Sunday, October 26, 2008

Letter to Parents of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th:

Dear Parents,
Please remember to send in all Religion and Social Studies tests that Mr. Woods distributed last
week. They must be kept on file. Parents need to sign each test.
This past week I taught the Safe Environment Curriculum (SEC) to all grades and notes were
given for study for this week's test. I will finish the SEC this week along with Discover book
chapter on Violence Control. Please make sure that students from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th study
the Safe Environment notes in their Religion notebooks and the Discover book pages assigned.

This Friday is Halloween! Students in 2nd grade are allowed to come in dressed in their
costumes and each child should bring in one bag of Halloween treats to share with the class.
Homemade treats are fine if you wish . I will make a list of different types of treats and have
each child assigned one so that we can have a variety; for example chips, chocolates, lollipops.
NO bottles of soda will be allowed. Each child must bring their own small easy open plastic
juice container. Dismissal is at 2:30 this Friday. Students will come and leave in their
costume -- no changing clothes.

Note: The Safe Environment Curriculum (SEC) pages in this and last week's posts
refer to pages in the curriculum guide listed for Mr. Woods. Parents only need to refer
to students' Religion notes.