Sunday, September 30, 2018

Homework for Oct. 1 to 5

Dear Parents,
        On Thursday we are celebrating Mass at 9:00 for the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  Students may bring in a pet to be blessed during Mass.  Parent must bring in the pet no later than 8:30 and the pet must be taken home right after Mass.
        On Friday I asked students take home their pencil cases. Please check that they return with all pencils sharpened and that they have erasers. Please sure no books are left at home

Lesson Plan

Homework for Oct. 1
 Math- In workbook do p. 81.  Follow first sample.
Science - Quiz on Wed.  Review text pp. A2 to A29 and vocabulary below:
*living things- things that grow such as people, animals, and plants
*non-living things- things that do NOT grow such as rocks or water
*senses- body parts used to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch
*root- plant part that takes in water for the plant
*stem- plant part that holds up the plant
*trunk- the stem of a tree
*leaves- plant part that make the food for the plant
*seed-  plant part that can grow into a new plant
*compare- to show how things are alike or different
*communicate - to talk and listen
*observe- to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch
***Be able to write the steps for growing a plant in correct order:
First, dig a hole (or pull out weeds)
Next, plant seeds in the hole.
Last, water the new plant.

Homework for Oct. 2
Math- In workbook do p. 85.
Religion- In workbook do p. 42 including bottom question.
Science quiz is tomorrow. Please review notes above for quiz tomorrow.
***Be sure to wear full uniform tomorrow for class pictures.

Homework for Oct. 3
Math- In workbook do p. 89.  Follow the sample on the top right.
Grammar- In Voyages workbook do pp. 15 and 16.  Do exactly what the directions on each page say!
Review ALL  pages 2 to 18 for quiz this FRIDAY!

Tomorrow any student who wishes to bring a pet may do so only if a parent can take it back home as soon as Mass is over.

In class yesterday students either practiced using decodable readers or practiced reading a set of leveled readers for Unit 1.. I  just assigned these five leveled readers for students to read on line on   Students have ONE WEEK (Oct. 3 to 10) to practice reading these books at home. I will assign questions at the back of these books to be answered as an assessment so parents please make certain that your child read these books before  Oct. 10.
The names of these books are:Animal Adventures,   Animal Change,   How Animals Move,     Giraffe Grows Up, and   Guide to Growing.
****Students should read at least ONE book for tonight's homework.  I will ask questions!

Homework for Oct. 4
Math- In workbook do pp.  93 and 94.
Grammar - Review Voyages pp. 2 to 18 for quiz tomorrow.  Be able to write an asking sentence and an exclaiming sentence.
***Read another book from the list on

Reading - Copy following words and definitions in the notebook. on the page titled Vocabulary 10-4
1. brave- courageous, unafraid, daring
2. mountain - a hill with a peak
3. snake - a reptile that slides
4. together- both, with a partner, opposite of apart
5. desert- a hot, dry land
6. cactus- a prickly desert plant
*  I will be checking notebooks on Tuesday so you have enough time to do the work neatly!

Homework for Oct. 5
Math- In workbook do pp.97 and 98.

***A reminder: There is no school on Monday so by Tuesday make sure students have copied the six words and definitions above in notebook on page titled Vocabulary 10-4.  Also by Wednesday students should have read ALL five leveled readers on and be ready to answer any of the questions listed at the end of each book.

*** I am sending home a TEST FOLDER with 1 Math, 1 Reading, 1 Science, 1 Social Studies, 1 Religion, and 1 Grammar Quiz , as well as 3 Phonics Assessments.  Each should be signed and ALL returned in the same folder by Tuesday.  I need to file them and keep them in class.  You make make a copy if you wish.  DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO MAKE ANY CORRECTIONS ON THE QUIZ ITSELF --only on a separate looseleaf if you wish.
***There will a Religion quiz on Chapter 2 next week and a writing quiz based on Stellaluna.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Homework for Sept. 24 to 28

Dear Parents,
         This week there is NO SCHOOL on Tuesday. Now that all students have taken the baseline test, I will be sending home a card with the ELA/Reading website which is  along with your child's username and password (which begins with capital F and ends with number 1)  Once you sign in, you will be able to see an on-line copy of  Stellaluna.  Please review the book with your child and review the vocabulary definitions in the notebook for a quiz on Friday.  PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS CARD FROM YOUR CHILD'S FOLDER.
           This week I will also be sending home the first TEN corrected Math exit tickets your child has completed.  Please review these for a Math quiz on Thursday. You should keep these sheets at home in a safe place. There will be a Social Studies quiz on Wednesday.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Sept. 24
Math - Do workbook pp. 65 and 66. Follow directions!  Begin studying the ten exit tickets for a quiz on Thursday.

