Saturday, March 10, 2018

Homework for March 12 to 16 for Class 1-2

Dear Parents,
          This week students will have their Mid-Module Math Test on  Thurs. and their Religion Quiz on Lent/Easter on Friday.  Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday and must be returned on Mon. signed.  Students should wear green clothes on Friday in celebration of St. Patrick's Day on Sat.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Mar. 12
Math - Do pp. 52 and 53. Be sure to bring DRY ERASE  markers and 10 dimes and 10 pennies in a bag.
Religion - In Reflections workbook do pp. 38 and 39.  Follow all directions. Write THREE sentences.

Homework for Mar. 13
Social Studies - On loose leaf write a full heading. Answer SS workbook p. 38.  Write 1 to 10 .  Answer Yes or No next to each number. If you write No, you MUST put the right answer to it.

Religion- In Reflections workbook do pp. 40 and 41. Use your imagination! Make up your OWN symbol for the Blessed Trinity.  Draw and color it.  Then write THREE sentences about it.

*** Those who missed Handwriting today must do  pp. 54-55 Oo.

Homework for Mar. 14
Math- Do pp. 59 and 60.  Don't forget the number bonds!  Study ALL exit tickets 1 to 12 for Mid-Module Test tomorrow.
Phonics - Read p. 173 and do pp. 174 and 175. READ AND FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS!
***Those who missed Handwriting must do pp. 56-57 on Lent and Easter seasons.

Homework for Mar. 15
Religion -  Study two sheets stapled in the notebook on Lent and Easter for quiz tomorrow.
Social Studies- On loose leaf write a heading.  Answer SS workbook p. 35. Number 1 to 5.  Look at each picture and copy ONLY the name of each place in correct order.
***Wear green tomorrow to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!

Homework for Mar.16
Math - Do pp. 63 and 64.
Phonics- Do pp. 176 and 177. Follow directions.
***Parents please sign Progress Report and return on Monday.
***Please sign each test and return on Monday also: There are 1 Phonics, 1 ELA (on looseleaf), 1 Religion, 1 Social Studies, 1 Math, 1 Science.
***Those who missed Handwriting should do pp. 58-59 Pp.