Saturday, April 30, 2011

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, 4th: 5/2 to 5/6

Dear Parents,
First of all, I want to thank very much all parents who remembered me in such a thoughtful way on my 25th anniversary at OLQM. Your kindness and generosity is very much appreciated. I hope you all had a fine Easter and a nice break.
Before the break I reminded all fourth grade students that they would be taking the NYS ELA Exam on the same week of their return and showed them review pages in Speller and web sites to help with review and to practice in the booklets given to them in Ms. Bagley's class. Below I have listed the information again:
*access and practice doing past NYS Tests on
*review all rules for use of capitalization and punctuation in Speller
text pp. 247 to 254
*practice using different parts of speech on Grammar Gorillas (advanced)
*review use of different graphic organizers in the back pages of the LA
*practice Grammar Blast on on
*google POWER PROOFREADING for sites from www. eduplace... and
www.harcourtschool... and practice all activities

According to schedule, the exams will be given on Wed. and Thurs.and Fri. this week. I also distributed Religion notes on sheets to both third and fourth graders with lots of vocabulary and sample essay questions to practice for the Archdiocesan exams scheduled for June.
I have added new pictures to the blog. Two of these are dated to remind you that second graders are scheduled to celebrate First Reconciliation at 1:00 on Wed., May 11th and third graders will be celebrating First Holy Communion at 1:00 on Sun., May 22nd. In case there is a change, I will let you know as soon as possible.
Dismissal this Friday is at 12:00. Please see below for this week's homework and be sure to look under the correct grade:

5/3 - Spel. - Study pp. 236, 239, 241, 242 for Spelling test on Fri.
*** For NYS exam beginning tomorrow, students should review capitalization and punctuation rules in Speller pp. 247 to 252. For essay writing tips go to Click on K-5. Then click on Evaluation Station Grade 4 (Units 8 to 13). Excellent practice is also provided on Grammar Blast and Power Proofreading on same web site.
5/5 - Rel. - Review Religion notes on sheets for test next week.

5/3 - Spel. - Study pp. 238, 239, 240, 246 for Spelling test on Thurs.
5/5 - Rel. - Review Religion notes on sheets for test next week.

5/3 - Spel. - Study pp. 252, 255, 257, 258 for Spelling test on Fri.
5/5 - LA - LA test on Thurs. Review Speller pp. 259 to 261.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reminders for April 18th for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades

Dear Parents,
For this Monday all students may wear dress up clothes but no jeans because we have Stations of the Cross at 10:00. All students should bring a book bag and a folder to hold important Religion review notes that will be sent home to study over the Easter break. Third graders should review Speller pp. 247 to 250 for the test they missed on Friday due to Music practice. Second graders should review only Chapter 23 and Unit 4 flip card words for Religion test missed Friday due to last minute distribution of Vocabulary test. No other tests will be given. Second graders are reminded that they can bring in a one bag Easter treat to share with the class and their own small container of juice to have with their pizza slices. Dismissal will be at 3:00.
Parents, please check on the blog this week during the Easter break for additional notes or messages on how to prepare for upcoming final exams. A reminder that fourth grade students will be taking the New York State Language Arts Exam on the same week that they return to school and therefore should give that top proirity! It would be advisable for all fourth graders to do the following:
*access and practice doing past NYS Tests on
*review all rules for use of capitalization and punctuation in Speller
text pp. 247 to 254
*practice using different parts of speech on Grammar Gorillas (advanced)
*review use of different graphic organizers in the back pages of the LA
*practice Grammar Blast on on
*google POWER PROOFREADING for sites from www. eduplace... and
www.harcourtschool... and practice all activities


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Second Grade Language Arts 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Second Grade Religion 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Language Arts 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Language Arts 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Language Arts 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 4/11 to 4/15

