Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fourth Grade Homework 11/16-20

11/16 SS - Study all notes covering pages 50, 51, 52 and also part on decision making and essay question topic for test Tuesday.
Pen - On looseleaf write full heading and copy this week's five SS words and definitions --all in script.

11/17 SS - In SS notebook write Workbook p. 13 and answer all questions.

Rel - Read Discover textbook pp. 76 to 85.

11/18 SS - In SS notebook write Workbook p. 14 and answer all questions.
Rel - Answer Workbook p. 9.

11/19 SS - Study pp. 60 to 65 in textbook.
Rel - Read Discover textbook pp. 86 to 93.
Quiz next week on all Discover pages covered.