Monday, September 29, 2008

Third Grade 10/6 - 10/10

Social Studies

10/6 Aim: To define geography
Lesson: Examine different landforms and waterbodies (pp.36-38).
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 9.

10/7 Aim: To define climate
Lesson: Think about how climate affects daily life (p. 39).
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 10.

10/8 Aim: To use an infographic
Lesson: Use an infographic for practice on a landform map (pp. 40-41).
Homework: In notebook write date and page. Answer Workbook p. 11.


10/10 Aim: To find geographic terms
Lesson: Examine how the poem relates to the environment (pp. 42-43).


10/6 No Religion class due to early dismissal!

10/7 Aim: To define last judgment
Lesson: Relate Jesus' story of the last judgment and describe heaven.
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 8.
10/8 Aim: To lpresent Jesus' Great Commandment
Lesson: Teach Jesus' great commandment of love (Mark 12: 30-31)
Homework: Answer Workbook p. 9.


10/10 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: Sum up chapter by answering pp. 52-53.


10/6 Aim: Practice x k z and words
Lesson: Do p. 15.

10/7 Aim: Practice X K Z and words
Lesson: Finish p. 15.

10/8 Aim: Practice writing 4 sentences
Lesson: Do p. 16. Each sentence must use one of the verbs listed on page.

10/9 No School!