Saturday, May 30, 2015

IMPORTANT Notices for 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grades regarding Religion Final Exam

Review Notes for Religion Exam for Second, Third, and Fourth

THE FOURTH AND THIRD GRADES WILL BE TAKING THE ARCHDIOCESAN EXAM ON THURS., JUNE  4TH.  THIS WILL COUNT AS THEIR FINAL EXAM AND WILL BE LISTED ON THE REPORT CARD.  SECOND GRADE WILL BE TAKING A FINAL EXAM THE SAME DAY. A reminder that the project for each class is also due this week but I will extend the due date to Thursday in case any student wants to concentrate all their effort on reviewing for Religion Exam. Please be sure to review all information below thoroughly!

*Review thoroughly all definitions on  Another possibility is
*Review all definitions of words on  flashcards for Units 1,2,3 &; 4 on
*Study TWO SHEETS of notes stapled in notebook listed under Review for Archdiocesan Exam
*Study list of essay questions students will receive next week!
*Study notes listing the Beatitudes and explaining the meaning of each.

Be sure to memorize the following:
*each of the Ten Commandments  (and specific ways in which YOU practice each of these)
*Jesus' s Two Great Commandments
*Jesus' s New Commandment
*each of the Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount)
*Corporal Works of Mercy
*Spiritual Works of Mercy
*Practical Works of Mercy  (specific ways in which we practice these works of mercy)
*each of the five Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
*the Stations of the Cross (text p. 329)
*the steps for making a good moral choice (listed on review sheet)
*the Sanctus prayer
*names of the Sacraments of  Initiation, Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Service
*name of a saint and specific evidence of how he/she lived a life of holiness
*four steps of Reconciliation and how to prepare for it (examination of conscience)
*Advent season practices: Advent wreath, Jesse tree, setting up a Nativity scene, etc.
*different types of sins
*Lenten season practices: praying the Stations of the Cross, fasting, almsgiving, etc.
*dates and names of important feast days listed on review sheets

*Review  definitions on
Another possibility is
*Review definitions of all words on flashcards for Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 on
 * Look up the answer of all essay questions listed in notebook.

Be sure to memorize:
*each of the Ten Commandments  (and specific ways in which YOU practice each of these)
*Jesus's Two Great Commandments
*names of the Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Service
*description and explanation of parables of The Prodigal Son (Forgiving Father), The Good Samaritan, The Mustard Seed, The Sower of the Seed (Do not confuse parables with miracles.)
*Advent season practices: Advent wreath,  Jesse tree , setting up a Nativity scene, etc.
*Lenten season practices: praying the Stations of the Cross, fasting, almsgiving, etc,

*Review  definitions of all words on flashcards for Units 1, 2, 3, &; 4 on 
Be sure to memorize:
*each of the Ten Commandments (and specific way in which YOU practice each of these)
*each of the steps of Reconciliation and how we prepare for it.
* Know the different Church seasons:  Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter 
*Study the definition of the following words:
Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Ash Wednesday
Nativity, Epiphany, Annunciation, Visitation, Incarnation,, Jesus as human and divine
parable, miracle, grace, prayer, church, Mass, scripture, vestments, sin (mortal/venial)  heaven/hell, commandments, sacraments, host (Bread of Life for Holy Communion),  
There are seven sacraments:  You are responsible to know about Baptism , Reconciliation, Eucharist
Prayers to study: Sign of the Cross (prayer to the Blessed Trinity), Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, 

Bible: Old Testament (time before Jesus)  and New Testament (after Jesus' birth)

EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE -thinking about our sins and knowing which commandments we've broken
 The four steps are:  CONFESSION - telling your sins;  CONTRITION - being sorry for your sins; PENANCE - making up for the sins by prayers or good deeds;  ABSOLUTION- forgiveness of sins
* describing what happens in stories of forgiveness such as The  Lost Sheep or The Forgiving Father and explaining who the characters represent and what the parables teach us about God's forgiveness.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Homework for 5/25 to 5/29 for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

Dear Parents,
         Please make sure you have read my two former posts: Notices for Monday... and Review for Religion Exam.  ALL STUDENTS WILL BE TAKING THE ELA QUIZ TOMORROW WED. MAY 27TH. PLEASE REVIEW STUDY GUIDE ON POST  "NOTICES FOR MON. MAY 26TH." On Friday we will have the May Procession and next week THIRD  and FOURTH  will be taking the Archdiocesan Exam.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL PROGESS REPORTS ARE DUE BACK SIGNED!
         Please see below for this week's homework:

5/26  Rel - Answer the following essay questions on loose leaf:
1. Making moral choices is very important in Christian life.
   (a) Name five different steps you learned to make a good moral choice.
   (b) Describe a time when you or someone had a difficult  decision to do what is right.

