Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Message to Second Graders about Homework 9/7/2011

Dear Parents,
In an effort to help second graders to adjust to the departmental classes, I am giving parents and students a look ahead on how work will be organized. THIS APPLIES ONLY TO SECOND GRADERS. Please read carefully.
Second graders will have their notebooks color coded so it is important that all notebooks needed for each teacher are all in class no later than this Monday, Sept. 12. The set up is as follows:
*red - Religion - Ms. Saville
*yellow - Social Studies and Science - Ms. Sanchez
*blue - Math - Mr. Badia
*green - Reading and ELA - Ms. Bagley
*orange - Vocabulary - This one notebook is to be used by ALL teachers to record 16 words (with definition) that will be assigned each week: four words from each teacher. These must be written out and studied for a test each Friday, starting this Friday, Sept. 16. Parents may also check for these on each teacher's homework blog each week.
Starting next week students will be assigned only TWO subjects for homework each day in an effort not to overwhelm them and only the books needed for that night's homework should be taken home each day.
*Mon. - Math (Mr. Badia) and Reading (Ms. Bagley)
*Tues. - Religion (Ms. Saville) and Social Studies (Ms. Sanchez)
*Wed. - Math (Mr. Badia) and ELA (Ms. Bagley)
*Thurs. - Religion (Ms. Saville) and Science (Ms. Sachez)
*Fri. - NO HOMEWORK! Parents MAY CHOOSE to use Friday to catch up on any work missed or for review or practice in any subject in which the student may be having difficulty.
Tests in each subject will usually be given the day following the day homework is assigned in that subject.
Parents are asked to please cover books as they are being sent home and write or label ONLY with student's full name, grade (2-1 or 2-2) and SUBJECT (not name of book).  You may use brown paper, cellophane, stretchable covers, etc. Notebooks should be covered. Do not keep the books or notebooks at home as they will be needed in class every day.
Parents please remember that the TWO emergency cards (both sides filled in) and first seven sheets (each requiring your signature) are due by this Friday, Sept. 9th.This Monday GYM classes will begin for all second graders so classes 2-1 and 2-2 should come dressed in their gym clothes.
I hope this has been helpful. Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Ms. Saville