Monday, January 21, 2013

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades 1/21 to 1/25

Dear Parents.
         This is a reminder that Mid Term Exams wiil be give to ALL CLASSES this week! The ELA/Penmanship Exam will be on Wed. and the Religion Exam will be on Thurs.  Test folders with previous tests for students to review were sent home last week. Second grade will be given theirs on Tuesday. Please have students bring back  these test folders on Tuesday so additional recent quizzes can be included and these also can be reviewed before exams. All test folders will then be due back for filing on Friday.  Please make no changes of any kind are made on
        For the ELA Mid Term please make sure that all students review well the notes in the Journal notebook  on understanding how to apply  the essential question to the work we have done this year.  Third and fourth graders should also practice script (forming and joining letters).
       Below is a more specific list on what to review  for the Religion Mid Term for each grade:

*Know definitions of all words from Unit 1 & 2 from flash cards on
*Memorize the Sanctus Prayer in notebook: "Holy, holy, holy...
*Memorize the six steps for making a good moral choice listed in notebook.
*Be able to explain making a difficult moral choice.
*Memorize the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and be able to DISTINGUISH between them
*Memorize each of the Ten Commandments and be able to explain how YOU would live each one.
*Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments and how to live each.
*Review the life of a saint. Know some facts about the saint's life and be able to expalain how the saint has inspired you to act in your life.

 *Know definitions of all words from Unit 1 & 2 from flash cards on
*Review all the additional definitions in the Religion notebook including stewardship, pope, bishop, pastor, deacon, layperson, religious brother or sister, prophet, vocation , vow, etc.
*Memorize each of the Ten Commandments and be able to explain how YOU would live each one.
*Memorize Jesus' Two Great Commandments and how to live each.
*Review the parables in the notebook and text book.  Describe what happens and the lesson each teaches.
*Review the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist.  Be able to explain what happens in each why we receive these sacraments.

 *Know definitions of all words from Unit 1 & 2 from flash cards on
*Know the name of all the sacraments and the reason for each sacrament.
*Memorize each of the Ten Commandments and be able to give two examples on how YOU would
live each one.
*Be able to explain the sacrament of Baptism: symbols used, people present, what happens.
*Be able to explain how to examine one's conscience: examples of sins you might commit. And know what each step means: confession, contrition, penance, absolution.
*Know definition for sin and the difference between mortal and venial sin and original sin.
*Memorize the entire Act of Contrition prayer.
*Know how we prepare for the birth of Jesus during Advent:
  how to prepare an Advent wreath, who & what belongs in a Nativity scene, how to make a jesse tree
*Review the terms: Church, Resurrection, Crucifixion, Pentecost, Nativity, Blessed Trinity, Holy Family, human/divine, Ascension, Incarnation.

Please check later this week for homework to be given on Thursday after exams are over.