Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fourth Grade Religion 10/26 -10/30

Click here for plan.

Third Grade Religion 10/26 - 10/30

Click here for plan.

Second Grade Religion 10/26-10/30

Click here for plan.

Fourth Grade Social Studies 10/26 - 10/30

.Click here for plan.

Third Grade Social Studies 10/26 - 10/30

Click her for plan.

Second Grade Social Studies 10/26 - 10/30

Click here for plan.

Homework for 4th Grade 10/26 to 10/30

10/26 - SS - Study for SS test tomorrow: text pp. 8 to 29 and workbook pp. 6 to 10. Study notes in notebook and be prepared to answer questions listed under Essay Questions.

10/27 - SS - In SS notebook write Textbook p. 32. Write in script the nine blue words on that page and their definitions.
Rel. - Study all Religion notes for test tomorrow. Be prepared to answer questions listed under Essay questions.

10/28 - SS - On looseleaf write a full heading in script. Write the five Religion words and their definitions in script.
Rel. - Study the Safe Environment notes on the commandments in the notebook.

10/29 - Voc. - Study the fifteen words for test tomorrow.
Rel. - Study the rest of the notes on Safe Environment.

Homework for 3rd Grade 10/26 to 10/30

10/26 - SS - Study for test Tuesday: text pp. 6 to 33 and workbook pp. 6 to 10. Study notes and be prepared to answer questions under Essay Questions.

10/27 - SS- In SS notebook write Workbook p. 10. Answer questions.
Rel. - Study all Religion notes for test Wed. Be prepared to answer questions under Essay Questions.

10/28 - On looseleaf write a full heading in script. Write the five Religion words and definitions for this week in script.
Rel. - Study the Safe Environment notes on the commandments in the notebook.

10/29 - SS - In SS notebook, write Textbook pp. 46 and 52. Write the seven blue words found on these pages and their definitions.
Rel. - Study the rest of the notes on Safe Environment in the notebook.

Homework for 2nd Grade 10/26 to 10/30

***This Friday the second grade will be having a Halloween party in our classroom after lunch. All students should come dressed in their costumes and will go home the same way. I will be ordering pizza for the class and will bring in different chips as well . I am asking that each student bring in $1.50 on Tuesday to cover the price of these. Students need to bring in their own small cartons or packs of juice (no large bottles allowed). Each student will also need to bring in one large or two small packs of candy to share with each other and with the pre -k classes that will enter our class during their yearly parade. Each student should also bring a trick or treat bag or hollow pumpkin to hold the treats they will be taking home.
*** This Monday second grade students will also be receiving instruction sheets for doing a Religion project. They will have two weeks to complete this project. It is very important that students do not lose these sheets and they are returned the day they bring in their project. Since most students will be working on different projects based on the Bible stories covered, if one wishes to switch project sheets with another student, that would be no problem. Only two major projects of this type will be assigned this year - one for each subject. These projects will be displayed in class and used as part of our lessons. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Ms. Saville

10/26 SS - Study for Social Studies test Tues: text pp. 30 to 65 and notes in notebook. Be prepared to answer questions listed under Essay Questions in notebook.
Voc. - Study fifteen new words and definitions for this week in the Vocabulary notebook.
*Please bring in $1.50 tomorrow for the pizza party on Friday.

10/27 SS - On looseleaf write a full heading. Answer questions on p. 63.
Rel. - Study all Religion notes. Be prepared to answer questions listed under Essay Questions.

10/28 - SS - On looseleaf write a full heading. Answer questions on p. 65.
Rel. - Study notes on Safe Environment about the commandments.

