Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 5/20 to 5/24

Dear Parents,
         Please see below for this week's homework:
5/21 ELA - Due to Science Exam tomorrow, I am  only assigning students to watch two videos (documentary and news story) on  http://www.zunal.com/introduction.php?w=152255 and consider reasons for preserving or not preserving  the artifacts of the ancient Native American mound builders.

5/23 REL -Review the vocabulary from Unit 1 to 4 on www.sadlierreligion.com Write a paragraph about  the life of a saint and tell how this person specifically followed ONE Corporal or ONE Spiritual Work of Mercy. Name the work and explain in detail citing evidence from research.

5/21 ELA - On looseleaf write a heading.  Write  a title followed by a pargraph describing some interestig facts about the planet you were assigned. Then follow it with  another paragraph comparing this planet with a different planet.  Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion. Each paragraph should have six sentences.

 5.23 REL  -On looseleaf research for colorful pictures, prayers, devotions, litanies, symbols related to feast day you chose for the Blessed  Mother.  Also make  a list of words and their meanings related to the feast day to be used to create a semantic map design in class.

5/21 ELA - Write a heading. Write a paragraph of six senteces on the topc:  What would I do if I had a million dollars?  Choose ONE thing you would do that is most important and give THREE REASONS why you would choose to do this.   Be sure to include introduction and conclusion.

5/23 REL -  -Review the vocabulary from Unit 1 to 4 on www.sadlierreligion.com.
Practice answering any three essay questions on looseleaf.