Saturday, October 29, 2011

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 10/31 to 11/4

Dear Parents,
         For Halloween, this Monday,  all students should wear their costume to school (no changing at school).
Each student in class 2-1 should bring their own individual juice or soda, a large bag of snack (like Doritos, chips, cheese doodles, etc.), and one bag of candy to distribute to preK and K during their parade in the halls.  I will bring the pizza you ordered and extra candy treats  for my homeroom (2-1). Students may also bring extra money for the Cake Sale that day if they wish.
        On Tuesday students should wear their uniform for Mass . On Friday dismissal will be at 12:00. This Friday is also dress down day which means any student who wishes may bring in two dollars as a fund raiser and then does not need to wear their uniform that day.
        ALL STUDENTS NEED TO WORK ON SETTING UP THEIR RELIGION DISPLAY BOARDS THIS WEEK!  ALL DISPLAY BOARDS ARE DUE COMPLETED BY THIS THURSDAY! Display boards should be purchased in the supply room for five dollars. The title must in the top middle panel and a sheet of construction paper must be placed under it for the student's composition which will be placed there. Student's full name should be under  this sheet. Then pictures (WITH CAPTIONS) can be placed around this sheet and on the side panels. Composition work will be completed this week and will be placed on board this Friday. ALL BOARDS WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN THE AUDITORIUM NEXT TUESDAY, NOV.8TH and grades for their work will be entered by the end of the week.  I suggest students tape the pictures, captions, and title lettering on board so any big errors can be corrected without need to replace the board.

         The vocabulary words for this week are in ELA and are listed below:
*noun - word that names a person, place, or thing   eg.   boy, store, dog
*pronoun - word that takes the place of a noun    eg.  he, her, me, you, them...
*verb - word that shows an action or state of being     eg.  sing, is, were, has done
*homonym - a word that sounds the same as another but has differrent  spelling and meaning eg.  dear/deer

         The homework below is for ALL GRADES:
Rel. 11/1 Rel. Unit 1 Test is this Wed. Review chapters 1 to 4 in text book, the Unit 1 flash cards on, and all Religion notes (except for Safe Environment notes).
Completed Religion display boards are due by this Thursday. Please read top part of this letter for directions on how to prepare it.
Rel. 11/3 Study Safe Environment notes for test next week.
Voc. 11/3 Study weekly vocabulary definitions for test this Friday. Remember there is 12:00 dismissal and bring $2.00 if you wish to dress down.        
 Thank you parents for your cooperation and attention in these matters.                           Ms. Saville

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Second Grade Religion 10/24 to 10/28

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 10/24 to 10/28

Dear Parents,                                                                                                                                        
         Due to rescheduling of art and gym classes and extra time needed for makeups on ITBS tests, some speeches and ALL composition work hasd to be carried over into this week, sooo....
         This week all grades will be writing their composition (based on their speech) for their Religion Fair project in class.  After proofreading and revising their work, students will rewrite their composition in script (except for 2nd) and then receive a grade. One copy will be used on their display board for the Religion Fair. Copies of this composition will then be kept in their Religion and ELA folders which are stored in school.
All classes will be having a Religion test this Wednesday. We will then begin the Safe Environment Curriculum which involves learning to protect oneself against strangers and bad influences. Students will use the Discover book and copy notes in their Religion notebook which  they wll need to study well for their upcoming test next week.
        On Monday, Oct. 31st we will be celebrating Halloween at O.L.Q.M! Students should wear their costume to school (no changing clothes at school). I will be ordering pizza only for class 2-1, my home room. Please bring in one dollar and fifty cents for a slice and treats or bring in $2.50 if you wish two slices. Please send in the money NO LATER than this Thurs., Oct. 27.  Each student should bring in their own individual juice or drink on Monday (no glass or large bottles).  Each student should also bring one bag of candy to share with the pre-k and kindergarten students during their parade as well as a trick or treat bag or plastic pumpkin  to hold their own treats.

