Saturday, May 22, 2010

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, 4th for 5/24 to 5/28

Dear Parent,
There will be 12:00 dismissal this Monday for 2nd and 4th graders only. Second graders are due back in class by 4:00 dressed in spring dress up clothes for our Spring Show which will begin promptly at 5:00! On Thursday afternoon I will be attending a workshop and will leave classwork for all three classes. School will be closed on Friday and next Monday.
There will be no new vocabulary words this week. We willl be reviewing the definitions from the last six weeks starting with 4/12..., 4/19...,4/26..., 5/3..., 5/10..., and 5/17... for a comprehensive test on Wed., June 2.
Students should begin reviewing for final exams NOW! Final exams will cover all work covered since Sept. In Social Studies it is best to study all the vocabulary and facts from the UNIT Review pages in the textbook - 1 through 5 for third and fourth graders. In Religion study ALL notes but especially study the Religion definitions and what is listed under MEMORIZE list in the notebooks.

5/25 SS - Study all definitions in glossary for test this week.
Rel - Study all Religion definitions listed in notebook for quiz this week.

Voc - Begin reviewing the definitions in the Vocabulary notebook from the last six weeks for test next Wed.

5/25 SS - Study Chapter 11 notes on Vocabulary and Facts on text p. 296. Study the difference between cause and effect on Workbook p. 59 and on Summing Up on p. 297. Study reading a flow chart on text p. 310. Test on Wed. and quiz on Thurs.

For final exam begin reviewing Unit Review pp. 62, 138, 202, 266, 326 and all definitions and names circled in back of textbook.

Rel - Study all Religion definitions listed in notebook for quiz this week.

5/25 SS - Study Chapter 11 vocabulary in text p. 290 and study all Chapter 12 notes on text pp. 312- 313 vocabulary, skills, and summing up for tests on Wed. and Thurs.

For final exam begin reviewing Unit Review pp. 52, 134, 206, 264, 334 and all definitions and names circled in back of textbook.

Rel - Study all Religion definitions listed in notebook for quiz this week.