Sunday, May 2, 2010

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades for 5/3 to 5/7

Dear Parents,
Dismissal this Friday will be at 12:00. There will again have to be a rearrangement of schedule this week due to the fourth grade Math State Testing. Religion foldables planned for last week as well as Social Studies lessons for Thurs. and Fri. will have to be rescheduled for this week due to practice for Reconciliation at which I had to be present and practice for Spring Show.

Below are the vocabulary definitions for this week:
1. holiness - sharing in God's goodness and responding to God's love by the way we live
2. saint - a follower of Christ who lived a life of holiness on earth
3. communion of saints - union of baptized members of the Church on earth with those in heaven and in purgatory
4. Annunciation - holy day in which we celebrate when Mary was asked by the angel Gabriel to be the mother of God's Son
5. Assumption - holy day in which we ceklebrate Mary's ascent into heaven after her life on

5/4 - Rel. - Answer Workbook p. 58. Write a prayer to Mary.
5/6 - SS - On looseleaf write a heading. Write the names of all the fifty states.
5/6 - Voc - Study all 15 Vocabulary definitions for test Friday.

5/4 - Rel. - Answer Workbook p. 45. Write about a story from the Bible. Keep reviewing past Religion notes for quiz at any time, especially definitions and memorize list.
5/6 - SS - In notebook write Workbook p. 55. Answer all questions in sentences.

5/4 - Rel. - Choose one saint. Write a heading on looseleaf and write three sentences about
what made this person a saint and three sentences telling why he or she inspires you.
Keep reviewing past Religion notes for quiz at any time,especially definitions and memorize list
5/6 - SS - In notebook write Workbook p. 51. Answer all questions.