Sunday, May 26, 2019

Homework for May 27 to 31

Dear Parents,
         This week there will be a Grammar Quiz on Wed.  There is Mass on Ascension Thursday.
 Remember gym on Tuesday!  Progress Reports will be going home on Friday. These must be signed and returned. After checking the signature they will be sent back home.

Click on link to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for Tues., May 28
Math-  Do workbook pp.  33 and 34.  Follow the directions.
Grammar- Study Voyages pp. 150 to 165 for quiz on Wed. or Thurs. Study synonyms, antonyms, word categories, and context clues.
***The following seven test papers are to be signed and returned by Thursday:  Reading, Writing, Math, Grammar, Religion, Social Studies, and Science.

Homework for Wed., May 29
Math-  Do workbook pp. 37, 38 and 41, 42. Yes--four pages tonight only.  We need to catch up!
Grammar- Review Voyages pp. 150 to 165 for quiz.

Homework for Thurs., May 30
Math- Do workbook pp. 47 and 48.  For p. 48 look at top right for a sample on how to do the number bond and two number sentences for each!
Phonics - Do workbook pp. 85, 86, 87, 88.  Easy!
***Yes, you may review Grammar ONE MORE TIME!!!????
***I will collect the test papers tomorrow if they have not yet been collected.

Homework for Fri., May 31
Math- Do workbook pp. 51 and 52.  Be sure to read and follow directions on p. 52.
***Next week there will be a Religion Quiz on Chapters 15 and 16.
 ***There will also be a Social Studies on text pp. 202 to 207 and pp. 210 to 212.
*** There will also be a Science Quiz on text pp. D 22 to D 31 and D 34 and D 35.
***Parent please sign progress report and send it in on Monday.  You will get it right back.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Homework for May 20 to 24

Dear Parents,
          This Monday we have 12:00 dismissal.  On Wed. all first graders will be taking the MAP Test in Reading.  On Friday there will be NO SCHOOL!

Please click here to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for Mon., May 20
Math- Do workbook pp. 21 and 22.  For more DRAW more squares as needed. For less CROSS off squares as needed.
Phonics - Do green workbook pp. 79 and 80.

Homework for Tues,. May 21
Math - Do workbook pp. 29 and 30.  SKIP LESSON  6.
Religion- Review Rosary sheet (both sides) for quiz tomorrow!
***MAP TEST in Reading tomorrow.

Homework for Wed., May 22
No Math homework tonight!
Phonics- Do workbook pp. 81 and 82.
Science- On loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer two questions on p. D 25 in complete sentences.
***Wear uniform tomorrow!

Homework for Thurs. and Fri., May 23 and 24
Math - Do workbook pp. 25 and 26. This is for Lesson 6--the one you skipped!
Social Studies- On loose leaf  write a full heading.  Answer in text p. 211 questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 in complete sentences.
Phonics- Answer pp. 83 and 84.
***No school now till Tues.  Have a good weekend!
***On Tuesday I will be sending home seven test papers to be signed and returned by Thursday. These are Reading, Writing, Math, Grammar, Religion, Social Studies, and Science.  Progress Reports will be going home on Friday.  These must be signed and returned also. After checking the signature they will be sent back home. Remember gym on Tuesday!

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Homework for May 13 to 17

Dear Parents,
         On Monday we will be having the May Procession at 10:00 so please have your children bring their rosary beads.  All students must be in school uniform.  The MAP Math test will be at 8:30 Wednesday morning. There will also be a Social Studies Quiz and a Religion Quiz on the rosary and mysteries of the rosary this week.

Click here to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for May 13
Math-  Do workbook pp. 3 and 4 of Module 6.  Read directions. Follow the sample on the top right.
Be sure to sure all exit tickets 7 to 13 in your folder before the MAP test on Wed.  End of the Module 5 test will be on Thursday.
Social Studies- Study text pp. 184 to 203 for quiz Wednesday.  Be sure to know the month each holiday is celebrated. Study pp. 196-197 for the writing part.

