Saturday, May 23, 2015

Notices for May 26th regarding upcoming quizzes

Dear Parents,
         Please remember to send back the Progress Reports signed on Tuesday! The May Procession is on Friday, May 29th and all need to bring rosary beads.  ONLY the students who received First Communion this year should come dressed in their communion clothing and bring their uniform in a bag to change afterward.
         Below is a study guide for the ELA quiz that will be given on Tuesday, May 25th. Those attending the trip will be given the quiz on the following day.

*Study the definitions for medieval, knight, page, chivalry, dub  copied in ELA  notebook.
*Review shades of meaning  in words on OO1 &OO2 on
*Review the theme of poem "Dust of Snow" by Robert Frost.
*Be abl to describe the heroism demonstrated by St. George, the Martyr  on
 h2ttps://    and for St.  Joan of Arc on  (scroll down)
*Review notes in ELA notebook based on video on what makes a hero on

*Study the definitions for fable, folktale, legend, mythology copied in ELA notebook.
*Review spelling rules for regular past tense on J2 & J3 on
*Review the poem "A Bird Came Down the Walk" by Emily Dickinson and meaning of the last two stanzas on
*Review the poem "Adventures of Isabel" by Ogden Nash. Be able to identify the rhyme scheme, examples of alliteration, example of poetic licence. Be able ALSO to explain the theme of this poem. See 

*Study definitions for nutrients, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, vitamins in ELA notebook
*Review examples of dairy products and grains listed in the definitions.
*Review using adjectives/adverbs in V1 and V2 on
*Review the poem "Sick" by Shel Silverstein on   Be able to describe the rhyme scheme (using letters),
and give example of a simile (comparison using like or as), and  examples of alliteration    ( words with same beginning sound).  Be able to explain the poem's theme or central message.


For our final project this year, each grade will be working on the following which you might like to look over before next week.

Fourth - You may begin to research a HEROIC historical person and list when and where this person live, some interesting facts, and why he or she is considered a hero or heroine.

THIRD- You have already been assigned a chapter to read from  After reading the chapter, on blank paper students need to write the name of the chapter on top, create an illustration describing the events, write six sentences below the illustration summarizing the chapter, and  writing their name at the bottom of the page. Use the Somebody- Wanted- But- So- strategy to summarize the chapter.

SECOND - You need to research ONE of the major body systems on
Be sure to click "How the Body Works"  and then on the PICTURE of the brain, muscle, stomach, bones, heart, OR lungs and finally on ARTICLE to read about the one system you want to research.