Sunday, February 10, 2013

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 2/11 to 2/15

Dear Parents,
       Last week's quizzes will be given this Monday and Tuesday: ELA on Mon. ; Religion on Tues.
Please review what was on last  week's homework for ELA  quiz and study all notes in Journal.)
 The Religion test for 2nd  grade will cover Chapters 9 and 15 (Memorize the Ten Commandments)   
 The Religion test for 3rd will cover Chapters 15 and 18.(Memorize the Sacraments of Initiation, Healing, and Service)
The Religion test for 4th will cover Chapters 9 and 10.(Memorize the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy)
        Lent begins this week with Mass on Ash Wednesday. Mass will be at 11:00 followed by the Honors Assembly for any parents who wish to come.  Dismissal will be at 12:00 this Friday.  On Thursday, Valentine's Day, students should wear RED clothes and may bring in small chocolate treats (kisses, hearts,etc) to share with each other. Valentine cards and stickers can also be exchanged  if you wish .  I will let you know by Monday afternoon if anything else is needed.
      This week 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will have a spelling quiz (ten words in section C on Fry's list sent home previously) and  both 3rd and 4th  will be required to write the words  in script for a penmanship grade as well.

Please check below the correct grade for this week's homework:

ELA 2/12 Use the fiction animal  book you selected to complete the Character Frame sheet.  Choose TWO different characters from the book (the first animal  and the second human) and fill in each category describing the characters. Print neatly and be sure to give  specific evidence from the book.

REL 2/14 Study text pp. 232 to 234 and p. 172 to 179.  Answer p. 182 #1 to 8 on looseleaf. Quiz next week on both chapters. Spelling quiz on Fri. on words 4C on Fry's list IN SCRIPT.

ELA 2/12 Use your research on a notable person and write one SIMPLE sentence. one COMPLEX sentence, and one COMPOUND sentence about that person's life on looseleaf.  The on another looseleaf answer ELA Workbook p. 14 #1 to 8.  Change #1 to while, #5 to when, and #7 to although to make complex sentences. 

REL 2/14 Study text pp. 232 to 234 and pp. 220 to 227. Answer p. 230 #1 to 8 on looseleaf. Quiz next week on both chapters. Spelling quiz on Fri. on words 3C on Fry's list IN SCRIPT.

ELA 2/12 On looseleaf write a full heading.  Answer pp. 64 and 65 in ELA Workbook.

REL 2/14 Study text pp. 232 to 234 and pp  184 to 191. Answer p. 194 #1 to 8 on looseleaf.. Quiz next week on both chapters. Spelling quiz on Fri. on words 2C on Fry's list.
On a 3x5 index card have your parent PRINT clearly your home address including house number, street, city state, and zip code to practice addressing envelopes in class.