Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework for 2nd, 3rd, & 4th for Jan. 11 to 15

Dear Parents,
          This is a reminder that the ELA  Mid term is scheduled for Jan. 20 and Religion Mid term for Jan. 21.  The ElA Exam will consist of two sections: the first on Module 1 and  the second on Model 2.  EACH section will have 10 questions on vocabulary, 5 in Grammar, and an essay based on a reading passage. The second grade will do the same for Domain 1 and Domain 2. I am sending home all  quizzes to be reviewed thoroughly. I  RETURNED  ALL THE QUIZZES THAT WERE RETURNED TO ME. IF TESTS WERE LOST OR IF STUDENT WAS ABSENT FOR A CERTAIN QUIZ, THEY MUST STUDY WITH  A CLASSMATE OR  MAKE A COPY OF THE QUIZ.

1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study sheet of Religion notes labeled  "Review for Archdiocesan Exam" (both sides). I will be giving assessments based on this work. Leave the other two sheets for later.

1/14 REL- MEMORIZE the five Luminous Mysteries and the five  Joyful Mysteries  and be able to explain what happens in each. You will need to see  http://www.catholic.org/prayers/mystery.php?id=4#1. Click on the first mystery in each set ( words in red)  to see a description of  each.  On looseleaf  write a heading. Then copy each  of the Luminous and each of the Joyful and write three sentences after each explaining what is happening in that mystery.
ELA - Study notes on Oral Traditions, sheet on The Keeping Quilt, and  notes on how to write a research-based narrative.                                                                          

1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Study  3 sheets of Religion notes labeled  "3rd Grade Religion Midterm Review" (both sides of each). I will be giving assessments based on this work.

1/14 REL - Review the  notes on the three parables: "The Mustard Seed," "The Sower of Seeds," and "The Good Samaritan."  Be ready to write a summary of each one.
ELA - Study notes on My Librarian Is a Camel.


1/12 ELA-Study all 20 vocabulary definitions in ELA notebook and all ELA quizzes 10-8, 10-15, 10-22, 10-29, 11-13, and 12-3.   I will be giving assessments based on this work.
REL- Review all flash card words for Units 1 and 2 on www.sadlierreligion.com.  MANY STUDENTS RECEIVED POOR GRADES ON THE LAST ASSESSMENT! Students will be given another assessment this week on the same words.

1/14 REL - STUDY each of the Ten Commandments on p. 111 and the Act of Contrition on p. 139. You should know each commandment by its number.
ELA - Practice how to write a letter with all five letter parts in their correct places.

*Please check back for Thursday's homework