Friday, September 19, 2008

Second Grade 9/22 - 9/26

Social Studies

9/22 Aim: To identify a community
Lesson: Describe what makes up a community.
Homework: Read pp. 32 to 35 and study notes for p. 35 in notebook .

9/23 Aim: To define map
Lesson: Explain different types of symbols and how to use a map key.
Homework: Read pp. 36 to 39 and study notes for p. 39 in notebook.

9/24 Aim: To compare photograph and map
Lesson: Identify places on a map and compare with those on a photograph.
Homework: Read pp. 40 and 41 and study notes for p. 41 in notebook.

9/25 Aim: To show how to use direction words
Lesson: Practice recognizing locations related to a fixed object.
Homework: Read pp. 42 to 45 and study notes for p. 45 in notebook.

9/26 Aim: To compare and contrast communities
Lesson: Students describe their community and tell how they are alike and different
from others.
Homework: Read pp. 46 to 49 and study notes for p. 49 in notebook.


9/22 Aim: To identify oneself as a disciple
Lesson: (pp. 32-35) Explain what a disciple is and name people Jesus chose to follow him.
Homework: In Workbook read p. 4 and do p. 5.

9/23 Aim: To explain why Jesus sent the Holy Spirit
Lesson: (pp.36-37) Discuss ways that the we recognize that the Holy Spirit helps us.
Homework: In Workbook read and do pp. 6 and 7.

9/24 Aim: To identify ways to help the Church grow
Lesson: (pp. 38-39) Define Church and explain role of Holy Spirit in its growth.
Homework: In Workbook on p. 8 write the definition for each word on the blank next to each.

9/25 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: Answer questions on pp. 40-41 (oral and written)
Homework: Study answers to pp. 40-41 in notebook.

9/26 Aim: To review key words and summarize main ideas
Lesson: Think aloud possible answers to essay questions . Practice answering in complete sentences.


9/22 Aim: To practice copying words and sentences
Lesson: Do p. 25.

9/23 Aim: To practice L I T
Lesson: Do p. 26.

9/24 Aim: To practice copying sentences about books
Lesson: Do p. 27.

9/25 Aim: To practice o a d
Lesson: Do p.28.

9/26 Handwriting Test