Monday, March 31, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grades for 3/31 to 4/4

Dear Parents,
         This homework is for Thursday, April 3. No homework except practice for the exam  will be  given to 3rd or 4th till NYS ELA Exam is over.

4/1 ELA - SOME OF YOU ASKED FOR MORE PRACTICE!  I"M GLAD!  IT SHOWS YOU CARE!  Here are some websites that offer more opportunity to practice:
On looseleaf write a heading answer only the questions that require a written response (as we practiced in class). You may also wish to check out

4/3 ELA - On looseleaf  write full heading. Answer 1 to 12 only  on relative pronouns on  Follow directions given: writing the clause for each and circling the relative pronoun in each.
  Also review your research notes on the system of the body you were assigned so that we can have panel discussions on Friday.  Do further research if necessary so you prepared to present information, explain, and come up with good questions on the topic.
***RELIGION QUIZ ON MONDAY ! Study about Lent, the Three Days, and Easter: text pp. 232 to 240 and 308 to 312.

4/1 ELA - Read story "The Story of a Wise Woman" and answer all questions on looseleaf. Remember to write full heading. Click on: .You can also practice lots of exercises on:  Scroll down lots and you will find stories with questions,  a poem with questions, and proofreading in the Language section.

 4/3 ELA- On looseleaf write a full heading.  Look up in dictionary or thesaurus the meaning of the following words from the Preamble of the Constitution:  union, justice, tranquility, defense, welfare, liberty, posterity, constitution.  Write each word correctly and next to each write at least TWO synonyms and a phrase that explains each term.
***RELIGION QUIZ ON MONDAY ! Study about Lent, the Three Days, and Easter: text pp. 232 to 240 and 308 to 312.

4/1  ELA - In Superkids Workbook answer pp. 38 and 39 neatly, carefully, and completely - NOT like the last homework. If page 39 is missing do p. 41.

4/3 ELA - In Superkids Workbook answer pp. 84 and 87 neatly!
***RELIGION QUIZ ON MONDAY ! Study about Lent, the Three Days, and Easter: text pp. 232 to 240 and 308 to 312.