2. This year you studied the lives of some saints
     (a) Name a saint and describe the life of this saint.
     (b) Explain how a fourth grader can imitate this saint in living a Christian life.

3. The eighth commandment tells us to honor the truth.
     (a) Why is it important to keep a promise? Give an example.
     (b) Describe a situation in which a promise should be broken.

5/28 Copy the following definitions in ELA notebook and STUDY:
*hijack - to illegally seize an aircraft or ship in transit and force it to go to a different destination
*memorial-a structure or statue created to remember a person who has died or a special event
*warrant-document issued by a court that gives police power to do something
*monarch-a ruler or someone in the royal family like a king or emperor
*archer-a person who shoots a bow and arrow

5/28 ELA  Do research  for a HEROIC historical figure on on  Read carefully and then make a bulleted list of ten to twelve facts about when and where this person lived, what they did, and why he or she is considered heroic.  Write this information on loose leaf and be ready to speak about this person.  This is due on June 4th.
**Bernardo: you may choose Helen Keller or Buddha!

5/26  Rel - Answer the following essay questions on loose leaf:
1. In the story of the Forgiving Father
    (a) How did the father feel when the younger son returned home?
    (b) How did he show his feelings?
     (c)How did the older brother feel when his brother returned?
     (d) How did the older brother show his feelings
     (e) What do you think Jesus is trying to teach us in this parable?

2. The Sacraments of Healing are important.
    (a) Name two Sacraments of Healing.
    (b) Explain why we should receive EACH of these sacraments.

3. The Good Samaritan is a parable about being a good neighbor.
    (a) Describe what happens in the story is five sentences.
    (b) Give four examples of how you can be a good Samaritan.

5/28 Copy the following definitions in ELA notebook and STUDY:
*beam -to shine on someone or something
*puny-small and weak
*fierce- cruel, savage, or violent
*flexible -able to bend easily, not stiff
*compromise-an agreement reached when both give up some their demands

5/28  ELA    You have already been assigned a chapter to read from  After reading the chapter, on blank paper students need to write the name of the chapter on top, create an illustration describing the events, write six sentences below the illustration summarizing the chapter, and  writing their name at the bottom of the page. Use the Somebody- Wanted- But- So- strategy to summarize the chapter  This project is due on June 4th.xt Wed. ,June 4th.

5/26  Rel - Answer the following essay questions on loose leaf:
1. Reconciliation is the sacrament of forgiveness.
   (a) Explain what you need to know in order to examine your conscience.
   (b) Name and describe what happens in each of the four steps of Reconciliation.

2. Jesus was both human and divine.
    (a) Give two examples of how Jesus showed he was human.
    (b) Give two examples of how Jesus showed he was divine.

5/28 Copy the following definitions in ELA notebook and STUDY:
*digestive system-allows us to break down food. Includes mouth, esophogus, stomach
*respiratory system-allows us to breathe. Includes nose, trachae, and lungs
*circulatory system-allows us to pump blood throughout ou body. Includes heart and blood vessels
*nervous system -controls all activities of the body. Includes the brain and nerve cells
*skeletal system-gives structure to the body. Includes the spine and bones

 5/28 ELA     You need to research ONE of the major body systems on
Be sure to click "How the Body Works"  and then on the PICTURE of the brain, muscle, stomach, bones, heart, OR lungs and finally on ARTICLE to read about the one system you want to research.  You will need to write six important facts about tt body system on looseleaf and bring in a print out picture of that system that you can explain in class. This is due Wed.,June 4th.


