Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second Grade 9/29 - 10/3

Social Studies

9/29 Aim: To define a city as urban community
Lesson: Describe types of buildings, jobs, tansportation, and recreation. (pp. 50-53)
Homework: In notebook write date and page and write answers to p. 62.

9/30 GYM - no SS class

10/1 Aim: To define a farming community as rural
Lesson: Describe characteristics of a rural community, specifically a dairy farm. (pp. 54-57)
Homework: In notebook put date and page and write answers to pp. 64-65.

10/2 Aim: To define a suburban community
Lesson: Identify characteristics of a suburb. (pp.58-61)
Homework: Study text book pp. 62 to 65 and notes in notebook for test on Wed., Oct. 8.

10/3 MASS


9/29 Aim: To review chapter
Lesson: Sum up chapter by reviewing key words and written responses. (pp. 41-42)
Homework: Study pp. 20 to 40 and notes in notebook for test on Tues.

9/30 Religion Test (Chapter 2)
Homework: Answer p. 9 in Religion Workbook.

10/ 1 Aim: To teach that we belong to the Catholic Church
Lesson: Define Catholics and parishes. (pp. 43-45)
Homework: Practice saying the Our Father and the Grace After Meals in Prayer Book
in back of Religion text book.

10/2 Aim: To explain how Catholics pray
Lesson: Define faith, praise, and worship. (pp. 46-47)
Homework: Practice saying the Hail Mary and the Grace Before Meals in Prayer Book
in back of Religion text book.

10/3 Aim: To learn about St Francis of Assisi
Lesson: Explain what makes someone a saint and read selections from the Book of Saints
about St. Francis of Assisi.


9/29 Aim: Practice copying words and sentences
Lesson: Do p. 25.

9/30 Aim: Practice L I T
Lesson: Do p. 26.

10/1 Aim: Practice copying sentences about books
Lesson: Do p. 27.

10/2 Aim: Practice o a d
Lesson: Do p.28.

10/3 Handwriting Quiz