Sunday, November 17, 2019

Homework for Nov. 18 to 22

Dear Parents,
         As I  stated on Friday's blog there will be a Reading and Math test this week.  On Thurs. students will receive their report cards and on Friday students will be dismissed at 12:00 so that Parent -Teacher Conferences can be held from 1:00 to 6:00 pm.

*Please click on link if you wish to view this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Nov. 18 (Mon.)
Math -Do workbook pp. 169 and 170.  On p. 169 make neat math drawings as stated in directions.
Reading- Review the vocabulary in the notebook for What Do I Do With a Tail Like This?  Then  to read the story click on Text Collection on the Pearson website and go to p. 17. Be prepared to write a question and an answer about what one of the animals does with one of its body parts.                    *** Gym tomorrow!

Homework for Nov. 19 (Tues.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 173 and 174.  On p. 174 draw lines to match as stated in directions.
Grammar- In Voyages do p. 44.  Read and answer carefully.
***Performance  Test tomorrow on writing a question and an answer based on how each of the animals uses its feet.   There is a sample of similar classwork your child did in their folder.                           *** Gym again tomorrow.
***A reminder to parents that students are NOT to bring any toys of any kind to school even for after school.  Many students are rushing through their homework and doing very poor and incomplete work in order to play.  Students should instead bring a book to read or an activity book (eg. with puzzles, word searches) to use when their are finished their work. They may also bring a sketch pad if they wish to draw but it should not look like their notebook so there is no confusion.

Homework for Nov. 20 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 187-188.  Write the answer for the nine unshaded boxes on p. 187.  Then on p. 188 write two related subtraction sentences for each of these addition sentences that you solved.

Science- On the loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer the two questions at the bottom of  p. B 37 in complete sentences.

Homework for Nov. 21 (Thurs.)
Math- Study the set of  corrected exit tickets sent home in the folder for a Summative  Module 1 Test tomorrow. Exit tickets 38 and 39 are the most important ones to study. Know how to make four different number sentences based on a fact family. For example using 6, 4, and 10 you can write 6 + 4 = 10,  4 + 6 =10,  10 - 6 = 4, and 10 - 4 =6.
*** A Summative Test is like an exam and has a much higher point value than a quiz affecting your  a child's grade so please review well.  There will be a Summative  Unit 1 Reading Test next week answering questions based on a story that is read to them so LISTENING WELL is very important!

***Dismissal is at 12:00 on Friday. Parent-Teacher Conferences are from 1:00 to 6:00 pm. PARENT PLEASE BRING THE REPORT CARD WITH YOU.  Each parent can be allowed about 10 minutes for discussion and your turn is based on time of arrival.

Homework for Nov. 22 (Fri.)
*No Math homework tonight!
Religion- Study Chapter 5 and answer all questions in workbook p. 78.  Be sure to answer question under #5 in a complete sentence.
***Next week there will be a Religion test on Chapter 5 and a Summative Unit 1 Reading Test.
On Tues. students will participate in a Thanksgiving Music Presentation at 9:00 and on Wed.  we will have our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00.  Parents are invited to both. School is closed Thurs. and Fri.