Saturday, May 5, 2012

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 5/7 to 5/11

Dear Parents,
         Some (not all) students from each grade will be taking the NYSESLAT Listening Test on Wed. and the NYSESLAT Reading Test on Thurs. with Ms. Bagley this week and this may cause another  readjustment in  scheduling of classes.  Speeches for 3rd  graders will continue this week since students were pulled out last Friday for  Communion practice.  All students should review the same weekly vocabulary definitions since the test was not given last Friday. Progress Reports will be distributed this Friday in the classrooms.
         Third and fourth graders will be doing their follow-up writing assignments this week..
THIRD graders will write a two paragragh essay based on their research.  The first paragraph will  be on important facts about their planet and the second paragraph will consist of comparing their planet with another planet.   FOURTH graders will be responsible  for creating a myth. The first paragraph should describe their hero, heroine, god, or goddess, and the second and third  should describe the sequenced plot on one of the following themes: triumph (achieving something), tragedy (losing something), honour (doing what is morally right), or bravery (overcoming a fear).
          Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework:
Rel. 5/8 Test Wed/. on any of the definitions on
Memorize also matching the first and last half of each Beatitude and listing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT FOURTH GRADERS REVIEW BETTER !
ELA 5/10 Click on the following link:
Read about myths and the click on "What is the difference between...?" on left side of screen.
In ELA notebook write: Aim: To compare myths, legends, fables, and fairy tales and based on  this research write a brief description for each of these four  genres. Study for test on this next week.

If you wish to see examples of art with brief descriptions of myth characters, click on this link:

ELA 5/8 On looseleaf write a heading. Based on the research done on your chosen planet, write FOUR facts that make your planet unique. Then choose another planet and compare it to yours.  Write TWO SIMILARITIES and TWO DIFFERENCES between the planets.  For help, click on::
Rel. 5/10 Study the Religion Review sheet for a test Friday.  Review definitions of all words  and practice answering the essay questions.  In Religion Workbook answer p. 40.
Practice on:

Rel. 5/8 CLASS 2-2 MEMORIZE the Act of Contrition. Both classes on looseleaf write a heading.  Write each commandment and write one way that YOU can obey the commandment in your life.
Rel. 5/10 Choose one story of forgiveness you  studied this year. On looseleaf  write a heading.  Write the title. Write one paragraph of  six sentences ONLY to summarize the story and tell what it means.