Second Grade Religion 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Third Grade Religion 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade Religion 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Second Grade ELA 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Third Grade ELA 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Fourth Grade ELA 5/25 to 5/29

Lesson Plan

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Review Notes for Religion Exam for Second, Third, and Fourth


*Review thoroughly all definitions on  Another possibility is
*Review all definitions of words on  flashcards for Units 1,2,3 &; 4 on
*Study TWO SHEETS of notes stapled in notebook listed under Review for Archdiocesan Exam
*Study list of essay questions students will receive next week!
*Study notes listing the Beatitudes and explaining the meaning of each.

Be sure to memorize the following:
*each of the Ten Commandments  (and specific ways in which YOU practice each of these)
*Jesus' s Two Great Commandments
*Jesus' s New Commandment
*each of the Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount)
*Corporal Works of Mercy
*Spiritual Works of Mercy
*Practical Works of Mercy  (specific ways in which we practice these works of mercy)
*each of the five Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
*the Stations of the Cross (text p. 329)
*the steps for making a good moral choice (listed on review sheet)
*the Sanctus prayer
*names of the Sacraments of  Initiation, Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Service
*name of a saint and specific evidence of how he/she lived a life of holiness
*four steps of Reconciliation and how to prepare for it (examination of conscience)
*Advent season practices: Advent wreath, Jesse tree, setting up a Nativity scene, etc.
*different types of sins
*Lenten season practices: praying the Stations of the Cross, fasting, almsgiving, etc.
*dates and names of important feast days listed on review sheets

*Review  definitions on
Another possibility is
*Review definitions of all words on flashcards for Units 1, 2, 3 & 4 on
 * Look up the answer of all essay questions listed in notebook.

Be sure to memorize:
*each of the Ten Commandments  (and specific ways in which YOU practice each of these)
*Jesus's Two Great Commandments
*names of the Sacraments of Initiation, Sacraments of Healing, Sacraments of Service
*description and explanation of parables of The Prodigal Son (Forgiving Father), The Good Samaritan, The Mustard Seed, The Sower of the Seed (Do not confuse parables with miracles.)
*Advent season practices: Advent wreath,  Jesse tree , setting up a Nativity scene, etc.
*Lenten season practices: praying the Stations of the Cross, fasting, almsgiving, etc,

*Review  definitions of all words on flashcards for Units 1, 2, 3, &; 4 on 
Be sure to memorize:
*each of the Ten Commandments (and specific way in which YOU practice each of these)
*each of the steps of Reconciliation and how we prepare for it.
* Know the different Church seasons:  Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter 
*Study the definition of the following words:
Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, Ash Wednesday
Nativity, Epiphany, Annunciation, Visitation, Incarnation,, Jesus as human and divine
parable, miracle, grace, prayer, church, Mass, scripture, vestments, sin (mortal/venial)  heaven/hell, commandments, sacraments, host (Bread of Life for Holy Communion),  
There are seven sacraments:  You are responsible to know about Baptism , Reconciliation, Eucharist
Prayers to study: Sign of the Cross (prayer to the Blessed Trinity), Our Father, Hail Mary, Act of Contrition, 

Bible: Old Testament (time before Jesus)  and New Testament (after Jesus' birth)

EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE -thinking about our sins and knowing which commandments we've broken
 The four steps are:  CONFESSION - telling your sins;  CONTRITION - being sorry for your sins; PENANCE - making up for the sins by prayers or good deeds;  ABSOLUTION- forgiveness of sins
* describing what happens in stories of forgiveness such as The  Lost Sheep or The Forgiving Father and explaining who the characters represent and what the parables teach us about God's forgiveness.

Notices for May 26th regarding upcoming quizzes

Dear Parents,
         Please remember to send back the Progress Reports signed on Tuesday! The May Procession is on Friday, May 29th and all need to bring rosary beads.  ONLY the students who received First Communion this year should come dressed in their communion clothing and bring their uniform in a bag to change afterward.
         Below is a study guide for the ELA quiz that will be given on Tuesday, May 25th. Those attending the trip will be given the quiz on the following day.

