Dear Parents,
This is a reminder that the ELA Mid term is scheduled for Jan. 20 and Religion Mid term for Jan. 21. The ElA Exam will consist of two sections: the first on Module 1 and the second on Model 2. EACH section will have 10 questions on vocabulary, 5 in Grammar, and an essay based on a reading passage. The second grade will do the same for Domain 1 and Domain 2. I am sending home all quizzes to be reviewed thoroughly. I RETURNED ALL THE QUIZZES THAT WERE RETURNED TO ME. IF TESTS WERE LOST OR IF STUDENT WAS ABSENT FOR A CERTAIN QUIZ, THEY MUST STUDY WITH A CLASSMATE OR MAKE A COPY OF THE QUIZ.
1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3. I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study sheet of Religion notes labeled "Review for Archdiocesan Exam" (both sides). I will be giving assessments based on this work. Leave the other two sheets for later.
1/14 REL- MEMORIZE the five Luminous Mysteries and the five Joyful Mysteries and be able to explain what happens in each. You will need to see Click on the first mystery in each set ( words in red) to see a description of each. On looseleaf write a heading. Then copy each of the Luminous and each of the Joyful and write three sentences after each explaining what is happening in that mystery.
ELA - Study notes on Oral Traditions, sheet on The Keeping Quilt, and notes on how to write a research-based narrative.
1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3. I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study 3 sheets of Religion notes labeled "3rd Grade Religion Midterm Review" (both sides of each). I will be giving assessments based on this work.
1/14 REL - Review the notes on the three parables: "The Mustard Seed," "The Sower of Seeds," and "The Good Samaritan." Be ready to write a summary of each one.
ELA - Study notes on My Librarian Is a Camel.
1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3. I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Review all flash card words for Units 1 and 2 on MANY STUDENTS RECEIVED POOR GRADES ON THE LAST ASSESSMENT! Students will be given another assessment this week on the same words.
1/14 REL - STUDY each of the Ten Commandments on p. 111 and the Act of Contrition on p. 139. You should know each commandment by its number.
ELA - Practice how to write a letter with all five letter parts in their correct places.
*Please check back for Thursday's homework