Sunday, October 12, 2008

Second Grade 10/13 - 10/17

Social Studies

10/14 GYM - No Social Studies class

10/15 Aim: To introduce vocabulary
Lesson: p.66 - Students look up words in the glossary and define each.
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Write the definition for each word.

10/16 Aim: To describe rules
Lesson: pp. 68-71 - Discuss rules that different groups need
Homework: On construction paper, copy and color as shown one of the signs on pp. 72-75
and in one sentence explain its purpose.

10/17 Aim: To describe community laws
Lesson: pp. 72-75 - Identify different street signs.


10/14 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: pp. 52-53 Review for test and give notes
Homework: Study pp. 52-53 and notes for test Wed.

10/15 Religion Test (Chapter 3)
Homework: Review prayers in Prayer Book (pp.4, 13, 12, 5)

10/16 Birthday Party for Anthony Tavarez

Homework: Study prayer in Prayer Book (p. 6)

10/17 Aim: To review prayers
Lesson: Review Our Father, Hail Mary, Grace Before and After Meals, and Act of Contrition.
Homework: Gospel card


10/14 Aim: To write holidays
Lesson: Do p. 32.

10/15 Aim: To write an invitation
Lesson: Do p. 33.

10/16 Aim: To write pet names
Lesson: Do p. 34.

10/17 Aim: To write more pet names
Lesson: Do p.35.