      The vocabulary for this week is in Relgion and is listed below:
* saints - followers of Jesus who lived lives of holiness on earth and now share life with God forever
*  sacraments - special signs given to us by Jesus through which we share in God's life and love
* commandments- ten laws given to us by God
* Beatitudes - teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount that describe the way to live as to his disciples

Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework:

Rel. 10/25 Rel. test Wed. on Chapters 3 and 4 (pp. 44-66) and last notes given in Rel. notebook.
ELA 10/27 Review notes for ELA Unit test on Friday.

Rel. 10/25 Rel. Test Wed. on Chapters 3 and 4 (pp. 44-66) and last notes given in Rel. notebook.
ELA 10/27 Review notes for ELA Unit test on Friday.

Rel. 10/25 Rel. Test Wed. for grade 2-1 and on Thurs. for grade 2-2 (due to Art) on Chapters 3 and 4(pp. 44-66) and last notes given  in Rel. notebook.
Rel. 10/27 Print out all flash cards (in drop down menu under Unit 1) on
Cut these out and glue on 3x5 index cards with word on one side and its definition on the other. Place these in a sealed sandwich bag and label Unit 1 and your full name and grade. Keep these in Religion folder for frequent review for upcoming test as well as Mid-term Exams.
Voc. 10/27  Test Friday on this week's  sixteen vocabulary definitions.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 10/17 to 10/ 21

Dear Parents,
        Class 2-1 should wear their gym clothes this Tues., Oct. 18!
        You may notice that last week's lesson plans were altered due to many changes that occured during the week.  Several lessons have been rescheduled for this week.  ITBS testing will continue all week. Once again homework and other testing will not be given until ITBS is over (except for the weekly vocabulary Word Wall test and speech preparation on their Religion theme). Please have students review vocabulary definitions DAILY each week.  Progress Reports will be sent home this Monday.  A grade of 70.00 indicates that a student is failing in that particular area.
          This week I will be grading speeches from ALL classes on their assigned Religion project theme.  Students may use an index card for an OUTLINE ONLY of their speech and present some of the pictures they brought in. Small pictures (less than @ 5"x 6")  cannot be used. All pictures will be returned on Monday so students can prepare.  This is in preparation for our Religion Fair in November.
          Please have students bring in 2 orange, 2 black, and 2 green construction sheets this week in their folder. Please make sure all students bring 3 already sharpened pencils and looseleaf to class every day! Please remind your children that losing notebooks or not having notebooks in class when needed with up to date notes completed will cause MAJOR headaches at exam time when they will need to be reviewed.

        The vocabulary definitions for this week are in ELA and are listed below:
*declarative - a statement or telling sentence ending with a period.   eg. I went to the game.
*interrogative - an asking sentence ending with a question mark.  eg.  Did you go to the game?
*exclamatory - a sentence that expresses strong or sudden emotion ending with an exclamation point.   eg. That was a great game!
*imperative - a sentence that gives a command or makes a request using the word please ending with a period.  eg. Watch the game.    Please tell me the score.
Rel. 10/18 - On ONE index card (using front & back if necessary), prepare an OUTLINE for what you you want to speak about on your ASSIGNED Religion Fair topic. For 2nd, it's a saint; for 3rd, it's a sacrament, and for 4th, it's a commandment or beatitude. USE SOME OF THE PICTURES you found to help you explain your topic. Remember that you are to speak and show pictures, not  just read from the card.
*Please remember to bring construction paper sheets mentioned in message above.  Thank you.

Voc. 10/20 - Study sixteen weekly definitions for test on Friday.

Title: Name of Saint
Intro: When and where the saint was born
*Tell what the saint did in  his/her lifetime to serve and care for others.
*Explain why this saint is your favorite.
*Tell how this saint has inspired you or how you can imitate this saint.

