, page #, and date. Answer p. 43 #13-18 and p. 44 #25-30. Write only the answers. Review all words in boxes for Units 1 to 5 on pp. 42 to 44 (NOT the challenge words) for test Wed.

12/14 Spel - In LA notebook write Speller, page #, and date. Answer p. 55 #13-24. Write only the answers. Review all words in boxes for Units 1 to 5 on pp. 54-56 (NOT the elephant words) for test Wed.
*Remember to review last four weeks vocabulary definitions in Vocabulary notebook for test this week!