Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Notices and Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for 11/24 to 11/18

Dear Parents,
         I am assigning only Handwriting homework for all grades for Tue., Nov. 25:
 FOURTH pp. 44-45          THIRD pp. 84-85               SECOND pp. 34-35

         This week the last ELA and Religion Tests were sent home for review and study. I would like these two tests signed and returned no later than Tues., Dec 2nd.  I will be absent on Dec. 1st so please hold them until that date.  The essay part was the most difficult  and worth 20 points so please note how many points were taken off for that section since that is where many need to concentrate
their effort.
          I am also sending home some list of words for vocabulary development that we will be using for writing assignments after the Thanksgiving holiday so please look them over.  These sheets should remain their homework folders at all times, but you may make an extra copy to keep at home.
           During the Thanksgiving break, I recommend that ALL grades practice working on the language skills on www.ixl.com.  You are allowed to practice on twenty questons a day before you reach your daily practice limit. I suggest woking on any areas we have covered in class  which  you are still finding difficult.
            The fourth grade will  be taking their Religion quiz tomorow since the test copies were sent up after they left.  Each fourth grader was assigned  ONE commandment to research for a project they will do when they return. NO ONE SHOULD PREPARE A  POSTERBOARD but you should first READ THE CHAPTER ON THAT COMMANDMENT IN THEIR TEXT BOOK, makes notes, list subtopics to use for the essay, and find pictures  on google images to go along with the topic.
            Tomorrow all classes should be in uniform for the Thanksgiving Mass and the Honors Assembly which will follow it.  Please check the blog on Wednesday evening and on Friday morning for any additional notices or homework.  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!                Thank you.