Friday, September 5, 2008

Fourth Grade 9/8-9/12


9/8 Aim: To teach that God sent His only son to us.

Lesson: Explain meaning of Blessed Trinity, Incarnation, and the role of the disciples of Jesus.

Homework: Answer questions on pp.22-23. Write at least two sentences each

9/9 Aim: To identify the role of Jesus as Savior

Lesson: Explain meaning of original sin and how Jesus saved us.

Homework: Do puzzle on p. 25.

9/10 Aim: To show how the good news of Jesus was spread

Lesson: Explain what happened on Penmtacost and how the Church began.

Homework: Answer We Respond box questions on p. 27 completely.

9/11 Aim: To review chapter

Lesson: Review all vocabulary words (printed in red in chapter)

Homework: Answer all questions on pp.28-29. Study for test. 9 / 12 No class due to early dismissal


9/8 Aim: Review undercurve strokes

Lesson: Do p. 12 . Copy upper and lower case letters .

9/9 Aim: Review overcurve strokes

Lesson: Do p 13. Copy upper and lower case letters.

9/10 Aim: Review downcurve and slant

Lesson: Do p. 14. Practice all basic strokes.

9/11 Aim: Review tall, short, and descending letters

Lesson: Do p. 15. Practice all lower case letters.

9/12 Aim: Practice spacing between letters, words, and sentences

Lesson: Do pp.16-17. Practice writing sentences.

Social Studies

9/8 Aim: Explore what a globe shows

Lesson: Review meaning of oceans, continents, hemisphere, equator.

Homework: On looseleaf write heading. Find in glossary the meanings of the 4 words above and copy their definitions.

9/9 Aim: Explore directions on a map

Lesson: Review how to use a compass rose to find cardinal and intermediate directions on a map.

Homework: Write heading. Draw a compass rose and write the cardinal and intermediate directions in the correct places.

9/10 Aim: Explore what a map shows

Lesson: Review how to use a map key, map scale, and locator .

Homework: Practice using these on p. G8.

9/11 Aim: Explore different types of maps

Lesson: Compare political and physical maps.

Compare historical and transportation maps.

Homework: Write heading. Give a brief description of what is found on each of the 4 types of maps.

9/12 Aim: Explore the geography of New York

Lesson: Using the photographs on p. 9, focus on what differences are noted across New York State.