Sunday, November 30, 2008

Second Grade 12/1 -- 12/5

Social Studies

12/1 Aim: To identify service workers

Lesson: Describe sources of taxes - income earned by service workers pp. 104-107
Homework: On looseleaf write a full heading. Answer three questions on p. 107 in sentences

12/2 GYM Homework: Study pp. 104 to 113.

12/3 Aim: To identify workers who make products
Lesson: Describe how a factory makes products pp. 108-113
Homework: In notebook write date and pages. Answer pp. 114-115.

12/4 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: Review pp. 114-115 and give notes to study.
Homework: Study pp.94 to 117 and notes on Chapter 4 in notebook for test Mon.

12/5 Aim: To identify main idea and details
Lesson: Practice applying the skill pp. 116-117


12/1 Aim: To show Jesus offers us forgiveness
Lesson: Review story of the Good Shepherd pp.132-133
Homework: Study p. 28 in Workbook.

12/2 Aim: To identify God's peace in the sacrament of Reconciliation

Lesson: Explain purpose of the sacrament pp. 134-135

Homework: Answer p.29 in Workbook.

12/3 Aim: To introduce examination of conscience

Lesson: Explain how to examine a conscience pp. 136-137.

Homework: Answer p. 30 in Workbook.

12/4 Aim: To identify contrition

Lesson: Examine the meaning of the Act of Contrition pp. 138-139

Homework: In notebook write date and pages. Answer pp. 140-141

12/5 Aim: To review God's laws

Lesson: Review Jesus' greatest commandment and God's ten commandments.

First Penance text pp. 8 to 13.