Monday, September 19, 2016

Classwork for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th for Sept. 23

Dear Teachers,
         Below is the classwork for each grade for this Friday.  Whatever is not finished in class should be completed for homework.  Please have all students keep their classwork in their homework folder so I can collect it on Monday. Students should also keep Thursday's homework in the folder to hand in on Monday. Also please remind students to pack their Religion workbooks and notebooks to study for the Religion quiz on Monday!

Grammar Workbook:  On looseleaf write heading.  Study the top of p. 8 Complete p. 9 section B # 1 to 12.  Write punctuation mark and name of type of sentence for each.  Follow directions.

Religion: On looseleaf write heading. Answer p. 28. Write word with definition. DO NOT WRITE IN WORKBOOK.

Grammar Workbook:  On looseleaf write heading.  Study the top of p. 28 Complete #1 to 7 and on p. 31 #1 to 6.  Follow directions.  

Religion:  On looseleaf write heading.  Answer p. 28.  Write the words using the code.  Look up and study the definition for each word.     DO NOT WRITE IN WORKBOOK.

 Answer Voyages Workbook: pp. 9 and 10 on ONE  looseleaf. Begin with a heading.  Write each sentence beginning with a capital and ending with a period.  Follow directions in the book.  DO NOT WRITE IN THIS WORKBOOK!

No Religion due to Gym period!