10/29 - Voc. - Study fifteen words for test tomorrow.
*** Students should wear costume, bring 1 or 2 juices, trick or treat bag, and 1 large or 2 small bags of candy to share.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Letter to ALL Parents for 10/26 to 10/30

Dear Parents,
This week students in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will be taking Unit tests in both Religion and Social Studies. Students should review pages assigned and in notebook study all notes and practice answering sample questions listed under Essay Questions for both subjects. Social Studies Tests will be given on Tuesday and Religion Tests on Wednesday.
The Book Fair will be this week. Students should make their purchases in the morning before class starts. On Friday we will be celebrating Halloween at OLQM! Students may bring money for the bake sale and wear costumes to school. (*Please see Homework for 2nd Grade for additional information.)
Regarding vocabulary, please make sure that your child reviews at home as well as school. Vocabulary test grades are averaged into the total grade for EVERY subject so please be aware that their scores on these tests will affect how they do to both Social Studies and Religion.
The vocabulary definitions for this week are:
conscience - God's gift that helps us know right from wrong
moral - able to know the difference between right and wrong
kingdom - power of God's love active in the world
gospel - reading priest does using the Bible at Mass. Gospel means "good news" about Jesus.
homily - part of the Mass when the priest explains the gospel. It is also called the sermon.
Thank you. Ms. Saville

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fourth Grade Religion 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Third Grade Religion 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Second Grade Religion 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Fourth Grade Social Studies 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Third Grade Social Studies 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Second Grade Social Studies 10/19 - 10/23

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Letter to ALL Parents for 10/19 to 10/23

Dear Parents,
This week I will continue to give the ITBS and CoGat tests to the 4th graders on Tues. through Thurs. mornings. During the rest of the week I will be working on finishing up the DBQ with follow-up essays due for the months of Sept. and Oct. (This work has had to be rescheduled since the DBQ booklets arrived in Oct. and the copy machine has had problems.) Work in this area of must be kept on file in Social Studies portfolios so students can see corrections and grades in class and parents can ask to see them at report card meetings but DBQ work must be kept in school. This week Mr. Woods has asked that students review ALL past vocabulary words in the notebook for a cumulative review test this Friday. Below are the words that should be reviewed in the Social Studies and Religion areas: commandents, creation, apostles, Incarnation,
Sanctus, parables, miracles, psalms, miracles, psalms, blessed, compassion; geography, history, culture, coast, symbol, community, urban, suburb, rural, climate.
I will not assign homework again this week due to state testing but am asking that all students review all Social Studies and Religion notes in these notebooks for cumulative tests next week. Also I am asking that all students begin work on the projects assigned this week which will be due next week as well. Instructions on how these projects should be done will be explained in class. (Please check purple assignment book this week.) Students from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will need to buy a pack of construction paper (loose sheets - not tear off pad) and keep this pack at home so they can use the sheets for projects that will be assigned in both subjects. At least three projects will be required for each subject for each marking period. Please be aware that PROJECTS: including DBQ's (all grades), Map of the Month (only in 4th), Foldable creations (for all grades-these will be explained this week), and related art work will account for 30% of their total grade.
Parent I also suggest that you keep old shoe boxes that may be needed for future projects.
Thank you for your attention in these matters. Ms. Saville

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Letter to ALL Parents for 10/12 to 10/16

Dear Parents,
Please be sure to return the three stapled tests (Social Studies, Religion, Vocabulary) to me signed by tomorrow so they can be filed. This week all students will be taking the ITBS and CoGat tests starting on Wed. and Thurs. with Math, and on Thurs. and Fri. with Vocabulary, Phonics, Listening, and Reading. All students must have 3 sharpened #2 pencils with erasers each day. No homework will be assigned this week to allow students to focus and rest for the state tests and no other test will be given except for the weekly vocabulary test.
The vocabulary words for this week are in the Social Studies area:

community - a place wher people live, work, and have fun
urban - a large community consisting of a city
suburb - a community outside but near a city
rural - a community with a countryside, including farms and fishing villages
climate - pattern of weather of a place over many years

*Parents please be aware that I will be giving the ITBS and CoGat tests to the fourth grade class. Ms.Larios will be testing the second grade class and Mr. Badhia will test the third.

** Parents please be aware also that upcoming tests in both Social Studies and Religion will
require students to answer essay questions in paragraphs of at least six sentences each.
Questions will require that students study their notebook notes (especially in Religion)
and to practice answering multiple part questions that will be listed in their notebooks.
This is in an effort to prepare students of third and fourth grade who will be taking the Archdiocesean Religion exam in June! To get a sample of the type of questions that will
be asked please click on Third grade Religion or Fourth grade Religion lesson plan for this week.
Writing in these areas will be taught in incremental steps often following an organizer to
keep students focused on the topic. The work students do on their DBQ essays in Social
Studies must be kept on file in portfolios but can be seen by parents at report card meetings
if requested. Ms. Saville

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Homework for 4th Grade 10/5-9

10/5 SS- **Map of the Month is due this Tues. without fail!
In SS notebook on top line write Workbook p. 7. Answer questions on p. 7.