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th 4/11 to 4/15

Dear Parents,
This Monday there will be Lenten Confessions for 3rd and 4th graders following the 9:00 Mass. This Thursday report cards will be distributed to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at the 8:30 Assembly. Dismissal will be at 12:00. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in the auditorium from 2:00 to 7:00 pm.that same day. This Tuesday, each student from 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade should have their four Religion packets of words and definitions from Units 1, 2, 3, 4 printed from An oral quiz will be given this week to each class on these definitions. Students will check off on the cards any they miss for extra review. This week I will also giving Religion Review Notes to third and fourth grades to prepare for the Archdiocesan Exam both grades will be taking in June. Please keep checking the blog and notebooks for information on how to review for the English Language Arts Exam that will be given in May! It is very important that fourth grade students especially review over Easter vacation since the exam soon after their return to school.

Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework.

4/12 Religion Test Wed. Study Chapter 17, 18, 19.Study all definitions from Unit 4 flip cards on
4/14 LA - In LA notebook answer LA Workbook pp. 110 and 112. Study Speller pp. 247 to 252 for test tomorrow.

4/12 Religion Test Wed. Study Chapter 8 and 9. Study all definitions from Unit 4 flip cards on
4/14 LA - In LA notebook answer LA Workbook pp. 103 and 104. Study Speller pp. 247 to 250 forbtst tomorrow.

4/12 Religion Test Fri. Study Chapter 22 and 23. Study all the definitions from Unit 4 flip cards on
4/14 LA - In LA notebook answer LA Workbook p. 201.Study Speller pp.259 to 261 for test Monday.
4/14 Voc. - Study fifteen last definitions for test.

The vocabulary definitions for this week are in Religion:

*covenant - a special agreement between God and his people. God made a covenant with the Israelites in the Old Testament.

*communion of saints - union of baptized members of the Church on earth with those who are in heaven and purgatory

*bishop - successor of the apostles who leads a local area of the Church called a diocese. The bishop of our diocese is Archbishop Timothy Dolan.

*pope - the Bishop of Rome, living in Vatican City, who leads the whole Catholic Church. Our present pope is Pope Benedict XVI.

*pastor - priest who leads the parish in worship, prayer, and teaching
The pastor of our parish is Father Antonio.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Third Grade Language Arts 4/4 to 4/8

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 4/4 to 4/8

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Language Arts 4/4 to 4/8

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 4/4 to 4/8

Lesson Plan

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades 4/4 to 4/8

Dear Parents,
Please have your students bring in at least FOUR sheets of light spring colored sheets of construction paper this Monday or Tuesday - pink, yellow, or light blue, green, or purple. Students also need a set of colored pencils. This week all students should print out the Unit 4 flip card Religion words and definitions from These should be cut out and placed in a small plastic bag for review. All students should also still have their cards from Units 1, 2, and 3 each in a separate bag since this will make it easier to review before final exams.

The vocabulary definitions for this week are in Language Arts:
*hyphen - a mark (-) used between syllables of a divided word as at the end of a line or between parts of some compound words

*interjection - a word or cry expressing sudden or strong feeling (eg. Ouch! Alas!)

*similie - a phrase using like or as to compare two different things (eg. Ramona is as fast as lightning.)

*metaphor - a phrase comparing two different things that does NOT use like or as (eg. Ed's car is a pile of junk.)

*fable - a story that teaches a lesson in which the main character faces a problem

Please check below your child's grade for this week's homework

4/5 LA - Choose a historical figure. Write three questions you would ask that person about something of importance that happened in his/her life. Be able to answer the questions with research from SS textbook or website.
Write each question and answer on three different index cards. Write name and staple cards together.
4/7 Rel - Answer pp. 228-229.

4/5 LA - In LA notebook answer LA Workbook pp. 108-109.
4/7 Rel - Answer pp 104-105.


4/5 LA - In LA notebook answer LA Workbook p. 132.
4/7 Rel - Answer p. 258.
4/7 Voc - Study 15 weekly defintions for test Friday.