*Study the definitions for medieval, knight, page, chivalry, dub  copied in ELA  notebook.
*Review shades of meaning  in words on OO1 &OO2 on
*Review the theme of poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost.
*Be abl to describe the heroism demonstrated by St. George, the Martyr  on
 h2ttps://    and for St.  Joan of Arc on  (scroll down)
*Review notes in ELA notebook based on video on what makes a hero on

*Study the definitions for fable, folktale, legend, mythology copied in ELA notebook.
*Review spelling rules for regular past tense on J2 & J3 on
*Review the poem "A Bird Came Down the Walk" by Emily Dickinson and meaning of the last two stanzas on
*Review the poem "Adventures of Isabel" by Ogden Nash. Be able to identify the rhyme scheme, examples of alliteration, example of poetic licence. Be able ALSO to explain the theme of this poem. See 

*Study definitions for nutrients, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins in ELA notebook
*Review examples of dairy products and grains listed in the definitions.
*Review using adjectives/adverbs in V1 and V2 on
*Review the poem "Sick" by Shel Silverstein on   Be able to describe the rhyme scheme (using letters),
and give example of a simile (comparison using like or as), and  examples of alliteration    ( words with same beginning sound).  Be able to explain the poem's theme or central message.


For our final project this year, each grade will be working on the following which you might like to look over before next week.

Fourth - You may begin to research a HEROIC historical person and list when and where this person live, some interesting facts, and why he or she is considered a hero or heroine.

THIRD- You have already been assigned a chapter to read from  After reading the chapter, on blank paper students need to write the name of the chapter on top, create an illustration describing the events, write six sentences below the illustration summarizing the chapter, and  writing their name at the bottom of the page. Use the Somebody- Wanted- But- So- strategy to summarize the chapter.

SECOND - You need to research ONE of the major body systems on
Be sure to click "How the Body Works"  and then on the PICTURE of the brain, muscle, stomach, bones, heart, OR lungs and finally on ARTICLE to read about the one system you want to research.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, &4th Grades for 5/18 to 5/22

Dear Parents,
        There is 12:00 dismissal this Friday and no school next Monday due to Memorial Day. Progress Reports will be sent home on Friday.
Please see below for this week's vocabulary words which need to be copied in ELA notebooks on the same page (or following page) where last week's words and definitions were copied.

5/19 Copy following into ELA notebook and STUDY:
*Middle Ages (or medieval culture) - period from 400 to 1400 A.D.
*knight - warrior who received land from a noble in return for protection
*page - youth preparing to become a knight
*chivalry - courtesy: polite & thoughtful behavior
*dub - to make someone a knight by taping his shoulder lightly with a sword
5/19 Do first 30 questions on OO1 and OO2 on shades of meaning in words on

5/21  Rel -Answer following questions on looseleaf in complete sentences:
1.  (a)Write three Spiritual Works of Mercy.
     (b) Explain two ways a fourth grader could opractice ONE of these Spiritua Works.

2.  (a) Write the FIFTH Commandment.
     (b) Explain how you can follow it in your life.
     (c) Write the EIGHTH Commandment.
     (d) Explain how you can follow it in your life.

3.   (a) Write TWO of the Beatitudes.
      (b) Choose ONE and expalin the terms used and how to folow it.

5/19 Copy following into ELA notebook and STUDY:
*fable - short story usually with animal characters and that has a moral
*folktale - story that has been told for a long time by a group of people
*legend - story that combines a real event or real person's life with exaggeration or heroic action
*myth - story created to explain natural events (eg. rainbow or the seasons). Myths usually include hero/heroine and      god/godessess   and the struggle of good vs. evil
5/19 Do first 30 questions on J2 and J3 on regular past tense on

5/21 Rel -Answer following questions on looseleaf in complete sentences:
1.  (a) Name THREE Sacraments of Initation.
     (b) Describe in detail ONE of these sacraments including what happens, its purpose, people present, and symbols used.

2. (a) Name and describe what happens in your favorite parable.(NOT A MIRACLE)
    (b) Explain the lesson of the parable.

3.  (a) Write Jesus' Two Great Commmandments.
     (b) Write an example of how you can follow EACH of these commandments.