10/6 SS - In SS notebook write Workbook p. 8. Answer questions on p. 8.
Rel. - Answer Religion Workbook p. 6.

10/7 SS - In SS notebook write Workbook p. 9. Answer questions on p. 9.
Rel. - Read Religion text p. 20 to 25. Answer pp. 23 & 25.

10/8 SS - In SS notebook write Workbook p 10. Answer questions on p. 10.
Rel. - Read Religion text pp. 26 to 30. Answer pp. 27 & 28.

Homework for 3rd Grade 10/5-9

10/5 SS- On looseleaf write a full heading. Answer questions 1 to 5 in Thinking About Facts on p. 32 in textbook.

10/6 SS- In SS notebook on top line write Textbook p. 33. Answer questions 1 to 5 in Applying Geography Skills.
Rel. - Answer Workbook p. 6.

10/7 SS- In SS notebook on top line write Workbook p. 9. Answer all questions on p. 9.
Rel. - Read Religion text pp. 20 to 25. Answer p. 23.

10/8 SS- Study pp. 6 to 33 in SS text and Workbook pp. 6 to 9 for test on Tues.
Rel.- Read Religion text pp. 26 to 29. Answer pp. 27-28.

Homework for 2nd Grade 10/5-9

10/5 * Study the definitions of 15 vocabulary words for this week in the Vocabulary notebook.
Rel.- Answer Religion Workbook p. 6.

10/6 SS- Study Social Studies text pp. 42-45.
Rel.- Read Religion text pp. 20 to 25. Answer p.23.

10/7 SS- On looseleaf write full heading. Answer 3 questions on p. 49 in complete sentences.
Rel.- Read Religion text pp. 26 to 30. Answer pp. 27 & 28.

10/8 * Study 15 vocabulary words in Vocabulary notebook for test Friday.
Rel.- Study notes in Religion notebook and pp. 20 to 29 in text for test Friday.
*** Test papers due back signed by Tues., Oct 13.

This week on Wed., Thurs., and Fri. students in 2nd grade will need to give a brief oral presentation describing the religious item they brought in for our class shrine. We will be discussing these in class but students should list about 5 or 6 sentences on an index card to prepare what they are going to say.

Letter to Parents of 2nd, 3rd, 4th 10/5-9

Dear Parents,
As I reviewed homework this past week, I noted some students are still having trouble following directions. This is a very important skill in training students to take exams and especially state tests. I make an effort to be very specific in explaining how and where homework should be done so PLEASE read the assignment book (and Homework for the week on blog) carefully. Some tips: Students should never copy the questions and should answer in sentences only when asked. Students should do work in correct notebook or on looseleaf as directed. Students should copy words correctly, answer ALL parts to every question, include titles when asked. Students should not write more than what is required. More is not better especially in summarizing. On state tests students are usually asked to answer a question that has two or three parts and lose points for not answering every part. They are also asked to choose three out of four questions to answer and often lose points and waste time by doing more and not following directions.
Daily homework if done correctly can be an excellent opportunity for practicing these skills.

Vocabulary words for all classes for this week are:
parables- stories with a message that Jesus told
miracles- acts beyond human power that Jesus performed
psalms- songs of praise to honor the Lord- found in the Bible
blessed- made holy in God's name
compassion- ability to share another's feelings; sympathy or pity

Mr. Woods will be distributing test papers this week. Each test should be signed and returned by Tues., Oct. 13 still stapled together to avoid confusion. Thank you.

Religion Grade 4 Oct. 5-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Religion Grade 3 Oct 5-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Religion Grade 2 Oct. 5-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Social Studies Grade 4 Oct. 5-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Social Studies Grade 3 Oct. 5-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.

Social Studies Grade 2 Oct. 2-9

Please click here to view lesson plan.