Friday, January 2, 2009

Second Grade Midterm Review Notes


Look up and learn the definitions for the following words:
Church, grace, sin, sacraments,
Crucifixtion, worship, Jesus' name , commandments,
Resurrection, parish, faith, original sin

Know the difference between: human / divine
apostles / disciples Holy Family / Blessed Trinity
Christmas / Easter / Pentecost

Know the meaning of the four stages of Reconciliation: confession, penance, contrition, absolution

Study what happens in each of the seven sacraments Jesus gave us: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist,
Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick.
Be ready to choose one of the sacraments and to explain in detail what symbols are used, who is present,
and what happens.

Study the ten commandments God gave us, especially the last three. Be ready to choose one and
explain why it is the most important one for you to follow.


Look up and learn the definitions of the following: budget, symbol, directions, graph, income, vote,
law, tax, transportation, community, group, senses, flag, share, continent, island, rule, neighborhood

Know the difference between the following: urban / rural; mayor / governor / president; city /state;
service / product; map / globe; hill / mountain; continent / ocean; need / want; map key / graph;
lake / river

For their Document Based Question, students will need to answer questions on some documents
and the write an essay of one paragraph of six sentencees on the information gathered from the