Social Studies- Review textbook pp. 6 to 23 and study vocabulary definitions below for quiz on Wed.
* neighborhood-  a place where people live, work, and play
*community- a larger place with many neighborhoods
* town- a small community with few people and places
*ranch- a community that raises animals
*city- a large community with many people and places
*map- a flat model of the earth
*globe- a round model of the earth
*map key- a list with symbols (pictures) of places on a map
****Students will also need to know how to WRITE their home address correctly (only house number and street name). Know how to recognize the correct school address.

Homework for Sept. 26
Math- Do workbook  pp. 69 and 70.  STUDY ALL TEN EXIT TICKETS in folder for Math quiz tomorrow. You should also review all corrected homework pages  from lessons 1 to 10 to see where your child had difficulty.
ELA- Review once again definitions in notebook (or on previous blog) for Reading Quiz on Friday.  Review also sounds of letters m, s, t, a (short), and n.
****On Friday students who are allowed to dress down MUST bring in no more than ONE dollar. Please do not send in your child with more.

Homework for Sept. 27
Math - Do workbook  p. 73.  Each box must show two sets of pictures circled showing the correct number of addends.

Reading -Quiz tomorrow. Review the following definitions and notes.
1. survived- lived
2. perched- sat on a branch
3. daybreak- when the sun comes up in the morning
4. trembling- shaking from fear or cold
5. clumsy- opposite of graceful
6. escaped - got away
7. clutched -held tight
8. shovel- tool used to dig soil

 Practice writing:
To grow a plant, you must do this in order.
First, pull out weeds, and dig a hole.
Next, plant seeds in the hole.
Last, water the new plant.

Homework for Sept. 28
Math - Do workbook p. 77. For talking bubbles follow sample on top right.

Phonics (Foundational Skills Workbook) - Do pp. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Follow directions. (This work is rescheduled from yesterday)

For a look ahead--next week there will a Science test on Science vocabulary listed on blog assignment for Sept. 21. There will also be a Grammar quiz  on Voyages workbook pp. 2 to 12.
All quizzes will be sent home at the end of next week.  Each quiz will need to be signed and returned in the same folder in which they are sent home. NO CORRECTIONS ARE TO BE MADE ON ANY QUIZ.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

Homework for Sept. 17 to 21 for First Grade

Dear Parents,
          Please make sure that your children bring in ALL their books, as well as their folder, their notebook, and four sharpened pencils every day.  Last week several children told me that they left books at home.  If you did not get a chance to cover, please have your child bring in the book any way.  I have started listing grades on SIS system and you can see them if you have the password.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Sept. 17
Math - Do workbook pp. 33 and 34.  Look back at previous two pages as a sample.
Religion - Quiz is on Wed. Study ALL of  Chapter 1.  Also study following definitions:
*God - our Father and creator
*creation- everthing God made
*always- forever
*Bible - book of God's word
*angels - messengers of God that guide and protect us
*Adam and Eve - first man and woman God created
*St. Francis of Assisi - patron saint of animals. On his feast day we celebrate blessing of the animals.

Homework for Sept. 18
Math- Do workbook p. 43. BE SURE TO READ AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!!  The bookshelf picture mentioned in the directions is on p. 45.

Social Studies- On loose leaf practice writing a full heading CORRECTLY.  Then practice writing your  home address  (ONLY house number and street name)  SIX  times correctly as shown on the card in your folder.  Then practice saying it without looking.
Students should keep this index card with child's home and school address in the front panel of their folder ALWAYS.  I will add other important information on this card later on this year.

Parents, I would appreciate if all books are covered by the end of this month.  Clear contact that comes in a roll works best.  These can be found in Staples and Target.  Thank you.

Homework for Sept. 19
Math - Do workbook p. 51.  Be sure to follow directions!
ELA-  Study all 8 vocabulary definitions in notebook for quiz tomorrow.

