Sunday, September 30, 2012

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for 10/1 to 10/5

Dear Parents,
         Please remember that Religion homework in ReligionWorkbook p. 5 given on Thursday is due this Monday.  Religion Test will also be given this Monday.  ELA test on punctuation will be this Tuesday, and  a brief Spelling test will be given this Wednesday. Please see below each grade for what you need to review.

Fourth grade
Religion: sin - temptation - mortal sin - venial sin - sin of omission - sin of commission - social sin- samaritan - How can a thought be a sin?  - How can failure to act be a sin?
ELA: Review ELA text pp. 470-479
Spel: Review homophones in ELA text pp. 206-209.

Third grade
Religion: last judgment - second coming - first judgment - heaven - Jesus' Great Commandments -How will we be judged? - What did Jesus mean when he referred to "the least of mine"?
ELA: Review ELA text pp. 468-479
Spel: Review homophones in ELA text pp. 290-293.

Second grade
Religion: Catholic - faith - worship - parish -  sacrament - priest (leader of a parish) - How many sacraments are there? - Is Jesus present in the sacramnents? - How does a parish work together? - What happens at Baptism?
ELA: Review ELA book pp. 14 to 23
Spel: Review FF. words: think - when - push - each - draw - sing - out - took - slow - call.

This Thursday will be our Mass for St. Francis of Assisi.  Students may bring their pet to be blessed but pet must be taken home right after the Mass. We will continue our Project based learning on St. Francis this Friday  THIRD GRADE  students should bring in pictures and samples of his prayers and writings in a quart  size plastic bag sealed and labeled with their name.  For ELA in each class we will continue to work on writing and begin speeches based on writing topics.  ITBS begins next week!

Please see below for this week's homework for each grade:

ELA 10/2 Study for Spelling test (see above) . On looseleaf write a heading. Use ELA Workbook. p. 94 and write each sentence with its correct homophone.

Rel. 10/4 Study Religion notes  and study pp. 56 to 63. In text answer  #1 to 8 on  p. 66 .
For the ELA test this Friday study ALL notes in Journal Notebook  on the four poems covered in class this week. Review also the homophones: ELA text pp. 206-209.     .

ELA 10/2 Study for Spelling test. (see above). On looseleaf write a heading. In ELA Workbook pp. 98-99.  DO ONLY #1to 6 on EACH page. Copy ONLY the correct sentences in each set.

Rel  10/4 Study Religion notes and study pp. 56 to 63. In text answer #1 to 7 on p. 66.
For the ELA test this Friday study ALL notes in Journal Notebook on all types of nouns listed from Merry-Go-Round: A Book of Nouns by Ruth Heller. Review also homophones:  ELA text pp. 290-293.
 ***Third grade students should prepare a brief speech on St. Francis of Assisi based on videos seen in class and research done. Notes should be written on one index card and kept in Homework folder. Speeches will be heard on Thursday and Friday this week!

ELA 10/2 Study for Spelling test. On looseleaf write a heading. DO NOT WRITE IN THE ELA BOOK  In ELA book p. 31 make up THREE sentences for the middle of the story using words in wordbank. Then copy the whole story: title, beginning, middle, ending on the looseleaf.

Rel. 10/4 Study Religion notes and study pp. 56 to 63. In text answer #1 to 8 on p. 66.
For the ELA test this Friday study ALL notes in Journal Notebook on making up who, what, where, when, how, why questions for Frog and Toad All Year by Arnold Lobel.  Review also the ten spelling words:      think - when - push - each - draw - sing - out - took - slow - call.