Dear Parents,
Please remember to send in the Progress Report (with the MAP score sheets attached) signed on Monday. Hopefully, you were able to check your child's progress this year by following the line from Fall '18 to Winter '19 to Spring '19 and noting the points of growth since they started in Sept. One sheet is for Math and the other is for Reading.
This week I will be giving a Science Quiz on Tues., a Social Studies Quiz on Wed., and a Religion Quiz on Thurs. THERE IS SCHOOL ON FRIDAY BUT DISMISSAL IS AT 12:00!!! This is to make up for the Snow Day!!!! You may begin reviewing the TWO books we are studying in class on the Pearson web site which are Good and Services and Supermarket. You must click on Text Collection (unit 3) to find Supermarket which is the second story. There will be a test on Goods and Services on Friday.
The following week there will another Grammar Quiz, a final Math test, and the test on Supermarket.
Smile! Summer vacation is almost here!
Click on this link to view this week's lesson plan
Homework for June 3
Math - Do workbook pp. 55 and 56. Look at previous two pages as a guide. First page should have the TWO number sentences and the second page should have the THREE number sentences.
Science- Review for quiz tomorrow text pp. D 22 to D 31 and D 34 and D 35.
ELA- Copy the following title and definitions on your next notebook page. Due Thurs. STUDY!
Vocabulary for Goods and Services
1. goods- things, products
2. services- work done for others
3. wants- wishes, desires
4. needs- things one must have
5. collects- gathers
6. earn- to make money by working
7. taxes- fees collected by the government to pay for places and services we all use
8. consumers- buyers
9. producers- sellers
10. opinion - writing that express what one thinks or feels
Homework for June 4
Math- Do workbook pp. 59 and 60. SHOW YOUR WORK WITH NUMBER SENTENCES. Break down one addend and begin your two number sentences using the other addend. Study all 14 corrected exit tickets for the Mid-Module Assessment to be given on Thurs.
Social Studies- Study text pp. 202 to 207 and pp. 210 to 212 for quiz tomorrow.
Homework for June 5
Math- Do workbook pp. 63 and 64. Use previous two pages as a guide. Review fourteen corrected exit tickets for Mid Module Test tomorrow.
Religion- Review Chapters 15 and 16 for quiz tomorrow. Be able to identify people present at Baptism, the two symbols, and what happens at Baptism.
***Only students who received a green NUT card (stands for No Uniform Tomorrow) are allowed to wear dress down clothes tomorrow. If you received No card, you MUST wear your uniform. On Friday ALL students must wear their uniform even if it is a half-day!
Homework for June 6
Math- Do workbook pp. 67 and 68. Use previous two pages as a guide.
ELA- Study vocabulary for Goods and Services (in notebook) for test tomorrow. Read over the book on Pearson website.
***Dismissal is at 12:00 tomorrow. If you are absent please check the blog by Friday afternoon to see Friday's homework and upcoming tests for next week. You can pick up books before dismissal.
*****IMPORTANT: Starting today lunch for first grade has been changed to 12:45 every day. Since lunch is so late, I will allow all children to have a snack around 11:00. Please make sure that your child brings a snack every day that is SEPARATE from their lunch. This may be a snack bag of nuts, fruit, a small bag of chips, popcorn, an apple, banana. or a granola bar. It CANNOT be a lunch, sandwich, or anything MESSY. Only a simple snack will be allowed!!!!
Homework for June 7
***In order to complete the Math book by the end of the school year, I am skipping Lessons 17, 18, and `19 since they are just repeating the same type of examples over and over for practice. We did Lesson 20 today on money so please do the homework pages for Lesson 20.
Math- Do workbook pp. 81 and 82. Use previous two pages as a guide.
ELA- Copy the following title and definitions on your next notebook page. Study for an assessment.
Vocabulary for Supermarket
1. supermarket- large grocery story
2. necessary- important, needed
3. shoppers- buyers, consumers
4. decisions- choices, selections
5. inventory- stock, number of each type of goods in a store
6. spoiled- decayed, rotten
7. average- usual, normal
8. celebrate- honor
****Next week, there will be a Grammar Test on Voyages pp. 166 to 182 covering prefixes, suffixes, and homophones. There will also be a final Math End of Module 6 Test and a Reading test on the book Supermarket. The vocabulary for this book is listed above and the book can be found on the Pearson website if you click on Text Collection (Unit 3).There may also be a final Unit 3 Reading and Writing Test. That's it ---the end of testing this year! Smile--at least they are not taking final exams like the older students! There will be NO school next Friday! Please remember to send in a separate snack for your child every day next week since lunch is now at 12:45. Thank you.