Saturday, November 25, 2017

Homework for Nov. 27 to Dec. 1 for Class 1-2

Dear Parents,
         Please remember there is 12:00 dismissal on Monday.

Lesson plan

 Homework for Nov. 27
*Due to meeting with principal, Religion topic will be covered tomorrow and homework assignment will be rescheduled.
Math - Do pp. 23 and 24 in workbook. Be sure to read and follow ALL directions!
ELA- Study meaning of vocabulary words in notebook: learning to everything.

Homework for Nov. 28
Math - Do pp. 27 and 28 in workbook.  For each make a drawing of clear and shaded circles, label, and circle ten as shown in model.
Religion - On p. 92 write TWO complete sentences for each picture using capitals and periods.  Write neatly.  Study Chapter 6.  Please review for daily assessments.
ELA - Study first ten sight words on Dolch Pre-Primer Sight vocabulary list in the homework folder.

Homework for Nov. 29
Math- Do pp. 31 and 32 in workbook.  Follow all directions.
Phonics - Do pp. 39, 40, and 41 in the book.
ELA- Study the next ten sight words on Dolch Pre-Primer Sight vocabulary list in the folder.
***I am sending home a Science book on Astronomy tomorrow.  We will be doing a few of the exercises in this book such as those related to the moon phases, solar system and planets, and some on the constellations.
***Those who missed Handwriting this morning should do pp. 50-51.

Homework for Nov. 30
Math- Do pp.  35 and 36 in workbook.  Follow ALL directions! There will be a Mid Module Quiz on Tues. next week.  Please review all corrected homework pages in workbook.  Corrected exit tickets will be sent home on Friday for review.
Religion - Study Chapter 6  especially p. 81 for quiz on Friday.  Answer p. 84 (write a simple question about one of the Church seasons)
ELA- Study last set of ten sight words on Dolch Pre-Primer Sight vocabulary list in the folder.
***Students have been writing Social Studies, Science, and ELA vocabulary definitions in their notebooks so students can review gradually.

Homework for Dec. 1
Math - Do pp. 39 and 40 in workbook.  Review well all  TEN corrected exit tickets sent home for quiz. as well as review workbook pages if needed.
Phonics - Do pp. 43, 44, and 46.
***Students should review last set of Social Studies, Science, and ELA vocabulary definitions in their notebooks. Parents, please sign the  THREE  quizzes sent home and return on Monday.
***Those who missed Handwriting this morning should do pp.62-63. Follow directions.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Homework for Nov. 20 to 23 for Class 1-2

Dear Parents,
          Report cards and honors will be distributed tomorrow at 1:30 in the auditorium.  On Tuesday dismissal will be at 12:00 and then parent-teacher conferences will be held in the auditorium from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. On Wednesday we will have our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00.  Students may dress up that day and may bring in some small treat to share only if they wish.  Social Studies quiz is tomorrow!

Lesson plan

Homework for Nov. 20
Math - Do pp. 15 and 16.  Be sure to follow directions and follow the model in the top right corner.
Science - Quiz tomorrow. Review Chapters 4, 5, 6 on magnets and Science definitions in notebook.
ELA - On the next page of the notebook, have students write a full heading CORRECTLY. Write ELA as the subject and copy each word and definition. Be sure to number each and skip a line after each definition.
1. learning- understanding, gaining knowledge
2. proud- pleased, satisfied
3. strolled- walked slowly in a relaxed way
4. waved- signaled with one's hand
5. announced - told or stated 
6. everything- all knowledge
*Please make sure your child is reading the leveled e-readers on  Students will be reading these in class and answering questions for homework tomorrow.

Homework for Nov. 21
Math- Do pp. 19-20.  On p. 20 for the bottom half make either a number bond OR a math drawing as shown in the model.
Religion - Quiz tomorrow on Chapter 5.  Be prepared to write about ways to show how we love God listed on p. 71.
*For those who left class this morning do Handwriting pp. 60 and 61. Follow directions.

ELA-  Choose any TWO of the following leveled e-readers you read on line and answer the THREE questions at the end of EACH book.  Don't copy the question but be sure to restate by answering in a sentence. Questions can be found at the end of:  My New PetAnimals Change,   A Very Big AnimalGiraffe Grows Up, and Animals of Africa.   THIS ELA HOMEWORK IS DUE ON MON., NOV. 27 so you have time to do it on loose leaf neatly, carefully, and completely! Be sure to start with a heading.  Write the title of each book with answers for the first book on the front and for the second book on the back.

Homework for Nov. 22
*Just a reminder that the ELA listed above is due on Monday and that on Monday we have 12:00 dismissal.      HAPPY THANKSGIVING!      Gracias de nuestra parte a la mama de Gabriel!

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Homework for Nov. 13 to 17 for Class 1-2

Dear Parents,
         This Friday there will be a Mickey/Minnie costume contest at 2:00 for any student who wishes to participate.

