Sunday, December 18, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, 4th for Dec.19 to 21

Dear Parents,
         Our last day of school this week before vacation is Dec. 21st.  ALL classes will be taking an ELA quiz this Tuesday. Please see below for a study guide. On Tuesday all classes must be in full uniform for pictures as well as Advent confessions for third and fourth grades at 9:00. Second graders need to bring in  $3.00 by Tuesday for a pizza party on Wednesday afternoon.  On Wednesday all students must be dressed in some combination of red, green, and white clothes for Lessons and Carols in the morning in which each class will be have a turn to come up to the front in Church and sing a Christmas carol.  On Wednesday we must also pack up all books so each student must bring in plastic shopping bags. Second grade should also bring in their own juices to drink and a bag of Christmas candy or treat to share with the class.
Please see below for this week's homework:

ELA QUIZ for this Tuesday.  Study following vocabulary: narrative,  dialogue, quotation marks, sensory details, transition words, sources, editing, revising..  In Grammar Workshop be sure to study pp. 220 (dialogue) and 224 (homophones). Be sure to know the difference between uses of they're /there/their and to / two / too.   In Phonics study pp. 26-27.  Be prepared to write a brief narrative including two lines of dialog on how your assigned animal defends itself against its predator.
For  ADVENT CONFESSIONS ON TUESDAY review Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been _________ since my last confession, the Act of Contrition, and the Ten Commandments.

ELA QUIZ for this Tuesday.  Study following vocabulary: heading on a letter, adjectives, culture, simple vs. compound sentence, conjunction. In Grammar Workshop be sure to study pp. 120, 123, and p. 28 (compound sentences). In Phonics study pp. 43 and 64. Be prepared to write a brief letter with all five letter parts asking an author to use the research on your assigned country in her Magic Tree House book series.
***If you have not yet made the picture of your assigned country's flag, please bring in a print out or an I-pad so you can finish it in class.
For  ADVENT CONFESSIONS ON TUESDAY review Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been _________ since my last confession, the Act of Contrition, and the Ten Commandments.

ELA QUIZ for this Tuesday.  Study vocabulary in notebook: all definitions from attracted to mature. In Voyages study pp. 134 and 136. In Phonics study p. 86. Study notes in notebook to be able to write a paragraph on the life cycle of a plant using time order words.
Bring in $3.00 for pizza by Tuesday.  Bring in your own juice and one bag of Christmas candy for class if you wish on Wed. Bring in a strong plastic or fabric bag to pack up books.  Be sure to wear uniform on Tuesday and a combination of red, green, and white clothing on Wed. for Lessons and Carols in the morning. Party will be on Wed. afternoon.

Please click on links  below if you wish to see this week's lesson plans:

fourth grade lesson plan

third grade lesson plan

second grade lesson plan

Monday, December 12, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Dec.12 to Dec.16

Dear Parents,
         I wish to offer my sincere thanks to all parents who were able to attend our second grade Mass this past week.  It meant very much to your children!  Please be aware that several teachers will be out attending workshops this week and schedule adjustments may need to be made.  Third and fourth grade will continue work on their ELA projects this week.

       Please see below for this week's homework:


12/13 Religion quiz Wed.  Study Chapter 5 to prepare for Advent confessions next week. Answer text p. 78 on looseleaf. Review Chapter 13 on Advent. Be sure to study ALL notes in notebook on conscience and memorize the steps for making a moral choice.

12/15 ELA Writing Quiz tomorrow will be on composing a three paragraph informational essay describing your assigned animal including its physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, predators, and ways of defending itself.  Mon. For tommorrow make one large color print out of your assigned animal and glue it on standard size construction paper.  You may also use two smaller color print outs but one must be of the animal facing its predator. In Grammar Workshop study p. 220. On looseleaf answer pp. 220-221 A #1 to 10. On  IXL, practice NN1 (dialog) and LLL1, LLLL2 (sensory details).  For the ELA quiz next week be prepared to write a short narrative with two lines of dialog in which your assigned animal is defending itself from its predator.
*** Students who did not study the six steps for making a moral  choice will be retested tomorrow!!!


12/13 Religion quiz Wed.  Study Chapter 18 to prepare for Advent confessions next week.  Answer text p. 218 on looseleaf. Review Chapter 13 on Advent.  Be sure to study the Parables of the Kingdom in text on pp. 296 to 299 and notes in the notebook.

12/15 ELA quiz will be next Monday. Be prepared to write a short letter with all five parts to an author requesting her to use your research information about a country in her book.
For tomorrow find  two or three color pictures from internet images directly related to the research you did on your country and glue them on standard size construction paper.  In Grammar Workshop study p. 120 and answer p. 123 D #1 to 6 on loose leaf following the directions on the top.  On IXL practice FFF1 and FFF2  (sensory details) and YY1 (organizing).


12/13 Religion quiz Wed.  Study Chapter 10.  Memorize the Ten Commandments and the ways to follow each from your notebook or textbook.  Answer p. 130 in the textbook looking up the answers.

12/15 ELA quiz will be next Monday. For the quiz, be prepared to write about  the life cycle of a plant in correct sequence.
Tonight study Voyages p. 134.  Answer on ONE  looseleaf p. 134  #1 to 3 and p. 135  #1 to 4 (write only the correct one).  Study the vocabulary definitions  in the notebook.  On IXL practice T1, T3, and T4 on adjectives.

Please click below if you wish to see this week's lesson plans:

fourth grade lesson plan

third grade lesson plan

second grade lesson plan

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Dec. 5 to 9

Dear Parents,
         This Thursday, our second grade will be doing the readings for the Mass of the Immaculate Conception at 9:00 in case you are able to attend.

Please see below for this week's homework for each grade.

12/6 On loose leaf write a full heading. Then write  FIVE unfamiliar words directly  associated with the research you've done on your assigned animal. Next to each write a definition of that word that can be easily understood.Continue to add bullets of information of interesting facts on your assigned animal in your notebook.  Make sure it is neat and correctly spelled. Click on the following link to review interesting facts on the puffer fish we will be studying: puffer fish facts!

12/8 ELA quiz is this Friday.  Study vocabulary on parts of a narrative. Study link animal defense mechanisms#1. Study p. 152 in Grammar Workshop and DD1 to DD4 on IXL. In Phonics study pp. 21 and 23. Be sure to review the research on your assigned animal describing its physical features, habitat, behavior, its predator, and ways it can defend itself.

12/6 On loose leaf write a full heading. Then write  FIVE unfamiliar words directly  associated with the research you've done on your assigned country. Next to each write a definition of that word that can be easily understood.

12/8 ELA quiz is this Friday.  Study all  vocabulary for Module 2B in notebook. Study pp' 84 and 86 in Grammar Workshop and J2, J3, K3 on IXL.  In Phonics study pp, 60,61.  Be sure to review your notes on your assigned country and bring them back tomorrow.

12/6 In Religion NOTEBOOK, continue to copy the last seven commandments each followed by the bulleted list of the two ways to follow each commandment from p. 115 in text book. MEMORIZE THE FIRST THREE COMMANDMENTS AND WAYS TO FOLLOW EACH COPIED IN NOTEBOOK.

12/8 ELA quiz is this Friday.  Study all vocabulary definitions for Domain 6 in notebook. Study Voyages pp, 97 and 122. Study Phonics p. 28.  Be sure to study notes in notebook comparing rotation and revolution of the earth.  You will need to write a six sentence paragraph on this.

Please click below if you wish to see this week's lesson plans:

fourth grade lesson plan

third grade lesson plan

second grade lesson plan