Parents, PLEASE try to have your children in school by 7:50. At 7:55 we MUST head to church for morning prayers. Students need at least 5 minutes before that to unpack their bookbag, hang up their sweater,and bookbag.,leave their lunch box on the floor, and bring in their books to the classroom.  Too many children are coming in during or after prayers.  This week's lesson lesson plan needed to be changed .  This morning we had to practice for a lock down. Then your children did the Reading section of the MAP test, followed by the Baseline Test for Reading Gen after lunch.

Homework for Sept. 20
Math - Do workbook pp. 55 and 56. Follow all written directions.  Parents, please check back on corrections made on previous homework pages so children don't keep making same types of mistakes.
Social Studies-  We have covered textbook pp. 4 to 27.  Study the following vocabulary definitions.  DO NOT WRITE THEM IN THE NOTEBOOK. Assessment will be given on Friday.
* neighborhood-  a place where people live, work, and play
*community- a larger place with many neighborhoods
* town- a small community with few people and places
*ranch- a community that raises animals
*city- a large community with many people and places
*map- a flat model of the earth
*globe- a round model of the earth
*map key- a list with symbols (pictures) of places on a map

Parent, please review with your children how to write a correct heading as noted on the last homework I returned. Several students wrote incorrect or incomplete headings and some wrote none at all.  Homework done on loose leaf MUST have a complete and correct heading in order to receive a 4 as noted on the  homework rubrics sheet. 

Homework for Sept. 21
Math-  Do workbook pp. 61 and 62.  Follow ALL directions!
Science-  We have covered textbook pp. A4  to A29.  Study the following vocabulary definitions.
DO NOT WRITE THEM IN THE NOTEBOOK. Assessment will be given on Wednesday.
*living things- things that grow such as people, animals, and plants
*non-living things- things that do NOT grow such as rocks or water
*senses- body parts used to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch
*root- plant part that takes in water for the plant
*stem- plant part that holds up the plant
*trunk- the stem of a tree
*leaves- plant part that make the food for the plant
*seed-  plant part that can grow into a new plant

Parents, I sent home the corrected assessment (on looseleaf)  of the ELA vocabulary (5 words) and grades ranged from 0 to 100. Please have students review any vocabulary definitions I list for homework.  Most often I give a short assessment days before the quiz  to alert students to what they need to review.  Next week I will send home corrected Math exit tickets given daily so students can review for the upcoming Math quiz. Please remember that there is NO  school this Tuesday, Sept. 25.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Notices and Homework for Sept. 10 to 14

Dear Parents,
         These are just some important reminders:
* Please make sure sure you send in both emergency cards completely filled in and all signed sheets TOGETHER no later than this Thursday.
*Please send in $5.00 (if you have not done so) for your child's personal white board needed for Math
*Please make sure you have sent in THREE reams of blank paper.  Some sent in only one, others two, and still others none. Students have already been collecting them to send to the office for copies.
*Please begin covering the books I send home.  On Friday I sent home three books to be covered.  Be sure you do not leave the books at home since we will  be using them.  Students will take home the rest this week a few at a time to get covered.  Clear contact book covers found in Staples work well.
*Please make sure your child brings in 3 or 4 SHARPENED pencils every day.   Two large flat pencil cases work best to hold all colored pencils, glue stick, eraser, etc. Students should keep  TWO dry erase markers and a dry erase eraser in their pencil case. The rest can be kept in the bin outside.
*I will be sending home a card that will be placed in the front clear panel of each student's homework folder (THIS IS WHY THE CORRECT FOLDER IS IMPORTANT) with the web site, username, and password to access our Reading program which is  Students will be taking a Base line test this week on this site and will have access to our first  trade book Stellaluna as well as leveled readers and games.  STUDENTS NEED TO KEEP THIS CARD IN THEIR FOLDER AND NOT LOSE IT.
*Students in first grade will begin MAP testing this week in order to diagnose you child's strengths and weaknesses at the present time.
*Homework will be assigned daily and is due the following morning.  Please check the date to avoid mix-ups. Homework SHOULD NOT to done ahead of time before the lesson is taught since this often leads to confusion.  In Math the homework is always patterned on the classwork done on the previous pages.
* The link below will give you access to this week's lesson plan in case you wish to see it but may need to be modified at times as situations arise.

