Sunday, February 23, 2020

Homework for Feb. 24 to 28

Dear Parents,
         This week we are having our Ash Wed. Mass at 10:30 to mark the beginning of the Lenten season which lasts for four weeks.  Students will be attending Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent starting this week. There will be a Reading test and Writing Test on Going to School  this week as well as a Unit 2 Reading Test (questions based on a story).  There will be also be a Social Studies Test and a Science Test.  Corrected tests will be sent home next week.

*Please click on this link to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for Feb. 24 (Mon.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 67 and 68.  Remember that many more or many fewer are key words telling you to subtract because you are comparing.  Key words total and in all means you add!

ELA - Review vocabulary definitions for Going to School for test tomorrow.

Social Studies-  Study text book pp. 116 to 127 and 138 and 139 for quiz tomorrow. Be able to recognize which are continents, countries, or oceans and which direction they are (north, south, east,  or west)  Know also about natural resources, weather, and recycling.

Homework for Feb. 25 (Tues.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 3 and 4 in Module 4. Look at previous two pages for a guide.
Social Studies- Review again for the quiz.
ELA- On the Pearson website click on The Winner's Choice  so you can review the book at home. It's interactive-so click on the hands!

Homework for Feb. 26 (Wed.)
No Math homework tonight!
Science-  Study Chapter 6 for quiz on Friday.  Make SURE you look up and study the definitions of the following vocabulary words on pp. C35, C36:  tornado, hurricane, drought, wind sock,
anemometer.  Study all about the four different seasons on pp. C40, C41, C42, C46, C47, C48, and C49.  Be able to write about four different kinds of weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy).

ELA- On next notebook page write the title first and then copy the following words and definitions and then STUDY.
                                                      Vocabulary for The Winner's Choice

1.  trophy -  prize, award
2.  safe-    unhurt
3.  damage   -  harm, ruin
4.  tremble  -  shake
5.  spend  -   buy,  pay
6.  money  -  cash,   bills and coins
7.  gasped-  breathe in when surprised
8.  brave-  fearless,  courageous

Homework for Feb. 27 (Thurs.)
Math - Do workbook pp. 7 and 8. Answer ALL questions. WE ARE WORKING IN MODULE 4!

Science- Quiz tomorrow.  Review work I listed in yesterday's homework.

ELA- Study the vocabulary definitions for The Winner's Choice which should have been copied in your notebook.  They are listed in yesterday's homework. Assessment tomorrow!

***Parents, yesterday each student received a folded up Lenten box.  Please open up box, leave it at home, and have your child put in a little donation every day or so until Easter which is in four weeks.  They will be collected just before Easter vacation or sooner if you wish.  Thank you.

Homework for Feb. 28 (Fri.)
Math- Do pp. 13 and 14.  Also review corrected homework pp. 22, 23, 32, 67, 68  for End-of -Module 3 for test next week as well as corrected exit tickets 10, 11, 12, and 13 sent home today.

Religion-  Study Chapter 10 for quiz next week.

***Next week I will be sending home the test folder with corrected tests to be signed and returned.  Progress Reports will be sent home next week as well.  These also must be signed and returned.

***In order to continue to help students with their writing, I will be giving every student a sight word list which is to stay in the back panel of their folder at all times.  I strongly recommend that you make a copy to keep at home.  Starting Monday I will be assigning 20 words per week (about 5 words a day). Students will need to recognize and know how to spell each word. I will have  a Spelling Bee once a week on these words and record responses as a grade. I also want students to be able to refer to this sheet when they write until they become familiar enough with the spelling of these sight words.

***On Monday we are celebrating Dr. Seuss Day.  Students may dress up as one of his character.

***FINALLY due to SO.... many students coming in every day without their supplies including especially sharpened pencils with erasers and dry board erasers, I will be listing students' names on Monday and entering a 2  for "being prepared for school" on the report card.