Monday, December 14, 2015

Notices and Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Dec. 14 to 18th

Dear Parents,
        Tomorrow  on Tuesday there will an assemby at 9:00 in which each class will have a turn singing a Christmas carol.  Each student should be dressed in any combination of red, green or white clothes (but not jeans).  This week ALL classes will be finishing their book report projects!  Each section will be graded and listed on the SIS over the Christmas vacation.  ANY STUDENT  FROM 2ND, 3RD, OR 4TH WHO HAS NOT BROUGHT IN THEIR $.50 FOR THEIR REPORT COVER  NEEDS TO BRING IT IN BY THIS WED.  Third grade students need to bring in strong medium size plastic or fabric bags to pack up their books which will be stored away on Thursday for vacation. Let students know which books you want them to take home by then.  On Friday all classes will have Lessons and Carols and Benediction in Church in the morning and will be having a party in the afternoon since we have  a full day of school.  I will be ordering pizza for third grade.  Please have you child bring in $3.00 and bring in their own small juice containers.  Students may also bring in any snacks, cookies, or Christmas candy they wish to share but not more than one bag.  There will not be any quizzes this week.  There will however be Vacation Homework because unfortunately January Mid-term exams await us upon our return. Also please rermember that THIRD and FOURTH GRADERS will be taking the Religion Archdiocesan Exam this year in January as well as in June.

Please see below your grade  for this week's homework:

12/15 In your Religion notebook NEATLY write the word and definition of the following terms from the glossary in the back of your Religion book. Begin with Aim: To review vocabulary for Religion Archdiocesan Mid-term Exam
absolution, conscience, commandment, communion of saints, temptation, Beatitudes, covenant,  Corporal Works of Mercy, Spiritual Works of Mercy
Also study on p. 328 how to pray the rosary for an assessment on Wednesday.

12/17 Study the five Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary and what each means on  Review ALL vocabulary definitions you copied for homework as well as those  8 given in class.

12/15 In your Religion notebook NEATLY write the word and definition of the following terms from the glossary in the back of your Religion book. Begin with Aim: To review vocabulary for Religion Archdiocesan Mid-term Exam
Assumption, deacon, pastor, bishop, pope, disciple,  lay people  STUDY!

To review the meaning of the Jesse tree symbols, you may look at a quick summary on:

12/17 Review ALL vocabulary definitions you copied for homework as well as those  8 given in class. STUDY!

12/15 Review all Unit 1 and Unit 2 flash card words printed out from for an assessment on Thursday.