Sunday, October 4, 2009

Letter to Parents of 2nd, 3rd, 4th 10/5-9

Dear Parents,
As I reviewed homework this past week, I noted some students are still having trouble following directions. This is a very important skill in training students to take exams and especially state tests. I make an effort to be very specific in explaining how and where homework should be done so PLEASE read the assignment book (and Homework for the week on blog) carefully. Some tips: Students should never copy the questions and should answer in sentences only when asked. Students should do work in correct notebook or on looseleaf as directed. Students should copy words correctly, answer ALL parts to every question, include titles when asked. Students should not write more than what is required. More is not better especially in summarizing. On state tests students are usually asked to answer a question that has two or three parts and lose points for not answering every part. They are also asked to choose three out of four questions to answer and often lose points and waste time by doing more and not following directions.
Daily homework if done correctly can be an excellent opportunity for practicing these skills.

Vocabulary words for all classes for this week are:
parables- stories with a message that Jesus told
miracles- acts beyond human power that Jesus performed
psalms- songs of praise to honor the Lord- found in the Bible
blessed- made holy in God's name
compassion- ability to share another's feelings; sympathy or pity

Mr. Woods will be distributing test papers this week. Each test should be signed and returned by Tues., Oct. 13 still stapled together to avoid confusion. Thank you.