5/19 Copy following into ELA notebook and STUDY:
*nutrients - what all living things need to live and grow
*proteins -helps build muscles - found mostly in meats,eggs, and dairy products(milk, cheese, yogurt)
*minerals- found mostly in leafy green vegetables
*vitamins - found mostly in fruits and vegetables
*carbohydrates - gives energy - found mostly in grains (bread, cereal, crackers, popcorn)
5/19 Do first 30 questions on V1 and V2 on adjectives vs. adverbs on
5/21  Rel -Answer following questions on looseleaf in complete sentences:

5/21 Rel -Answer following questions on looseleaf in complete sentences:
1.  The sacraments are signs that Jesus gave us. Explain  in  4 to 5  sentences what happens in each.
(a) Baptism....
(b) Reconcilliation...

2. Choose a commandment from 1 to 5.
(a) Write the commandment
(b)  In two  complete sentences explain what to do to folllow this commandment.

3. Choose ONE story of forgiveness below.
(a) Write 4 to5  complete sentences explaining what happens.
(b) Write 2 to 3 complete sentences explaining what it means.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Notices for Mon., May 18th

Dear Parents,
         This is just a reminder that there will be a Religion quiz for all grades this Monday. Since it is based on random questions similar to those from former Archdiocesan Exams, it is important that all students study the flash cards from which you all have all already printed  out. FOURTH graders need to study the two sheets staples in notebook of Review for Archdiocesan Exam THOROUGHLY!  THIRD GRADERS should study flash cards and Religion notes. NO need to review Safe Environment, bullying, or Jesse symbols for this quiz.  SECOND graders must review the flash cards for ALL FOUR UNITS. Second graders also need to review the JOYFUL MYSTERIES on  You should also review the Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries (but NOT the Luminous Mysteries).  Study the name and DESCRIPTION of each Joyful Mystery carefully.
        Please check back on Tuesday for this week's homework!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 5/11 to 5/15

Dear Parents,
         All classes will be taking a Spelling Quiz this Friday IN SCRIPT (including second grade).
The words will be taken from samples in the homework assigned this week. Students in second grade will still be taking the ITBS Test this week. We will be starting Unit 6, our last unit this week. Please fold down a page in ELA notebook as usual before copying the new vocabulary.

5/12 Copy the following definitions for new unit in ELA notebook. Fold down page and write Unit 6.
*character development - how a character changes or grows in a literary work
*hero/heroine-1. person remembered for his/her courageous deeds OR
                      -2. primary character in  a literary work
*unsung hero - a hero who is NOT celebrated for his courageous deeds
*villain - an evil person or scoundrel
*perspective - viewpoint or way of looking at something
*acrostic poem - a poem that uses the letters of a word to begin each line of the poem
5/12 Answer the first 30 questions of PP2 and PP3 on homophones. Study the pairs for Spelling quiz. Practice writing them in script.

5/14 Spelling/Penmanship Quiz on Friday. Religion Quiz on Monday, May 18. Study the sheets stapled in Religion notebook: Review  Notes for the Archdiocesan Exam. You can also review on

Spellling words: aloud/allowed  stares/stairs  piece/peace    scene/seen   guessed/guest   higher/hire     accept/except    horse/hoarse    pause/paws   waste/waist

5/12 Copy the following definitions for new unit in ELA notebook. Fold down page and write Unit 6.
*fantasy - an imagined story
*fable - a short story usually with animal characters ending with a moral
*moral - the lesson in a story
*summary - shortened form of a story stating only the main points
*mythology - a fictional story from ancient times
*narrative poem - poem that relates a story
5/12  Answer the first 30 questions of PP3  (Greek/Latin roots) and  LL3 (homophones). Study the pairs of homophones for Spelling quiz. Practice writing them in script.

5/14 Spelling/Penmanship Quiz on Friday. Religion Quiz on Monday, May 18. Study definitions on and

Spelling words: build/billed   would/wood   flower/flour   weight/wait   through/threw   herd/heard     your/you're    worn/warn   plane/plain     find/fined

5/12 Copy the following definitions for new unit in ELA notebook. Fold down page and write Unit 6.
 *fantasy - a imagined story
*reflexive pronoun - word that refers back to the subject of the sentence (eg. himself, themselves)
*adjective - word that describes a noun including number, color, and size
*explanatory writing - writing that provides accurate information on a topic
* opinion piece - writing that supports a point of view with reasons
*reasons - statements used to explain an opinion.
5/12 Answer the first 30 questions of R2 (reflexive pronouns) and DD3 (homophones). Study the pairs of homophones for Spelling quiz. Practice writing them in script.