Homework for May 14
Math- Do workbook pp. 11 and 12. SKIP LESSON 2. WE WILL DO IT LATER!!!!
Work on Math on Edgenuity. Review Exit tickets in your folder.  MAP MATH TEST TOMORROW.
Social Studies- Study text pp. 184 to 203 for quiz TOMORROW.  Be sure to know the month each holiday is celebrated. Study pp. 196-197 for the writing part.

Homework for May 15
Math- Do workbook pp. 17 and 18 for Lesson 4.  Review exit tickets and corrected workbook homework pages for Module 5 for test tomorrow.
ELA- Review vocabulary definitions in notebook for Hunter's Money Jar.  Be able to explain what two things Hunter did when he found out that he didn't have enough money to buy what he wanted.

Homework for May 16
No Math homework tonight!
Phonics- Do pp. 76, 77, and 78. Be sure to follow directions!
ELA- For Writing Test tomorrow  you will need to think about a choice you made to save OR spend money and be able to explain what you chose to do using at least four sentences.

Homework for May 17
Math- Do workbook pp. 7 and 8 from Lesson 2 which we skipped. Follow sample in top right corner.
Religion - Quiz on Monday on the rosary.  Study both sides of the sheet I gave you. You should know the order of the prayers on the rosary and the group in which each of the mysteries belongs (skip the luminous mysteries).
The MAP test is Reading is scheduled for next Wed.  You should practice Reading on Edgenuity (BUT MAKE SURE STUDENT DOES IT BY HIMSELF--ONLY EXPLAIN AFTER THE CHILD HAS ANSWERED).  Since MAP website is not working at the present time, I suggest you review certain pages in Voyages to practice language skills.  Following is a list of the more important pages:
pp. 26, 27, 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 66, 86, 87, 88, 103, 118, 123, 124, 148, 154, 159, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 182.  Good luck!
***Dismissal on Monday is at 12:00 and school is closed on Friday, May 24 and Monday, May 27!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Homework for May 6 to 10

Dear Parents,
          Just a reminder that this Tuesday there will be Grammar Quiz on the contractions but the Selection Test on Hunter's Money Jar will me next week. All students need to bring in their rosary beads this week. On Thursday at 11:00 first graders will do their musical number at Muffins for Mom in the auditorium.
Click on the link to view this week's lesson plan

Homework for May 6
Math- Do workbook pp. 39 and 40. Follow directions.
ELA- Study Voyages pp. 145 to 148 review work on contractions for quiz tomorrow.
***Please sign each test and return them all CLIPPED by Wed:  1 Reading, 1 Grammar, 1 Religion, 2 Math, and 2 Phonics.
Homework for May 7
Math-  Do workbook pp. 45 and 46.  Read and follow ALL directions!
Social Studies-  On loose leaf write a full heading.  Answer all four questions on p. 189 in complete sentences.
***Bring in all tests signed tomorrow.

Homework for May 8
Math- Do workbook pp. 49 and 50.
Science - Study pp. D 4 to D 21 for Science Quiz on Friday.
***Wear dress up clothes tomorrow for your musical performance.  See Ms. Alma' blog. Muffins for Mom is scheduled for 11:00 for first grade.

Homework for May 9
Math- Do workbook pp. 53 and 54.  Read and follow ALL directions!
Science- Review pp. D 4 to D 21 for Science quiz tomorrow.
Religion- Study the front and back of the Rosary sheet for quiz next week. Study how to say the rosary (correct order of the prayers).  Be sure that you recognize which is a joyful mystery, a sorrowful mystery, a glorious mystery.  I will NOT ask you about the luminous mysteries.
***Click on each of the following links and review the different mysteries for quiz next week!
To view them better, click on "View image" or on keyboard press ctrl and + at same time.

Joyful Mysteries     Sorrowful Mysteries    Glorious Mysteries         

***There are not more copies so please take care of the Religion sheet or make an extra one!

Homework for May 10
Math- Do workbook pp. 57 and 58.  For d and h on p. 58 write answer in words.
Social Studies- Study text pp. 184 to 203 for quiz next Tuesday.  Be sure to know the month each holiday is celebrated. Study pp. 196-197 for the writing part.
MAP Math Test is scheduled for next Wed. morning. Please practice Math skills on Edgenuity this weekend.     Religion Quiz will not be given till Friday.
***Monday is the May Procession.  Make sure you have your rosary beads!!!!