Monday, May 28, 2012

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for 5/29 to 6/1

Dear Parents,
         Dismissal is at 12:00 this Friday.  Our May Procession is on Thurs. at 10:00.  All should bring rosary beads and all should wear uniform  ( except those in Communion and Confirmation classes).
         Review notes for Final Exams will be posted on Thursday this week.  THIRD and FOURTH grades  will be taking the Archdiocesean Religion Exam on June 5th.  This will count as their final exam report card grade. SECOND grades will also take their Religion Final Exam that same day.  THIRD and FOURTH grades will also be taking an ELA  Final Exam  on June 11th which will count as their final report card grade. SECOND grade ELA Final Exams will be prepared by Ms. Bagley.

Please see below your child's grades for this week's homework:


ELA 5/29 On looseleaf write a heading. Create an adventure story of five paragraphs (with only 3 sentences in each) using examples of five different TRANSITION WORDS.  Print out two page planner or do on looseleaf
See review sheet on transition words in ELA  notebook for sample words.This assignment will be explained  in class.  Study grammar rules in Speller pp. 248 to 251 for quiz.

REL. 5/31 On looseleaf write  a heading. Look up and answer essay questions 6 to 10 on review sheet. Quiz will be given on Fri.  In Religion Workbook answer p. 50.


ELA 5/29  In ELA notebook answer ELA Workbook pp. 114 and 115. Quiz on Wed on apostrophes.
Study grammar rules in Speller pp. 247 to 249 for quiz.

REL.  5/31 On looseleaf write  heading.  Look up and answer essay questions 5 to 8 on review sheet. Quiz will be given on Fri.  In Religion Workbook answer p. 59. Color Our Father beads RED,  Hail Mary beads BLUE, and Glory Be sites YELLOW.


REL. 5/29 In Religion text answer all questions on pp. 291 and 293. Memorize Glory Be to the Father prayer in the Prayer Book in the back of the text book.
REL. 5/31 Study Religion Review  sheet and practice answering essay questions 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 for test on Fri.