5/14 Spelling/Penmanship Quiz on Friday. Religion Quiz on Monday, May 18. Study all Unit 1, 2, 3, and 4 flash cards on

Spelling words: know/no      high/hi     two/to      their/there    four/for      knows/nose   here/hear       buy/by     flew/flu      sea/see



Saturday, May 9, 2015

Study Guide for ELA Quiz on Mon., May 11th

Dear Parents,
         Second grade students will still be taking the ITBS Test this Tuesday and after Mass on Thursday those from all classes assigned to take the NYSESLAT will continue their testing.         There will be an ELA Quiz for all grades this Monday, May 11th.  Please see below and be sure to review well since the quizzes will NOT be easy! There will be a set of ten Spelling words for EACH class assigned this week that  ALL students will need to study and practice writing in script (including second grade).

*Study notes on examples of relative pronouns  (eg. who, whom) vs. reflexive pronouns (eg. himself)
*Study notes on difference between words in subjective (eg. he, they, who), objective (eg. him, them, whom), and possessive (eg. his, their, whose) case.
*Review V2, V3 (relative pronouns) and QQ1, QQ2 (multiple meaning words) on ixl. Be sure to know when to use who or whom and distinguish when a word is used as a noun or adjective (eg. fair)
*Review the theme of Robert Frost's poem "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening."  Be able to explain the meaning of the last stanza.
*Review the corrected homework returned on research on an assigned physician. Be sure to know at least ten  IMPORTANT facts about the person's life that you can use to write an essay. Return corrected homework on Monday for filing.

*Know the definition of the following words (recorded in notebook): immigrant, ancestor, detainee, steerage, deportation, systematically.
*Review OO1, OO8 (prefixes and suffixes) on ixl. Know the meaning of  prefixes pre-, mis-, re- and suffixes ment, -able, -ly.
*Be able to explain the correct sequence of steps in the immigration process.
*Be able to write a bio poem on the founding father of the US Constitution you researched. Review corrected homework. Return corrected homework on Monday for filing.

*Know the definition of the following words. Please copy into ELA notebook (if not there already):
 folktale - a fantasy story passed down to other generations
 legend-  partially made up story about a historical event
 narrative - writing that tells a story
 opinion- one's belief or point of view
 irregular verb - verb which does not use -ed to form the past tense (eg. kept)
* Review M2, M3 on (past tense of irregular verbs)
*Be able to summarize (about 5 sentences) the folktale you researched OR summarize one of the Aesop's fable we studied in class (but not "The Wind and the Sun.")  Be able also to explain the moral.
*Review the plot and moral of ALL the fables we studied in class on

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Grades for 5/4 to 4/8 CHECK FOR UPDATE!

Dear Parents,
          This week most (but not all) students will be taking the NYSESLAT which includes speaking, listening, and writing sections  and  second grade students will be taking the ITBS test.   I suggest reviewing any areas on in which you may be having most difficulty.
            This week also all classes will have an opportunity to write an explanatory essay  in class based on their research eg. Fourth will write about the contributions of their assigned physician.  Third will write about certain stops on their interactive trip to Ellis Island. Second will summarize
the folktale they read and explain the moral.

Please see below for this week's homework and keep checking during the week in case there are any changes or updates.

ELA 5/5 Answer at least  first 30 questions on EACH:  V2 and V3  on relative pronouns. Also review QQ1 and QQ2 on multiple meaning words.
Rel 5/7 Religion quiz on Fri. 5/8 on the rosary. Study textbook p. 328 (not Mysteries of the Light)
 Students should know the correct sequence of the prayers said on the rosary and know the meaning of the following words decade, shrine, apparition, procession, Apostles' Creed . COPY DEFINITIONS LISTED BELOW IN RELIGION NOTEBOOKS.Students should know the story of the St. Bernadette from Lourdes, France and the Children of Fatima from Fatima, Portugal
Be sure to be able to identify and SPELL each of the Joyful Mysteries as well as describe what is happening. Students should be able to distinguish the Joyful, Sorrowful,  and Glorious Mysteries.

