Sunday, January 12, 2020

Homework for Jan. 13 to 17

Dear Parents,
         Please remember to have your children bring in their test folder with each test signed.  You also need to sign the Progress Report. it will be returned the same day. On Monday we have 12:00 dismissal.  On FRIDAY first graders will be taking the MATH Map Test on the computer.  On Wed. we have National Hat Day with a contest for anyone who wishes to participate.  Students would need to make their own hat and be creative as they wish.  Some ideas can be found on   this link  Remember also that there will be a Religion Quiz on Chapter 8 on Wed.
***Some students STILL did not complete answering questions on all three Leveled readers. By this Friday I will need to enter zero on any missing assignments!

*Please click here if you wish to see this week's lesson plan.

Homework for Jan. 13 (Mon.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 83 and 84.  On p. 83 do only number bonds for each,  On p. 84 you must make a drawing for each of the two expressions in order to compare them.
Religion - Answer all questions on p. 106 including the bottom.  Study Chapter 8 for the quiz.

Homework for Jan. 14 (Tues.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 89 and 90.  Read and follow directions CAREFULLY!  Choose one of the first three strategies in the box--not the last one.
Religion- Quiz tomorrow. Review Chapter 8.  Be able to write two sentences describing ONE of Jesus' miracles.
***Practice Math on Success Maker.  Remember your MAP test is this Thursday.
***Tomorrow is National Hat Day for anyone interested. The contest will be at 10:00.
***Remember that this Friday is the last day to give me the answers to the three leveled readers:  Lets's Be FairIt's Time to Get in Line, and Off  to School We Go.

Homework for Jan. 15 (Wed.)
Math- Do workbook pp. 93 and 94.  For p. 93 use the take from ten number bond following sample #1.  For p. 94 use the count on strategy and write the number sentence following sample #4.
ELA- In the Voyages book do p. 55.  Be sure to read and follow directions.
****FRIDAY is the Math MAP test.  Practice Math on Success Maker, but don't overdo it!

Homework for Jan. 16 (Thurs.)
MATH MAP TEST IS TOMORROW:FRIDAY! Sorry for the confusion. 
Math- Do workbook pp. 97 and 98.  Follow what was done on pp. 95 and 96. Draw circles, label each set, write an addition sentence with box around missing addend, and write a statement that answers the question. 
ELA- In Voyages do p. 60.  Read and follow directions.
****Tomorrow is definitely last day to hand me the Christmas Recess Leveled reader assignment! Two students STILL have not given them to me.
 ****Dress down is ok.

Homework for Jan. 17 (Fri.)
Math-  Do workbook pp. 101 and 102.  Follow again what was done on the previous pages. Be sure to label, box the answer in the number sentence, and write a correct statement!
MATH TEST NEXT WEEK.  Study corrected exit tickets 12 to 24.

Social Studies- On loose leaf  write a full heading.  Answer the two questions at the bottom of p. 113 in complete sentences.
***No school this Monday, Jan. 20.