Lesson Plan

Homework for Sept. 10
Math- Do workbook pp. 3 and 4. Follow the work done on  pp. 1& 2 as a sample.
Reading- Study definitions of vocabulary words in notebook.  Make sure
1. survived- lived
2. perched- sat on a branch
3. daybreak- when the sun comes up in the morning
4. trembling- shaking from fear or cold

Homework for Sept. 11
NOTICE: Mass on Friday and MAP testing on Thurs. has been rescheduled till next week.
Math- Do workbook pp. 9 and 10.  Use work on the previous two pages as a guide.
Reading- Study the next set of definitions of vocabulary words in notebook.
5. clumsy- opposite of graceful o
6. escaped - got away
7. clutched -held tight
8. story elements- characters, setting, events
      *characters- people or animals in a story
      *setting- place where story happens
      *events- beginning, middle, end of story

Homework for Sept. 12
Math- Do workbook pp. 13 and 14.  Use work on the previous two pages as a guide.
Science- DO NOT WRITE IN THE SCIENCE ACTIVITY BOOK.  On looseleaf write a full heading as taughr in class.  On this looseleaf answer question on p. 6 in Science Activity Workbook  HEADING MUST BE COMPLETE AND CORRECT IN ORDER TO GET 4 in ANY ASSIGNMENT DONE ON LOOSELEAF.
***Gym is tomorrow at 12:45.

Homework for Sept. 13
Math - Tear out ONLY workbook p. 21. Write your name on top of this page.  Follow sample on p.19  to show six other ways to make 6.   Each way must be different.  Write a number sentence for each as shown on the first one. When finished put this sheet in your homework folder.

Religion- Follow directions on p. 30 and answer all questions on that page.   Write one sentence to answer last question at the bottom.  DO NOT TEAR OUT  PAGE.

 I will also be ordering the new white boards on Friday and ONE STUDENT  HAS STILL NOT PAID THE FIVE DOLLARS !!!!

***All students need to have all 8 vocabulary definitions in their notebooks by tomorrow.  There will be an assessment on these next week.  Most finished in class but a few did not finish so they are on the blog above so they can complete them at home and have a clear copy to study!

Homework for Sept. 14
Math- Do workbook pp. 27 and 28.  Be sure to read and follow each of the directions!!!
Please excuse error on yesterday's Math homework.  It should have been p. 21 so please do correct page whenever possible. Thank you.

MAP testing WILL begin next week.  I will also be giving a Religion quiz on Chapter 1 as well as an assessment on the vocabulary definitions in the notebook.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Important Notices for Parents of First Grade for Sept. 7 to 10

Dear Parents,
        This is just a reminder that ALL supplies as well as ALL forms to be filled in or signed  (given at the Parent-Teacher's Meeting)  are due by MONDAY.  Some parents left bags with supplies at the door with NO NAME!!!  I  NEED TO KNOW TO WHOM THESE BELONG so I can distribute these to the correct students.  Also some parents only sent in ONE or TWO reams of blank white paper.  It is necessary that each parent send in THREE packages so we have enough for copies and classwork for the entire year! Some students also did not bring in THREE folders and several did not have their notebook.
          Today I distributed ten books in total.  Students will be taking these home a few at a time so they can be covered at home.  I sent home all book covers. Please make sure these are secure and not easily falling off. I also sent home all packages of unsharpened pencils.  Students should leave these home and  keep ONLY FOUR SHARPENED PENCILS IN THEIR PENCIL CASES for every day use.  Students need TWO large pencil cases --not small pencil boxes.  Colored pencils should be kept in one of these as well as their glue stick and TWO dry erase markers and ONE dry erase eraser.  These markers and erasers are available in Dollar Tree store and Staples. The extra markers students brought in can be left in their bin outside our classroom for later use.
            Please remember that you need to send in five dollars for the paddle dry erase board I will be ordering next week.  These are good quality boards that will last the year and will be used DAILY.  So far only six students have paid.
              Gym is on Thursdays so students should wear their gym clothes and Fridays are dress down days.  Students will begin using their notebooks on Monday so please make sure your child is ready! Homework will also begin on Monday so please check the blog EVERY DAY!!!!
              I believe we are off to a great start but I do need your cooperation in these matters to make the transition to first grade smooth and easy for your children. Please remember to call the office and make an appointment to see me about any important matter or you can put a note in the front panel of your child's homework folder.  Please put a copy of the Dolch sight words you received in this folder.  Thank you for your attention.                                                               Ms. Saville