Lesson plan

Homework for Nov. 13
Math - Do pp. 187,189, and 191 in the workbook. On p. 187 write the sums only for the nine unshaded  boxes.  Then on p. 189 write the two related subtraction sentences for each of these addition facts. On p. 191 write the number bond for each of these same addition and subtraction sentences. Keep them in the same order so you don't get mixed up! (Skip homework pp. 179 & 181.) Study all corrected exit tickets (for lessons 31 to 39) sent home for End of Module Test.  Review also in the workbook corrected homework pages from the same lessons.
ELA - On the next page of the notebook, have students write a full heading CORRECTLY. Write ELA as the subject and copy each word and definition. Be sure to number each and skip a line after each definition. THIS NOTEBOOK WORK IS DUE ON WED.
1. underground- where animals tunnel or burrow
2. pesky- something that bothers or annoys
3. warn- to alert or signal someone about danger
4. spot- to see or notice something
5. squirt- to shoot or spra
6. scoop- to shove into one's mouth
7. swallow- to eat or drink
8. breathe- to take air into one's lungs
*Parent, please sign all quizzes sent home today and return no later than this Thursday. The test packet contains TWO Math (quiz and a Mid Module Assessment, TWO Phonics (workbook pages), ONE ELA (on loose leaf), ONE Religion, ONE Social Studies, and ONE Science.  PLEASE CHECK THAT YOU HAVE ALL OF THESE AND PLEASE RETURN EACH ONE SIGNED.
***I am also sending home some Science sheets on magnets (copies of first grade text book) These are to be kept the folder and should be studied well for daily assessments and quizzes.  More sheets will be sent home next week.
***Finally, there is an important notice to all parents in your child's folder.  It has been requested that EVERY PARENT SIGN AND RETURN THAT NOTICE BY TOMORROW!

Homework for Nov. 14
Math- Do pp. 179 and 181. On p. 179 write the sums only for the unshaded boxes.  Then choose any of these 17 addition facts and on p. 181 write either a number bond OR write two related subtraction sentences next to each other.
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer questions  1 and 2 on p. F31.  For #1 write the names of 3 items in the picture that magnets attract.  For #2 copy correctly the names of different types of magnets.  Study pp. F26 to F31.

Remember to finish copying the ELA definitions in the notebook.

I am listing the Social Studies definitions below in case you wish to start reviewing. Quiz on Friday.
1. natural resources - something in nature that people use. Examples are: soil, rocks, water, sun, air, animals, trees, plants
2. brick- a natural resource made of clay in the soil
3. thatch - dried plants used to cover the roof of a house
4. adobe- bricks made from wet mud that is dried in the sun
5.  igloo- a house made from blocks of ice
6. apartment building- place made of cement and steel where many families live

Ways to protect natural resources:
*pick up litter
*don't waste water
*recycle cans and bottles
*reuse paper
*plant seeds

Homework for Nov. 15
Yesterday I sent home the End of Module Math Test which needs to be signed and returned with the other tests by Thurs.  We have just now started Module 2 (new workbook) in Math and also started a new Unit 2 in ELA (still same RWJ workbook).  A reminder that your child should be reading the leveled e readers on  using the username and password on the back of the ixl card in your child's folder.  They will be asked to read orally in class next week from one of these books. Please allow them to choose as challenging a book as they can handle!

Math- In Module 2 workbook do pp. 3 and 4.
Social Studies- On the next page of the notebook, have students write a full heading CORRECTLY. Write Social Studies as the subject and copy each word and definition listed above. Be sure to number each and skip a line after each definition. Be sure to copy and study the ways to protect natural resources.
Students who missed Handwriting this morning must do pp. 14-15 letter g and p. 44 only letters u,v.

Homework for Nov. 16
I added two more chapters to the Science booklet I sent home so students can review at home what they learn in class.  Science assessments were given.  Social Studies assessments will be given tomorrow.
Math- In workbook do pp. 7 and 8.
 Science- On the next page of the notebook, have students write a full heading CORRECTLY. Write Science as the subject and copy each word, definition,, and notes listed below.
1. draw a conclusion- when you use what you know to explain smething
2. investigate- when you make a plan and try it out
3. observe- when you find out how things work
4. magnet- tool used to attract things made of iron. Different types of magnets include horseshoe, bar, wand, ring.
5. attract- when a magnet pulls things toward it
6. repel- when a magnet pushes away from something
7. poles - the two places on the magnet where pull force is strongest named north and south poles.   

On a horseshoe magnet N and S are next to each other. On a bar magnet N and S are on opposite ends.  On a ring magnet N and S are on flip sides.
Things a magnet can attract include paper clips, safety pins, metal spoon, metal screws, nails, screws.
Things a magnet will not attract are items made of plastic, wood, or glass. Items include block, buttons, shell, paper, cloth, crayon, penny.
Magnets can pull THROUGH paper, glass, cardboard, and water.