ELA  5/5 Answer at least first 30 questions on EACH: OO1 and OO8 on prefixes and suffixes.
Students will need to  do research on ONE of the Founding Father of the Constitution  assigned in class.  Click on biography of the assigned person  on Students then need to look up the folowing information about the person in order to write a bio poem: 1. first name, 2. two adjectives, 3. residence, 4. important relationship, 5. one major goal or interest, 6. one challenge, 7. two works or accomplisments, 8. last name. THIS WORK IS DUE ON THURSDAY, MAY 8th- NO LATER! For a sample of a bio poem see but be sure to follow the directions for a shorter version ( eight lines ) bio poem in your ELA notebook.

Rel 5/7 Religion quiz on Fri. 5/8 on the rosary. Study textbook pp. 288-289 (not Mysteries of the Light). COPY DEFINITIONS LISTED BELOW IN RELIGION NOTEBOOKS.Students should know the correct sequence of the prayers said on the rosary and know the meaning of the following words decade, shrine, apparition, procession, Apostles' Creed. Students should know the story of the St. Bernadette from Lourdes, France and the Children of Fatima from Fatima, Portugal
Be sure to be able to identify and SPELL each of the Joyful Mysteries as well as describe what is happening. Students should be able to distinguish the Joyful, Sorrowful,  and Glorious Mysteries.

ELA  5/5 Answer at least the first 30 questions on EACH: M2 and M3 on irregular verb past tense.

Rel 5/7 Religion quiz on Fri. 5/8 on the rosary. Study textbook pp. 286 to 291.   COPY DEFINITIONS LISTED BELOW IN RELIGION NOTEBOOKS. Students should know the correct sequence of the prayers said on the rosary and know the meaning of the following words decade, shrine, apparition, procession, Apostles' Creed Students should know the story of the St. Bernadette from Lourdes, France and the Children of Fatima from Fatima, Portugal
Be sure to be able to identify and SPELL each of the Joyful Mysteries as well as describe what is happening. Students should be able to distinguish the Joyful, Sorrowful,  and Glorious Mysteries.
Handwriting 5/7 Do pp. 77, 78. 79, amd 80 NEATLY (if not done in class)

decade - a set of ten beads on a rosary
shrine - a special place to honor the Blessed Mother  which usually includes a statue, flowers, candles, holy pictures, an rosary beads
apparition- the appearance of the Blessed Mother to some chosen persons like St. Bernadette from Lourdes, France and the Children of Fatima from Fatima, Portugal
procession - a speciall walk for religious reasons such as the May Procession to say the rosary
Apostles' Creed - prayer which tells what the apostles believed.  It is recited on the crucifix to begin the rosary.  The Glory Be prayer is recited only after each set of Hail Mary's.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Notices for Monday, May 4th

Dear Parents,
         Please be aware that the ELA quiz scheduled for last Friday will be given this Monday, May 4th and the Religion quiz on the rosary will be on Friday, May 8th. Below I have again listed the study guide for each grade.  Please make sure all students review well since this is last quarter and final chance to do your best!
ELA - Review TT3  and TT4 on Greek and Latin roots on ixl.  Study the figures of speech definitions and examples  on
STUDY the definitions  in the notebook copied from the blog.
Review finding the rhyme scheme, different figures of speech, the central message or theme, and how the poem reveals feelings we all have in common in each of the poems below that we studied in class: "Dreams" by Langston Hughes, "Humanity" by Elma Stuckey "On the Way to School" by Charles Ghigna. Hopefully you were paying close attention in class all week!  You will need to write about this!

ELA - Review OO4 and OO7 on use of suffixes on ixl 

STUDY the definitions in the notebook copied from the blog.
Review about Ellis Island on You will need to answer questions and write about what happened.

ELA - Review E2  (regular plural nouns) and F2  (irregular plural nouns) on ixl.
STUDY the definitions in the notebook copied from the blog.

On click on START. Then go through the list of all the Aesop's fable we studied in class and review the stories and especially the morals (Yes-as we did in class twice!).
**Study also the notes in your ELA nootebook on how to write a narrative about a fable.  Review the model essay and apply it to the last fable we studied: "The Wind and the Sun."
                                                                                         Good  luck to ALL GRADES!