Sunday, March 9, 2014

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th graders for 3/10 to 3/14 UPDATED WITH THURSDAY"S WORK!

Dear Parents,  
         This week all students will be taking their Unit 4 Tests in all subjects.  A set of six corrected quizzes (3 in ELA and 3 in Religion) were sent home.  These should be reviewed thoroughly. These quizzes are due back signed by this Thursday from ALL students.  Progress reports were also sent home on Friday and are due back signed  to their home room teacher this Monday. This Friday there will be no school.
         The ELA Essay and Religion Essay Tests are scheduled for Monday. The Religion Unit Test is scheduled for Tuesday and the ELA Unit Test is scheduled for Thursday.  No other homework will be assigned until Thursday to give students time to review for tests. Please check below each grade for a study guideline.

Rel - For both tests review well all notes on the Beatitudes as well as text p. 35. Review all quizzes.
ELA - Review the fictional book on animals that you read as part of your research.  Review quizzes.

Rel - Review Jesus' parables and sacraments,  Review all quizzes.
ELA - Review the creative work or invention of the person you researched and how it changed the world.  Review all quizzes.

Rel.- Review the parables of forgiveness especially "The Forgiving Father."  Review all quizzes.
ELA - Review notes on writing a How to-- essay including writing four steps using time order words.
            and review writing an essay on What would you do...? including writing three reasons.    
             Review all quizzes.

Please check back on Thursday for additional homework. Remember to bring back quizzes Thurs.

ELA 3/13 Each student was assigned ONE body system to research: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, muscular, nervous, immune.  On looseleaf write a full heading in script and answer the following questions. GIVE FACTS BASED ON RESEARCH ONLY, please!
*What is the name of the body system?
*What does it do?
*What are its basic parts?
*What are some interesting facts about it?
*What are three related vocabulary words (noting prefixes such as cardio-,  pulm-,...)
Students should also bring 1 or 2 pictures or diagrams as visual aids. Students researching the same system will team up for discussion  so research well.  Students will be writing a follow-up essay on the topic in class.  Next week students will research a famous physician.  For starters we are using these websites: and www.factmonstercom/ipka/A00774536html  
Next week students will be researching different famous physicians using:

ELA 3/13  Each student was assigned a president to research.  Students need to use the simple bio poem guideline and the model bio poem on George Washington to create a bio poem on their own president.  It must have FACTS BASED ON RESEARCH  On looseleaf students should write a full
heading  followed by their bio poem of nine lines as the sample shows.  On an index card write some other interesting FACTS about your president that you might to include in your essay that you will be writing in class and using in a speech.

ELA 3/13  Each student has been assigned a folktale from
Read the tale carefully.  Then on looseleaf write a full heading.  Students should  write a title and a paragraph of six to eight  sentences summarizing the story in their own words describing the beginning, middle, and end . Be sure to write complete sentences and check  for correct use of capitals and punctuation.