Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Second Grade Homework 11/2-6

11/2 Voc. - Study 15 new vocabulary words and definitions for this week.
Rel- Study first part of Safe Environment notes (on commandments)

11/3 SS- In SS notebook write Textbook p. 66. Write definitions for nine words on this page.
Rel- Study second part of Safe Environment notes (protection from deceptive people)

11/4 SS- On looseleaf after heading answer 3 questions on p. 75 in text.
Rel- Review same notes.

11/5 SS- On construction paper create a two part foldable following sample done in class
listing two rights and two responsibilities they have at home and two rights and
two responsibilies they have at school. Sentences for each go in top inside tabs
and pictures for each go in bottom tabs. Foldables are due Monday.
Voc- Study 15 definitions for test Friday
Rel - Study safe environment for test next week.

*** Please have your child bring in two cans for the poor by this Fri. or by Mon. at the latest.