Homework for Nov. 17
*Tomorrow is Mickey and Minnie Day.  Social Studies Quiz will be given on Monday. Science Quiz will be Tuesday. If you have not sent back ALL graded quizzes, please do so by tomorrow.
Math - In workbook do pp. 11 and 12. FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS. Show the work means to make a drawing and LABEL each part and circle what makes 10.
Social Studies - Study  text pp. 60 to 75 as well as definitions AND notes listed above for quiz
Science - Study sheets for Chapters 4, 5, 6 on magnets as well as definitions AND notes listed above for quiz.
*Keep reading the leveled e readers on    Students will be tested on their oral reading next week.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Homework for Class 1-2 for Nov. 6 to 10

Dear Parents,
          There is no school this Friday to celebrate Veteran's Day! This week students are being asked to bring in at least two cans of food for the poor which will be presented at the Thanksgiving Mass.  The Writing test has been rescheduled for Monday and the Religion quiz will be on Tuesday.  There will be a Social Studies Quiz on Wednesday and Science Quiz on Thursday.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Nov. 6
Math- Do pp. 157 and 158 in the workbook. Follow sample of the 5-group drawing in the corner.
Religion- Review well Chapter 4 for quiz tomorrow.
Below is a list of the Social Studies and Science vocabulary definitions that should be copied into the notebook and studied for the two quizzes. STUDENTS WILL COPY SOCIAL STUDIES DEFINITIONS INTO NOTEBOOK ON TUESDAY AND SCIENCE DEFINITIONS INTO NOTEBOOK ON WEDNESDAY FOR HOMEWORK! I am listing them earlier only in case you want to print them out and start reviewing.

Social Studies:
1. landforms - different kinds of lands on earth
2. plain- flat land
3. hill- land higher than the land around it
4.  mountain- highest kind of land
5. valley- low land between hills and mountains
6. peninsula- land with water on three sides only
7. island- land with water ALL around it
8. water bodies- different kinds of water on earth
9. ocean- largest body of salt water.
10. river - long body of fresh water sometimes flowing into oceans
11. lake- small body of fresh water with land all around it
12. mobile- a kind of art work with moving parts
13. landform map- map using colors to stand for different types of land in a state
*Study Social Studies text pp. 52 to 59.

1. sunrise- time when the sun appears to come up.  It is also called dawn  just before morning.
2. sunset- time when the sun appears to go down.  It is also called dusk just before night.
3. seasons - correct sequence is fall, winter, spring, summer. Usually the weather in fall is cool, in winter cold, in spring warm, and in summer hot.  The fall months are Sept., Oct., Nov.  The winter months are Dec., Jan., Feb.  The spring months are March, April, May.  The summer months are June, July, August.
4.  amount of daylight-  how long it stays light outside.  There is more daylight in the spring and summer and less daylight in the fall and winter.  For us the longest day is June 21st and the shortest day is December 21st.
5. axis - the imaginary pole on which the earth spins or rotates
6. tilted- slanted. The tilt or slant of the earth causes the changes in the seasons.  Summer happens when our part of the earth is tilted toward the sun and winter happens when our part of the earth is tilted away from the sun.
7.  daylight savings time-practice of setting the clock forward one hour during the warmer part of the year so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less.  In the cooler part of the year, the clocks are set back one hour.
*You may wish to refer to this link for an illustration explanation of the earth's tilt causing the season

Homework for Nov. 7
Math - Do pp.  161 and 162. Follow directions.
Social Studies - Study text book pp. 52 to 59.  In notebook write full heading and copy all Social Studies definitions listed above neatly and completely and STUDY all for quiz tomorrow.
ELA on line quiz will be given on Time to Sleep and What DoYou Do With a Tail Like This?  either Wed. or Thurs.  depending on when I can get access to the chrome books.

Homework for Nov. 8
Math - Do pp. 165 and 166. Be sure to review corrections made on previous pages so students don't make the same type of mistakes.
Science- In notebook write full heading and copy all Science definitions listed above neatly and completely and STUDY all for quiz tomorrow. Also you can refer to the link listed under the definitions for additional review.
*Students who left the class this morning for instruction need to do pp.32-33 in Handwriting book.
*Yesterday I sent home many math sprints, class assessments, graded homework.  All these should be taken out of the folder and kept at home possibly in a box. I will not send home any tests till next week and these will need to be signed and returned.
*I assigned the Unit 1 leveled e-readers of the READY GEN program.  They will be available for viewing on Nov. 10th and students have until Nov. 27th to read as many books as they like.   Students have their username and password on the back of the IXL card in their homework folder.o
Homework for Nov. 9
Math - Do pp. 169 and 170.  Follow directions. For Friday's homework, please do pp. 173 and 174.
This is a good weekend to practice Math and Language Arts skills on the IXL program.  Please feel free to practice whatever skills you feel would most benefit your child.   We have been using it twice a week in school but it is not enough especially since by mid December the license for IXL expires and will not be renewed. Please have your child use it as much as possible while he can!
Next set of Math exit tickets will be sent home by the end of next week before the end of the module assessment. We have only two more lessons to go!
ELA -  Starting Nov. 10th, you can begin  reading the leveled e readers on the Ready Gen program.  Username and password are on the back of IXL card in the folder.