Sunday, October 12, 2008

Third Grade 10/13 - 10/17

Social Studies

10/14 Aim: To identify geographic features
Lesson: pp. 34-38 Students identifydifferent landforms and waterbodies.
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 9 in notebook.
Find answers on pp. 24-29 in text book.

10/15 Aim: To examine climate
Lesson: p. 39 Compare and contrast climate and weather.
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 10 in noteboook. Find answers on pp. 32-33 in text.

10/16 Aim: To use an infographic
Lesson: pp. 40-41 Examine map for information
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 11 in notebook.

10/17 Aim: To examine a poem
Lesson: pp. 43-44 Examine geographic features in a poem.


10/14 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: pp. 52-53 Review for test and give notes.
Homework: Study pp. 52-53 and notes for test Wed.

10/15 Religion Test (Chapter 3)

10/16 Aim: To identify the Ascension
Lesson: pp. 55-57 Explain Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 10.

10/17 Aim: To review prayers
Lesson: p. 322 Review Act of Contrition and definitiions for Reconciliation.
Homework: Gospel card


10/14 Aim: To make list
Lesson: Do p. 17

10/15 Aim: To begin cursive writing
Lesson: Do pp. 20-21.

10/16 Aim: To trace letters
Lesson: Do p.22.

10/17 Aim: To trace letters
Lesson: Do p. 23.