Monday, September 21, 2020

Homework for Week of Sept. 21 to 25

 Dear Parents,

          I had to keep the index cards I prepared for the in-class learners because tomorrow morning ALL students (in-class and remote) will practice with me logging on to google classroom now that the chrome books are ready for use.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY!                                                         Today, as I was about to give out the index cards, I noticed that several students either had the wrong folder  or NO FOLDER AT ALL.  The folder MUST have a transparent pocket in the front and in the back so I can insert the cards with  important log ins they will be using this year. In this way the card will be safe because students don't need to take it out in order to see it.   The folders with only the two pockets inside will NOT work because the cards will slip out and be lost.  So the first homework assignment is TO BRING THE CORRECT FOLDER TO CLASS. I will not be able to give out any cards or papers UNLESS students bring in this type of folder.  They are available in the school supply room. If your child brings in a dollar, I can also give you one if necessary.                                                                              Please remember to pick up the new packet which are on the table by the school office.  I left them for you today.  All remote learners should keep all their packets you  in a folder so pages are not lost.                       The homework for this week is to study the vocabulary definitions for Stellaluna on the Reading sheet and the Science vocabulary which is on the back of this same sheet.  You may also study the Religion notes for Chapter 1 (front and back).  You may also review the Math lessons we have completed which are Lessons 1 to 6.  Assessments will probably begin next week.  Prepare for them--start reviewing.  You have the notes you need.