Saturday, September 13, 2008

Third Grade 9/15 - 9/19

Social Studies

9/15 Aim: To examine American values

Lesson : Discuss a situation calling for change vs. preserving the past (pp.18-19)

Homework: Answer p. 17 questions A,B,C,D.

9/16 Aim: To review the chapter

Lesson: Answer questions on pp. 20-21.

Homework: Study p. 20 for test Thursday. Be ready to answer all questions. Review the three ways communities are alike and the three different types of communities.

9/17 No school!

9/18 Social Studies Test

9/19 Aim: To review map and globe skills

Lesson: Identify globe map, North and South poles, cardinal and intermediate directions (pp. 23-25)


9/15 Aim: To review the chapter

Lesson: Answer and review questions on pp. 28-29.

Homework: Study pp .20 to 28 for test Tuesday.

9/16 Religion Test (Chapter 1)

9/17 No School!

9/18 Aim: To explain the Bible
Lesson: Define what it contains and how it was written
Homework: Study pp. 32-33.

9/19 Aim: To explain the Kingdim of God
Lesson: Show how Jesus described the Kingdom and how we can continue to make it grow.
No homewok! Use weekend to review.


9/15 Aim: Practice Aa Cc Ee Ff
Lesson: Do top of p. 10.

9/16 Aim: Practice words
Lesson: Do bottom of p, 10.

9/17 No school!

9/18 Aim: Practice: Gg Jj Qq
Lesson: Do top of p.11.

9/19 Aim: Practice words
Lesson: Do bottom of p.11.