Dear Parents,
This week there will be a Grammar Quiz on Wed. There is Mass on Ascension Thursday.
Remember gym on Tuesday! Progress Reports will be going home on Friday. These must be signed and returned. After checking the signature they will be sent back home.
Click on link to view this week's lesson plan
Homework for Tues., May 28
Math- Do workbook pp. 33 and 34. Follow the directions.
Grammar- Study Voyages pp. 150 to 165 for quiz on Wed. or Thurs. Study synonyms, antonyms, word categories, and context clues.
***The following seven test papers are to be signed and returned by Thursday: Reading, Writing, Math, Grammar, Religion, Social Studies, and Science.
Homework for Wed., May 29
Math- Do workbook pp. 37, 38 and 41, 42. Yes--four pages tonight only. We need to catch up!
Grammar- Review Voyages pp. 150 to 165 for quiz.
Homework for Thurs., May 30
Math- Do workbook pp. 47 and 48. For p. 48 look at top right for a sample on how to do the number bond and two number sentences for each!
Phonics - Do workbook pp. 85, 86, 87, 88. Easy!
***Yes, you may review Grammar ONE MORE TIME!!!????
***I will collect the test papers tomorrow if they have not yet been collected.
Homework for Fri., May 31
Math- Do workbook pp. 51 and 52. Be sure to read and follow directions on p. 52.
***Next week there will be a Religion Quiz on Chapters 15 and 16.
***There will also be a Social Studies on text pp. 202 to 207 and pp. 210 to 212.
*** There will also be a Science Quiz on text pp. D 22 to D 31 and D 34 and D 35.
***Parent please sign progress report and send it in on Monday. You will get it right back.