Sunday, November 2, 2008

Third Grade 11/3 - 11/7

Social Studies

11/3 Aim: To introduce early American community life
Lesson: Discuss learning from the past. pp. 64-69
Homework: Study pp. 70-75 in text.

11/4 Aim: To introduce Native American community life
Lesson: Describe Native American culture. pp. 70-75
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 16.

11/5 Aim: To explore geography of the Southwest
Lesson: Describe the desert mesa of Mesa Verde. pp. 76-81
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 17.

11/6 Aim: To examine ancient artifacts
Lesson: Explore how the Anasuzi at Mesa Verde lived. pp. 82-87
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 18.

11/7 Aim: To study the history of the Anasuzi
Lesson: Describe the Mesa Verde National Park. pp. 88-91


11/3 Aim: To explain the role of the Holy Spirit
Lesson: Discuss mission of the apostles after the Ascension of Jesus. pp.55-57
Homework: Study pp. 56 to 59 in text.

11/4 Aim: To explain Pentecost
Lesson: Describe coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. pp. 58-59
Homework: Answer Workbook p 13.

11/5 Aim: To examine Church's beginning
Lesson: Desribe how the Church began. pp. 60-61
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 14.

11/6 Aim: To explain Church's growth
Lesson: Describe ways to spread the good news of Jesus. pp.62-63
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 15.

11/7 No class due to 11:30 dismissal


11/3 Lesson: pp. 22-23 Introduce cursive writing.

11/4 Lesson: pp. 24-25 Practice reading cursive writing.

11/5 Lesson: p. 28 Introduce undercurve.

11/6 Lesson: p. 29 Introduce downcurve.