Title: Name of Sacrament
*purposes of the sacrament
*people present at the sacrament
*garments used
Main Idea:
*symbols used
*different ways to celebrate the sacrament

Title: The (First orThird or...) Commandment (or Beatitude)
*Intro:   Write it out as follows: The (first or...) commandment (or beatitude ) is....
  Explain what the commandment or beatitude means  including all the terms used such as "covet" or "meek."
*Describe how you or other people live or do not live the commandment or beatitude.
*Give examples of a saint or historical figure that demonstrated by their way of life how they followed the commandment or beatitude.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Second Grade Religion 10/10 to 10/14

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 10/1o to 10/14

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 10/10 to 10/14

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 10/10 to 10/14

Dear Parents,
         Please be sure to read the principal's school blog and offer your condolences. Please note that 12:00 dismissal has been changed from Friday to Thursday.  Dismissal on Friday will be at 3:00.  The ITBS and COGAT testing will begin this week and continue through next week during morning hours.  I will be giving the test to the third grade class. No homework except for the weekly vocabulary definitions will be given during testing; however regular classes will continue each day AFTER the testing. All ITBS testing will begin with Math followed by Vocabulary, Reading, Language (or Listening).
 The vocabulary definitions for this week are in Religion as follows:
*Resurrection - the miracle of Jesus' rising from the dead to a new life.
*Church - community of baptized people who follow Jesus
*Pentecost - the day the Holy Spirit  came upon the apostles. It is also the birthday of the Church.
*conscience - ability to know the difference between good and evil; right and wrong 

Please make sure ALL students have FOUR SHARPENED PENCILS  AND GOOD ERASERS  for the test.  Thank you.               

Monday, October 3, 2011

Second Grade Religion 10/3 to 10/7

Lesson Plan

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fourth Grade ELA 10/3 to 10/7

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 10/3 to 10/7

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades 10/3 to 10/7

Dear Parents,
         Mass for the feast of St. Francis of Assisi has been changed from Tues. to Wed. Students may bring a pet to be blessed at church as long as a parent can take the pet home immediately after Mass. This Friday the fourth grade will have a GYM period instead of Computer so please be sure to wear your gym clothes.  Pictures in a labeled plastic bag in preparation for the Religion fair were due last Friday. I gave an extension till this Monday in some cases so please REMEMBER to bring them!  Some students in 3rd and 4th grades began speeches last week and the rest will finish on Monday so all can begin Composition writing this week.  All classes will be having a Religion test on Chapter 2 this Friday, Oct. 7th.
           The vocabulary definitions for this week are in ELA:
*personal narrative - a true story about something that happened to you that you remember
*time order words -words that tell about events in the order that they happened; eg first, next, then, finally
*introduction -sentence at beginning of a composition containing the main idea that grabs reader's attention
*conclusion - sentence at end of a composition that sums up what the composition was about, focuses on what was important or gives an opinion about it

          Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework:

ELA 10/4 - In ELA notebook answer ELA Workbook p. 6.  Follow directions in book.
                   (Remember Workbook, page#, date)
Rel. 10/6 - Religion test Fri. on Chapter 2 and this week's Religion notes in notebook. Answer p. 7 in Rel. Review Workbook  ( write 5 sentences)

ELA 10/4 In ELA notebook answer ELA Workbook p. 6. Follow directions in book  but don't draw boxes.
                 (Remember Workbook, p#, date)
Rel. 10/6 -  Religion test Fri. on Chapter 2 and this week's Religion notes in notebook. Answer p. 7 in Rel. Review Workbook. Fill all lines.

Rel. 10/4- On an index card write 5 interesting facts about your assigned saint that you can speak about in class. Most students can click on Lives of the Saints Archive list and then click on the name of your saint to get information needed.  If saint's name is not listed, please look in other sources.
Rel. 10/6 - Religion test Fri. on Chapter 2 and this week's Religion notes in notebook.  Answer p. 7 in Rel.  Review Workbook.
Voc. 10/6 - Vocabulary test on Fri. on this week's definitions.