Monday, October 13, 2008

Fourth Grade 10/13 - 10/17

Social Studies

10/14 Aim: To explain how citizens make improvements
Lesson: p. 37 Discuss ways to improve water quality in the Hudson River.
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p.10. Sample #2 A landforms

10/15 Aim: To discuss legacy
Lesson: pp. 38-39 Compare how maple syrup was made: past and present.
Homework: In notebook answer Workbook p. 11.

10/16 Aim: To define decision making
Lesson: pp. 40-41 Students are presented with situations and must decide on the best
course of action to take.
Homework: In notebook answer Workbook p. 12.

10/17 Aim: To introduce Oct. Map of the Month
Lesson: Students learn the names of the various countries in Europe by labeling the map.


10/14 Aim: To explain sin as things people fail to do
Lesson: pp. 48-49 Discuss story of the Good Samaritan.
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 10.

10/15 Aim: To explain how people should be treated
Lesson: pp.50-51 Discuss importance of respecting all people.
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 11.

10/16 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: pp. 52-53 Answer questions and give notes.
Homework: Study pp. 52-53 and notes for test Friday (or Monday).

10/17 Religion Test (Chapter 3)

Homework: Gospel card


10/14 Aim: To practice undercurves
Lesson: Do p. 24.

10/15 Aim: To practice words
Lesson: Do p. 25.

10/16 Aim: To practice undercurves
Lesson: Do p. 26.

10/17 Aim: To practice joining letters
Lesson: Do p. 27.